TheMediaBriefing:欧洲内容付费成功策略Europe’s successful paid content strategies

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《TheMediaBriefing:欧洲内容付费成功策略Europe’s successful paid content strategies》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《TheMediaBriefing:欧洲内容付费成功策略Europe’s successful paid content strategies(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Europes successful paid cont ent st rat egiesCont entsIntroductionIEuropes successful paid cont ent strat egiesForewordOverviewCase Studies: Aftenposten BILDCorriere della Sera De Correspondent The EconomistEl Espaol Financial Times Le Monde Liberation MediapartNZZ SZThe National The Times VGiiiii16

2、810121416182022242628303234Int roduction Th a n k you for downloading TheMediaBriefingsreport on Europes successful Paid content strategies.The brightest beacons for paid content are gen- erally perceived to be American. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and latterly the Washington Post, d

3、ominate discussions on how to do paid content right. Leading UK publishers sometimes get an honourable men- tion, but few media houses on the continent receive any coverage outside their own borders.We wanted to redress that imbalance by putting together a report that introduces some of the leading

4、European play- ers in the paid content arena, and some interesting new- comers. In producing the report, we have drawn on direct interviews with executives involved in the implementation of successful paid content strategies and the general indus- try news reflecting their progress.The report is not

5、 a guide to every contour of the paid content landscape there are publishers we will add to future reports, like Polands Gazetta Wyborska which has notched up growth of 30% in 2016 to secure 100,000 pay- ing subscribers. But we hope we have managed to high- light a representative cross-section of th

6、e European pub- lishers succeeding in paid content at the moment.Huge thanks go to our sponsor CeleraOne - without their generous support we simply wouldnt have been able to invest the time needed to conduct the interviews and re- search required to write this report.We really hope you find the repo

7、rt useful and are very keen to hear what you think. Please get in touch and let us know what you liked and what youd like to learn more about in the future.Very best regards,Pet er Houston, Editor at Large, TheMediaBriefing2Europes successful paid cont ent strat egiesForew ord Amusingly, paywalls ma

8、nage to be both the mostoverrated and most underrated business model in digital publishing. They are overrated when publishers expect that the mere installation of a payment button is all the work it takes to “save” journalism actu- ally, it takes much more. They are underrated when the sceptical ca

9、mp still claims that only the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal can master the building of a successful paid content scheme.There are plenty of examples, from Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Oslo, Munich or Zurich, where paid subscriptions account for 20%, 30%, 40% or more of the digital revenues

10、.Who had expected this only four years ago? This report collects some of these case studies and identifies what makes them successful.Its no surprise that paywalls dont work if the effort is half-hearted. Behind every success story is a dedicated team. Its the people who make the difference. They ne

11、ed strong support from top management that is backed by investments in technology, product and marketing.The foundation is a journalism with a unique editorial tone and loyal readers.But thats not enough: Alongside all these factors, a gener- ous portion of tenacity is also required given that it ge

12、n- erally takes more than two or three years to test, adapt or change the paid model until the right proposition is found.All these efforts offer plenty of advantages in the long run. Subscription revenues allow for a much healthier income mix, particularly when display advertising is increasingly s

13、elling at low margins. Paywalls are a tool to build relation- ships: Premium sections allow publishers to obligate users to register, collecting cross-device data.“Behind everysuccess story is adedicated team3Europes successful paid cont ent strat egiesIdentified and registered users are key for oth

14、er business models as well, such as advertising, newsletters or mer- chandising.Yet maybe the greatest side effect of a paywall is that it makes publishers and editors focus on their most loyal readers rather than chasing anonymous clicks.During the last few years, paid content became one impor- tan

15、t tool in the toolkit for many publishers. It will become more important still as teams, technology and products improve.Strict, rule-based paywalls will soon be a thing of the past as machine learning automates and optimizes conversion. With the advent of adblockers, new subscriptions schemes are e

16、merging, e.g. those offering a light ad experience.Certain media may also start playing key roles; videos or podcasts can be a trigger for younger audiences.It seems that most levers in the paid content machinery have not yet been touched. We are both excited and proud to continue our work together with publishers on this journey.4Europes successful paid cont ent strat egiesDr Falk-Florian Henrich, CeleraOne“



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