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1、Rhetoric in Our Life无处不在的修辞学Contents1. Difficulties in learning of rhetorical devices 2. What is rhetoric? 3. Functions of rhetoric 4. Rhetorical devices in our life 5. Rhetorical devices in relevant studies 6. Summary 7. RevisionDifficulties1. Difficulty in memorizing the words 2. No awareness of a

2、ppreciating the beauty of rhetorical devices 3. No awareness of the functions of rhetorical devices 4. No awareness of the importance or frequent occurrence of rhetorical devices“Not that the world lacks beauty, but the lack of discovering eyes.”-Auguste Rodin 18401917 英语修辞格是语言美学的 重要元素之一, 它就像 我们生活中的

3、“调味品” 和“美化剂”。 读着美妙的语言、优美的 词句,使我们赏心悦目, 回味无穷,得到心灵的愉 悦,给我们带来了无限的 快乐和享受。Rhetoric /rtrk/ 修辞学 The art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the capability of writers or speakers to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations.自语言出现,人类就有修辞的需要。修辞学是研究修辞的 学问。修辞是增强言辞或文 句效果的艺术手法

4、。是语言学的范畴。Functions of rhetorical devices修辞可以令人: 修饰自己的文章、语言,清 楚传达自己的意思,以吸引 别人的注意力、加深别人的 印象和抒情效果。 便于分析、欣赏文学作品, 以进一步理解其作品意涵。RHETORICAL DEVICE IS EVERYWHERE.In literature In films and television In the News In advertisements In the public signs On the Internet OthersIN LITERATURE It was the best of time

5、s, it was the age of wisdom; it was the epoch of belief, it was the season of light, it was the spring of Hope, we had everything before us, it was the worst of time, it was the age of foolishness, it was the era of incredulity, it was the season of Darkness, it was the winter of Despair, we had not

6、hing before us. Antithesis 对仗、对照 Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis. -英语修辞大全译文1:读书给人乐趣、文雅和能力 。 译文2:读书可以怡情养性,可以 摭拾文采, 可以增长才干。 译文3:读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。By Francis Bacon: Of Studies 论读书论读书Studies serve for deligh

7、t, for ornament, and for ability. All the worlds a stage, And all the men and women merely players -Shakespeare: As You Like It皆大欢欢喜全世界是一个舞台 , 所有男男女女都不 过是一个演员Metaphor 暗喻 A figure of speech to make comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than sta

8、ted.亚里士多德将隐喻定义为“ 将一事物的名词用来指另 一事物”;用具体、简单 、生动、人们熟悉的东西 比喻抽象、复杂、干涩的 陌生事物,从而获得比明 喻更形象、更深刻、更新 颖的表达效果。In the Filmsand Television今天你对我爱答不理 明天我让你高攀不起相信用不了多久我就会 , 升职、 加薪、 当上总经理、 出任CEO、 迎娶白富美、 走向人生巅峰! 想想,还有点小激动那 。 用不了多久, 我就可以 榜上土老板, 开上二奶车, 逼走黄脸婆, 成功拿遗产, 成为一代名媛 , 想想还有点小 荔枝呢。 Definition Parallel structure is al

9、so called parallel construction or parallelism. Parallelism is regularly employed in listing of facts, ideas, events,etc., and the parallel elements may range from a minimum of two to any number required. In parallel construction it is necessary to balance?word with word; phrase with phrase; clause

10、with clause; sentence with sentence. noun with noun, verb with verb, adj. with adj., etc., IN THE NEWSuThe beauty of content uThe beauty of form uThe beauty of rhythm uThe beauty of art 音韵美、 形式美、 内容美、 意境美。Personification 拟人 拟人使句子更加生动、形象,让读者产生一种亲切感Lonely Gibbon from Zhuhai Seeking Loving Wife -China

11、Daily 珠海一孤独长臂猿苦寻爱妻“Hunter is Hunted” 猎神惨遭猎杀 报道Diana王妃因狗仔 队追逐而车祸身亡的 新闻标题。 背景知识:Diana在 罗马神话中既是月亮 女神又是狩猎女神。 Refers to well-known persons, things, or events that writers assume are familiar to their readers.Sources The Bible Greek mythology English and American fiction Fairy tales, legends and fables. A

12、lliteration is the use in speech or writing of several words close together that all begin with the same letter or sound. -柯林斯英汉双解大辞典Tick,Tock,TickTalk-TIME Magazine译文:滴答,滴答,滴答说吧Pun 双关 To pun is to play on words, or rather to play with the form and meaning of words, for a witty or humorous effects.“

13、To Lie or Not to Lie The Doctors Dilemma”译文:撒谎还是不 撒谎:医生的困惑 记者或作者常常在英语标题中模仿成语或 诗歌、名著中的名言佳句来表现标题的特 殊魅力,充分体现标题涵义深刻和言简意 赅的特点。引用名言诗句,或是仿拟名句 造新词仿佳句,也成了一种十分有效的标 题翻译方法,让标题结合文章表现得相映 成趣。Parody 仿拟 A parody is a humorous piece of writing, drama, or music that imitates the style of a well-known person or represe

14、nts a familiar situation in an exaggerated way. E.g. A friend in need is a friend to be avoided. 在运用时所仿拟的一般是人 们所熟知的语言材料,如成 语、谚语、明言、警句。仿拟是英语语言学分支修辞学的重要修辞手 法。这是一种巧妙、机智、而有趣的修辞 格。它有意仿照人们熟知的现成的语言材 料,根据表达的需要临时创造出新的语、 句、篇来,以使语言生动活泼,或讽刺嘲 弄,或幽默诙谐,妙趣昂然。在运用时所 仿拟的一般是人们所熟知的语言材料,如 成语、谚语、明言、警句。现在问题来了,simile Anticl

15、imax突降 高端大气上档次,低调奢华有内涵, 奔放洋气有深度,狂拽炫酷屌炸天 低端粗俗甩节操,土憋矫情无下限, 装模作样绿茶婊,外猛内柔女汉子, 卖萌嘟嘴剪刀手,忧郁深沉无所谓, 狂拽帅气吊炸天,冷艳高贵接地气, 时尚亮丽小清新,可爱乡村非主流, 贵族王朝杀马特,提莫团战必须死。 愛情開始的時候,把天涯變成了咫尺; 結束的時候,卻又把咫尺變成了天涯。Simile and metaphor人生好比一条曲曲折折的道路, 一路行来,有时风光明媚,有 时崎岖惊险。我们经常把横阻 在眼前的山、水,比喻为人生 的困境;其实,就是攀上人生 的巅峰后,也需要峰回路转, 才能再开拓新的天地。否则, 一味地自满、自傲,只有爬的 越高,摔得越重。IN ADVERTISEMENTIN PUBLIC SIGNSPun 双关Parallelism排比Parallelism排比OTHERSPun 双关Famous quotes“When I was young, I used to think that money was the most important thing in life, now that I am


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