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1、英语句法英语句子的基本成分有英语句子的基本成分有8 8种:种:主语 主语 (subject)(subject)谓语谓语 (predicate)(predicate)宾语宾语 (object)(object)定语定语 (attribute)(attribute)状语状语 (adverbial)(adverbial)补语补语 (complement)(complement)表语表语 (predicative)(predicative)同位语同位语(Appositive)(Appositive)主语: n1) Mr. Chen is a well-known scientist.n2) He rea

2、ds newspapers everyday.n3) Two and six is eight.n4) Smoking is harmful to health.n5) To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure.n6) What we shall do next is not yet decided.可以作主语的有名词、代词、数词、不定可以作主语的有名词、代词、数词、不定 式、动名词、从句等主语一般在句首。式、动名词、从句等主语一般在句首。Find out the subject in each sentenceFind out the subje

3、ct in each sentence (找出主语)(找出主语)1) We won the game. 1) We won the game. 2) That the earth runs round the sun 2) That the earth runs round the sun is well known.(=Its well known that is well known.(=Its well known that the earth runs round the sun.)the earth runs round the sun.)3) Whether hell come i

4、s not known.3) Whether hell come is not known.4) How we can help the twins will 4) How we can help the twins will be discussed at the meeting. be discussed at the meeting. 5)When theyll start the project5)When theyll start the projecthas not been decided yet. has not been decided yet.n1) The new ter

5、m begins on the 1st of September.n2) She seemed tired.n3) What have you been doing? n4) What have you done? n5) He was often laughed at for this.谓语谓语: : 说明主语的动作,状态或特征。说明主语的动作,状态或特征。做谓语的词类是动词 做谓语的词类是动词宾语宾语: :宾语通常在及物动词和介词的后面宾语通常在及物动词和介词的后面n1) I think it right to help her.n2) My little sister always li

6、kes to ask questions.n3) Would you mind coming earlier tomorrow?n4) He asked me what I was going to do in summer.可以做宾语的词类是名词代词数词可以做宾语的词类是名词代词数词不定式动名词从句等 不定式动名词从句等1) He knows the secret. 1) He knows the secret. 2) The student has improved 2) The student has improved his way of learning.his way of lea

7、rning.3) Every one eats a piece of cake.3) Every one eats a piece of cake.Find out the object(找出宾语)4) They dont know what they 4) They dont know what they should do. should do. 5) I just want to understand why5) I just want to understand whyyou cant remember English you cant remember Englishwords. w

8、ords. 6) We dont know whether they 6) We dont know whether they are right. are right.定语定语: : 是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子短语或句子. .注意:单个词常置被修饰词前,短语从句置后The girlThe girl in the classroomin the classroom needs a penneeds a pen of yours.of yours. The boy needs aThe boy needs a coffee coffee c

9、up. cup. The best boyThe best boy herehere is Tom.is Tom. There is nothingThere is nothing to doto do today.today. The The smiling smiling boy needs a penboy needs a pen bought by his bought by his mother. mother. This is the new dictionaryThis is the new dictionary which I bought which I bought yes

10、terday.yesterday. 状语:状语:状语修饰动词、形容词、副词及其相应的状语修饰动词、形容词、副词及其相应的 短语或从句句子,说明方式、因果、条件、时间、短语或从句句子,说明方式、因果、条件、时间、 地点、让步、地点、让步、 伴随、程度、目的等。伴随、程度、目的等。位置较灵活1) She sings1) She sings quitequite well.well. 2)2) On SundaysOn Sundays, there is no student in the, there is no student in theclassroom. classroom. 3) He

11、sits there,3) He sits there, asking for a pen.asking for a pen. 4) The boy needs a pen4) The boy needs a pen to do histo do his homework. homework. 5)5) If I have some spare timeIf I have some spare time, I will take up , I will take up German.German.补语补语: : 补充说明主语或宾语补充说明主语或宾语. .做做“ “宾补宾补” ”时在宾语后,时在

12、宾语后,做 做“ “主补主补” ”时在谓语后时在谓语后可以做补语的词类与可以做表语的词类相同可以做补语的词类与可以做表语的词类相同n1) The government appointed(任命) her chief delegate(代表) to the conference.n2) I dont believe the story true.n3) You should put your things in order.n4) The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week.n5) We saw the pupils playing bask

13、etball.n6) She was elected monitor of Class 1.表语:表语通常在be动词或系动词后。n1) My uncle is a professor.n2) He looked tired.n3) The basketball match is on.n4) All the pupils are on the playground now.n5) Our aim was to win more medals.n6) His work is teaching French.n7) The question is who can really repair the

14、 machines.n系动词:n1)be seem appearn2) look sound taste smell feel n3) get turn grow become gon4) stay remain keep continue感官类 变化类维持类1)What she said is not true.2)She still looks young though she is over 40.3.My problem is that we are short of hands.找出表语4.The weather turned out to be good.5.The food in

15、 the dish has gone bad.6.My problem is whether we go there by train.同位语:同位语:是在名词或代词之后,重复指代并进是在名词或代词之后,重复指代并进 一步说明名词或代词的成分。常置被修饰词语后一步说明名词或代词的成分。常置被修饰词语后可以做同位语的词类有名词代词从句等可以做同位语的词类有名词代词从句等WeWe studentsstudents should study hard. should study hard. We We allall are students. are students. Bush,Bush, Pre

16、sident of the United StatesPresident of the United States, will , will visit China next month.visit China next month. The suggestionThe suggestion that a new bridge be builtthat a new bridge be built herehere was accepted. was accepted. We were overjoyed at the newsWe were overjoyed at the news that our that our team had won.team ha



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