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1、第一部分 听力 1-5 BBACC 6-10 CBBAA 11-15 CCBAC 16-20 ABCBA 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 21-25 DACDB 26-30 CDBBA 31-35 CACBA 第二节 36-40 DBCFA 1-45 CABAC 46-50 ADBBD 完形填空 51-55 BDACD 56-60 BACDB 61-65 CADBC 66-70 ABDCA 语法填空 71. based 72. weekly 73. which/that 74. since 75. The 76. to resemble77. no 78. has been/is aroused

2、79. for 80. while/but单词拼写 considerate 82. Despite 83. eventually 84. sacrifice 85. Therefore 86. interpret87. accompanied 88. symbolic 89. characteristic 90. procedure 第四部分:写作 短文改错 去掉to 2. have-had 3. fortunate-fortunately 4. terrifying-terrified 添加at 6. was-were 7. wound-wounded 8. that-which 9. wh

3、at-how 10. minute-minutesRecently in our English class, weve had a heated discussion about whether cloning should be carried out. Opinions are divided on this issue.About 55 percent of the students think there are more advantages. First of all, cloning can be used in the medical field. Scientists ca

4、n clone healthy cells, which can help doctors cure patients. Also, cloning extinct animals has always excited scientists. However, about 45 percent of the students hold the opposite view. For example, cloning may destroy biodiversity in nature. Furthermore, there is doubt about whether cloning is moral.In my opinion, as a saying goes, every coin has two sides. We should develop the technology of cloning, but at the same time we should only apply it in some particular fields. (107)


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