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1、Module 2 unit 3 Language in use 学习目标: 1. 复习M2单词,词组 2. 写一篇作文,介绍自己最喜欢的书。 Task 1: Listening: Charles Dickens. What do we learn about Charles Dickens. 1. He is a great writer. He was born in _in _. 2. He wrote many films and plays, like Oliver Twist,a _ _. Great Expectations was a _ _. 3. Dickens first

2、job was in a _when he was 12. 4. He married Catherine Hogarth and they have a big _. He died in _ 1812Londonfactoryfamilymusical play wonderful film1870Task 2: Read the new words: great 伟大的 influence 影响 play 戏剧 poem 诗歌 respect 尊敬 story 故事 thinker 思想家 thought 思想 wise 睿智的 writer 作家 behaviour n. 行为 cav

3、e n. 洞穴 freedom n.自由 funeral n.葬礼outside adj.外来的 outsider n.外来人 social adj.社会的 theme n.主题 treasure n. 财宝,宝藏 clever adj. 聪明的 run away 潜逃,逃跑 dead adj.死的 for a time 暂时,一度 pleased adj.高兴地 alive adj.活着的 grow up 长大 talk about 谈论 southern adj.南方的 重点词汇: 1. 据我所知 as far as I know 2. 据我记得 as far as I remember

4、3. 考虑做某事 think about doing sth. 4. 不再 not any more 5. 听起来像 sound like 6. 继续做某事 go on doing sth.7. 寻找 look for 8. 数百万的 millions of 9. 作为而闻名 be known for 10. 作为而闻名(+职业) be known as 11. 事实上 In fact 12. 一部文学作品 a work of literature 13. 被影响 be influenced by14. 潜逃 run away 15.迷路 get lost 16. 观察一段时间 watch f

5、or a time 17. 惊讶地去做 be surprised to do. 18. 高兴地去做 be pleased to do. 19. 害怕某物 be afraid of sth. 20. 谈论 talk about 21. 用日常英语 in everyday English 22. 在19世纪 in the 19th century 23. 全世界 all over the world 24. 被认为 be thought to be 25.长大 grow up 26.一些坏的行为 some bad behaviourExercise: Fill in the blanks The

6、Adventure of Tom Sawyer is w_ by Mark Twain in e_ English of the southern states in Amercia in the 19th c_. Tom is a l_ and clever young boy. He _ himself in many adventures. He runs a_ with his friends to an island to look for treasure. Tom got lost in a c_, and finally, they find a box of gold. My

7、 favourite s_ is when everyone thinks Tom is d_. He d_ to go ritten verydayenturyively finds way avecene eadecides to his own funural. He watched f_ a time, and a_ suddenly. Everyone is s_ to see him. But they are also p_ to see him a_. The t_ of the story are to do with children growing up. It also

8、 talks about freedom, s_ rules and how people are p_ for bad behaviour. The book is still read and l_ by many people today. It is t_ to be the greatest books in American literature.or ppeared urprised leasedlivehemeocial unishedoved hought Exercise: 完成句子 1. 据我所知,下周有一个艺术展。 _, there will be an art sho

9、w next week. 2. 她和一个贼一起跑了。 She _ with a thief. 3. 他受他的父亲影响。 He _ his father. 4. 他已经长大成人了,所以不能再靠父母了。 He _, so he cant depend on his parents any more. 5. 他被认为是一个大思想家。 He _ a great thinker.As far as I knowran awayis influenced byhas grown upis thought to be Task 2: Free talk: group activity Tell each o

10、ther the information of your facourite book.JohnName of the bookXiyoujiWriter Wu Chengen What is it about?A dangerous journey to the west reviewIt is interesting. It is a great work. Task 3: 模块作文写作: My favourite book 请写根据以下要点写一篇作文介绍论语这本 书。90字左右, 并发表你的意见。 要点: 1. 论语是一本伟大的著作。论语是由孔 子的学生写的。 2.这本书是关于孔子的一些

11、睿智的话的,它会教 会你在生活中怎么和人相处,怎么做事。 3. 这本书对中国人的影响很深,很多人依然热爱 阅读孔子的书籍。它被认为是中国最棒的著作之 一。 你的意见。 写作小tips: 1. 尽量使用简单句:例如主谓宾结构或者主谓表 结构。 2. 在写作时候,注意一定要要点齐全。中考的评 分标准为:8(语言分)+5(要点分)+2(连贯 性);只要要点齐全,即使你的语言表达不是非 常好,也可以轻松拿到8-11分。 3. 注意书写公正。漂亮的字会为评卷的老师带来 好印象。 基本句型练习: 1. 论语是一本伟大的著作。 Lunyu is a great work. 主+谓+表 2. 论语是由孔子的学

12、生写的。 Lunyu is written by Confucius students. 主+ 谓+表 3.这本书是关于孔子的一些睿智的话的. This book is about some wise words of Confucius. 主+谓+表 4. 它会教会你在生活中怎么和人相处,怎么做事 。 It can teach you how to get on well with others. It can teach you how to do things. 主+谓+宾 5. 这本书对中国人影响很深. This book makes a great influence to Chin

13、ese. 主+谓+宾 6. 很多人热爱阅读论语。 Many people love read Lunyu. 主+谓+宾 范文参考: My favourite book is Lunyu. It is a great work. It is written by Confucuius students. Lunyu is about some wise words of Confucius. It can teach you how to get on well with others and how to do things. This book makes a great differenc

14、e to Chinese. Many people still love reading this book because they can learn a lot from it. It is thought to be one of the greatest works in China. In my opinion, it is wonderful.PlatoPlatoPlato lived from 427 to 347 BC in ancient Greece. He travelled in Greece, Africa and Italy. He was a great think


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