1、掌握写作规范技巧一、写对格式:不同文体要求规范二、写好三部分:开头、中间、结尾三、规范三写:大小写; 拼写和书 写 规范达标四、突破四关:要点全面、语言无误 、表达清楚、行文连贯。一、文体书面表达的体裁有四种: 应用文 (practical writing) 说明文 (expository writing) 记叙文(narrative essays)4. 论说文 (persuasive / argumentative essays)1. 应用文(practical writing)应用文包括书信、日记、便条、 通知、讲演稿、履历表等。通常应 用文都较简短,它有自己的固定格 式,有些应用文连措辞
2、都是相对固 定的,如:欠条、请柬等。应用文 重在应用、力求平实、准确简洁。应用文范文May I have attention, please? I have announcement to make. The Students Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building. It will begi
3、n at 7:30 pm. There will be music, dancing,singing, games and exchanging of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose ? Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes. Dont forget :7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. Theres su
4、re to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.2. 说明文 (expository writing)说明文是用说明的方法以简明的文字 介绍事物的形状、性质、构造、变化、成 因、结果、功用、特征的文章。写好说明文要抓事物特征,安排好合理的 说明顺序:1)时间 2)空间 3) 逻辑 4) 认识 总体结构:提出对象、 分析说明、归纳小结写说明文要求你作到:1) 条理清楚2) 层次分明3) 语言简洁4) 用词准确5) 具有严格的科学性说明文范文:The World Trade Organization (WTO), founded on January 1,
5、1995, aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible, making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled. In the five years since its founding, the WTO has become well- known as one of the worlds most powerful economic organizations, taking its
6、place alongside the World Bank and international Monetary Fund.The WTO, with its head office in Geneva, has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.3. 记叙文 ( narrative essays )记叙文即“故事”:他人的故事或 自己的故事。故事最显著的特点是 它有情节,而故事的情节由故事的 起因、发展、高潮、结局组成。内 容包括写作角度及目的、来龙去脉 、关键情节等;交代清楚人物、时 间、地点、事件等。写记叙文要求你做到:1)按事件发生的先
7、后顺序叙述具体完整;2)记叙文大多按时间顺序叙述;也有倒叙 或穿插手法;3)要重点突出,内容完整,条理清楚,详 略得当;主次分明;4)记叙文一般记述过去发生的事,多用过 去时态写。记叙文范文 :Mrs Myra Webb, who was told by doctors that she would never hear again, lived for six years in a world of silence.But yesterday she heard a blackbird sing in the garden of her home at Brighton, Sussex. “
8、My hearing is coming back - and its wonderful.”she said.Mrs Webb, 26, is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture, the needle treatment widely practiced in China. After six months treatment she can listen to music again, carry on a conversation with the a
9、id of a hearing aid, and she has got a job as a typist with the South Eastern Electricity Board.4. 议论文 (persuasive / argumentative essays)提出论点并给出论据支撑、表明观点。(1)引论 (2)本论 (3)结论议论文范文:Stop Wasting Food 不要浪费食物Some peoples eyes are bigger than their stomachs.China, and its people, can now enjoy the results
10、of sacrifices made over past decades. Good food, comfort, and beauty are well-deserved rewards. However, we all need to do our little bit to ensure we are not living on natural resources borrowed from Mother Nature. Eventually we must repay the debt. In the even more wasteful west, we call it “Robbi
11、ng Peter to pay Paul.”My mother often said “waste not, want not.” It is still very good advice.二、文法基本知识1。结构完整(句子、篇章) 2。主题突出(支撑句)3。语言连贯、文字流畅4。表达准确、达意 5。文体规范1对书面表达充满畏难情绪,哪怕是表达最普通的思想意思, 也觉得困难重重,甚至束手无策,习作质量较低,缺乏积极主 动性。平时每碰上书面表达练习,只要不是硬性规定完成,绝 大多数学生都会将其束之高阁,考试非做不可时就把它作为汉 译英来对待。 2基本功训练不扎实,句子段落之间不会用连接词过渡、用
12、词 造句不会多样化、不习惯使用修饰语、缺乏遣词造句、布局谋 篇的能力。结果造成整篇作文的前后常常缺少必要的衔接关系 词,词不达意,语义更不连贯,因而无法组成能表达自己真正 意思的语篇。 针对这些问题,我采用不同的方式从多方面帮助学生克服畏难 情绪,逐步提高书面表达的兴趣和能力。学生在书面表达普遍存在以下问题:一、从头抓起,循序渐进 二、掌握写作技能,知道该 怎样动手。 三、多读、多背好文章。 四、掌握科学的写作步骤, 是写出高质量的英语习 作的必要条件。 及时讲评初一阶段,老师应重视并逐步地指 导学生掌握简单句的结构,特别应 提醒他们在初学时应记住把“地点 、时间”放在句头或句尾等英语式 句子
13、,避免中式英语。另外,时态 是英语写作的关键,在一开始的写 作训练中,教师就要有意识地训练 他们的时间观念,使学生一动笔时 就考虑动词的时态,做到心中有数 。 进入初二,教材中的对话、课文的篇 幅已经较长,内容也较广。在这一阶 段应培养学生比较两种语言的差异, 能使学生更理性地学习英语、掌握英 语表达法。在这一阶段,已学了一般 将来时、一般过去时和过去进行时, 要注重训练学生在写作时选择哪种时 态。并逐步地从简单句、并列句转移 到包含状语从句的复合句。可先从连 词成句到翻译句子,再到片段作文等 。 在初三阶段,每学一篇课文以后,利用连词、 关键词的提示,要求学生进行缩写课文的训练 。加强培养学
14、生用复合句叙述事件。教师可以 给出范文。教师的范文不仅要在格式、内容要 点、语法修辞与语言习惯上给学生树立样板, 而且要考虑到英语的多种表达方法。学生在构 思与写作之后,如能及时听到一篇比较规范的 作文,比较一下自己的作业,可初步衡量出自 己的写作的准确度,找出差距,及时查出作业 中的毛病。同时要加强课外阅读训练,在课后 经常让学生读一些同等或略高于同等水平的材 料或者名著的简写本等,这对提高写作水平有 相当大的帮助。高中阶段,则应全面具体的 提高学生运用所学知识写好 各类文体作文,它要求学生 有扎实的语言基本功,具备 一定的审题能力、想象能力 、表达能力、评价能力等。词汇,句型 , 语法多样
15、化1.覆盖了所有的要点2. 应用了较多的语法结构 和词汇3. 有效地使用了语句间的 连接成分,使全文结构紧凑要 点 全连 接 词如何算是一篇好文章?如何算是一篇好文章?1.(因为)_ his help, I finished the work at last.Thanks toAs a result ofOwing to Due to 因为Because of /with2.More roads will have to be built with more cars, _(所以)well have less field to grow rice. thereforeso as a resul
16、t/consequence thus 结果3.The rent is reasonable, _, the location is perfect. 房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。whats moremoreover/furthermorein addition besides 另外( 递进 )4. The young man didnt enjoy his old job. _(相反 ) he finds the new job very interesting.On the contrary,However,转折But/yet/while5. _(总之), we should make good use of computer.In generalIn a word/all in all 总结In sh