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1、Note-WritingBasic Information便条(右称短筏)作为专业英语四级考试对英语应用文的考查 点之一,是每年的固定题目。2005年专业四级考试大纲将便条 的分值由5分增至10分。 考试大纲对英语专业写作便条部分的测试要求是“根据提示写 大约50-60个词的便条。要求做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时 间为10分钟。” 便条根据其用途可分成很多种类,经常考到的种类包括:邀请 类便条、致歉类便条、慰问类便条、致谢类便条和祝贺类便条 等。 便条写作是专业四级考试中得分很有灵活性的题目,既可得满 分,也可得低分。其得分高低的关键之一在于格式是否正确。 考试大纲对英语专业写作测试要求中提

2、到:“便条写作最主要 的是注意格式正确。”因此,我们首先要熟练掌握便条写作的 格式。 Criteria of Note-WritingFormat of Note (3 points)- Date (1 point)- Salutation (1 point) - The close/the addresser (1 point) Content (3 points)All the necessary information should be mentionedLanguage (4 points) The first sentence should not be copied from t

3、he direction If language and expression are not good (including grammar and spelling mistakes), minus 0.51.5 points; if there are more than three spelling mistakes, minus 1 point. Criteria of Note-Writing Grading criteria as a whole 5 points would be given if the note contains no serious language mi

4、stakes, is written in correct format, with complete content and appropriate language, plus the number of words is between 40 and 80. The total number of words should be about 50 60; 1 point would be deducted if the number of words is less than 40 or more than 80.Format of Note Indented StyleMarch 22

5、, 2011 Dear Tom, I am very concerned about your health Yours sincerely, AliceFormat of Note Block StyleMarch 22, 2011Dear Tom, I am very concerned about your health Yours sincerely, Alice1. Heading: month + date January 1 (or: January 1st), or: Jan. 1 February 2 (or: February 2nd), or: Feb. 2 March

6、3 (or: March 3rd), no short form April 4 (or: April 4th), no short form May 5 (or: May 5th), no short form June 6 (or: June 6th), no short form July 7 (or: July 7th), no short form August 8 (or: August 8th), or Aug.8 September 9 (or: September 9th), or: Sept.9 or: Sep. 9 October 10 (or: October 10th

7、), or: Oct. 10 November 11 (or: November 11th), or: Nov. 11 December 12 (or: December 12th), or Dec. 122. Salutation: Dear Mr. -, Dear Miss -, Dear Mrs. -, Dear Ms. -, Dear Prof. -, Dear Doc. -, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear David, 3. Body (50-60 words): As required. 4. Signature: As suggested. (1)Yours s

8、incerely (truly, faithfully, respectively, affectionately), Sally (2)Sincerely (Truly, Faithfully, Respectfully, affectionately) yours, Sally2007 Your classmate, Jimmy, is head of the universitys swimming club. He has invited you to join the club, but you like some other sport. Write him a note, dec

9、lining his invitation and explaining why.March 20 Dear Jimmy,Thank you very much for your kind invitation to your swimming club the other day we met at the campus. But after careful consideration I regret to tell you here that compared with swimming, table tennis is more preferable to me, as I cant

10、swim at all. Besides, swimming is energy-consuming while table tennis can be played leisurely with my friends. Anyway thank you again for your good-will. Best wishes!Truly yours,Mary 1)诚挚邀请对方参加某一活动; 2)概括介绍活动的内容和安排; 3)盼望对方回复或者再次表示诚意。(1) INVITATIONOct.10 Dear Ms. Gates,We are having a party in our cla

11、ssroom # 201 to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Would it be possible for you to join us at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 12? We would be very happy if you could be with us.Students of Class 5表示邀请的常用表达方式: 1)Lets go to 2)Would you care to join our little party? 3)We are going to have a dance to celebra

12、te and would love to have you join us. 4)I would be delighted if you could spare some time from your busy schedule to attend 5)I am writing on behalf of all the members of our Literature Society to ask 6)Is it possible for us to meet at to discuss? 7)Shall we meet at to talk about? 8)If you have no

13、other appointments / plans tomorrow afternoon, shall we have a talk over? 9)Wed like to invite you to a spring picnic with us. 应邀 (表示接受应包括以下内容): 1)表达收到邀请后的欣喜之情; 2)表示感谢; 3)确切表示会赴邀。 婉拒(表示拒绝应包括以下内容): 1)收到邀请; 2)表示感谢; 3)阐述不能赴邀的原因; 4)表示遗憾和良好的祝愿(2) REPLY表示应邀的常用表达方式 1) We are delighted to accept 2) We look

14、forward with pleasure to joining you. 3) It is with great pleasure 4) We are sincerely happy to join you 5) Nothing could give me greater pleasure than accepting your kind invitation.表示婉拒的常用表达方式 1) I have much pleasure in accepting your invitation, but deeply having refused owning to a previous enga

15、gement. 2) I would have been so much delighted to be with you but 3) Nothing would please me more than to join you for diner but unfortunately 4) I shall have to say no to your kind invitation 5) Because of we find we cannot 6) How I wish I could reach there. 7) Its a pity I cant join you for the occasion. 8) Its too bad that the date coincides with my grandfathers birthday. 9) Unfortunately, I am not well. 10) Unfortunately, it will be impossible 11) I do hope you would accept my sincere apologies for my absence. Assignment You, Wang Ling, have just received a not


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