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1、成人高等教育毕业设计(论文)题 目用 LOGO 配合 PLC 增强 供水控制的可靠性 学 院 自动化学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 年 级 专升本(xxxx) 姓 名 xx 指导教师 xx (20xxx 年 5 月)xxx 工业大学继续教育学院制II用 LOGO 配合 PLC 增强供水控制的可靠性摘要本文对我厂供水系统的常见故障进行了分析,故障主要来源于控制水泵机组的高压真空开关和液压控制阀门两大部分。真空开关故障会造成电机不能启动而无法抽水,水泵的控制阀门故障又会造成无法正常供水。为此,本人提出了用 LOGO 对真空开关和液控阀门进行编程改造,其中核心为在真空开关上进行了“三选二”的信号模

2、式和在液控阀上增加了压力传感器控制,并对中控PLC 进行了论述。通过论述其原理及改造过程,反映出这次改造的成果,并论证了这次改造的可行性及可靠性,具有一定的实用价值和推广意义。我在一家自来水厂的远程取水点(分厂)工作,工厂运行约 10 年,设备已进入了故障多发期,而传统的继电控制线路由于长期频繁开停工作,已经常出现触头烧坏或接线不良现象,但大家也知到供水是不能停下来的,为了减小控制系统中的连接导线和机械触点的运行,提高控制的可靠性。采用可编程序控制器已成为首先,为了既能节约成本和减小工作量,又能实现可靠控制的目的,为此,本次改造采用了廉价的西门子 LOGO 配合原有的 S300 系列 PLC,

3、在不增加信号电缆的低成本和少工作量的基础下,完成水泵程序可靠控制的全过程。目前,采用可编程序控制器不但工作可靠,而且还能节约导线材料(铜材) ,可称得上是环保的控制方式。关健词:供水控制,LOGO,PLC,可靠性IIIAbstractAuthor:xxxxxTutor:xxxxxxIn this article, I plant the common water supply system failure analysis, High- pressure water pump control problems mainly from the vacuum switch and hydrauli

4、c control valves in two parts. Vacuum switch failure may cause the motor does not start, can not pump water, pump control valve failure will prevent this water supply. To this end, I propose that the use of LOGO on the vacuum switch and the hydraulic control valve reconstruction program, which the c

5、ore is in a vacuum switch on the “ three selected two “ signal mode and the hydraulic control valve increases the pressure sensor control and are discussed in the PLC control. The principle and by discussing the transformation process, reflecting the outcome of this transformation and demonstrates t

6、he feasibility and reliability of this transformation, has some practical value and popularization. I have a water plant intake point (branch) of the work, the factory about 10 years of operation, the device has entered a period of multiple failures, The traditional relay control device to open freq

7、uently stopped due to the long work of burned out or have frequent contact wiring negative phenomena,But we also know that water can not be stopped, in order to reduce the control system wiring and mechanical contact of the operation, improve the reliability of control,Programmable process controlle

8、r has become the first, in order to both save costs and reduce the workload, but also aim to achieve reliable control, The transformation of this cheap Siemens LOGO used with the original S300 series PLC, the signal cable at no additional cost and less workload basis, Reliable control of pump progra

9、m the whole process. Currently, the use of programmable process controller not only reliable but also saves wire material (copper), can be regarded as environmentally friendly control method. Key words: Water supply Control,LOGO,PLC,ReliabilityIV目录1绪论11.1可编程控制器的发展过程和趋势 11.2用可编程控制器控制水泵的意义 31.3本文在组织结构上的安排 42原供水控制系统52.1液压控制阀门 52.1.1液压系统分析52.1.2液控阀电气分析72.2真空断路器 102.2.1概述102.2.2结构122.2.3真空断路器内部接线原理132.3泵站中央控制系统 132.3.1泵站监控系统简述132.3.2泵站机组监视与控制152.3.3报警213根据缺陷提出新控制构思233.1原控制缺陷 233.1.1液控阀存在缺陷233.1.2真空断路器存在缺陷233.2新控制方案 243.2.1液控阀新控制方案243.2.2真空断路器新控制方案244用 LOGO 实现新控制要求



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