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1、外语教学与研究出版社希望英语希望英语 (第二版)(第二版) 综合教程综合教程 1 1 Unit 2 FamilyUnit 2 FamilyUnit 2希望英语(第二版)综合教程 1 Unit 2 FamilyUnit 2 FamilySpeakingReading AGrammarListeningWritingPresentationReading B he never does what they want him to do.hard to control Reading A Task 1A-Task 1-2Reading A Task 2 Text A-Text-1 The Young

2、er GenerationIt is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they do not trust their children to deal

3、with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems; and that they have no sense of humor at least in parent-child relationships.critical blame Reading A Task 2 Text A-Text-2 It is true that parents often underestimate their children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.Readin

4、g A Task 2 Text A-Text-3 For example, young people like doing things on the spur of the moment: it is one of their ways of showing that they can accept a challenge. Older people worry more easily; most of them plan things in advance, at least in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans t

5、o be upset by something unexpected.on the spur of the moment, plan things in advanceReading A Task 2 Text A-Text-4 Young people also make it harder for their parents to trust them because they like to shock them. They say things like “Everybody we know drives at ninety miles an hour”, or “Weve all d

6、ecided we wont study for our final examinationsits useless.”trust shockReading A Task 2 Text A-Text-5 Young people often make their parents angry with their choices in clothes, hairstyles and music. This is not their main motive. They feel cut off from the adult world, into which they have not yet b

7、een accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Ten, if it turns out that their music or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles upset their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.

8、motive superior Reading A Task 2 Text A-Text-6 Sometimes young people are rebellious and proud because they do not want their parents to approve of what they do. If the parents did approve, it looks as if they are betraying their own age group. But in that case, they are assuming that they are on th

9、e weak side: they cant win but at least they can keep their honour. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough, after long years of childhood, when they were completely under their parents control. But it ignores the fact that they are now beginning to be responsible for themse

10、lves.rebellious ignoreReading A Task 2 Text A-Text-7 If a young man plans to control his life, cooperation can be part of that plan. He can charm others, especially parents, into doing things the way he wants. He can impress others with his sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will g

11、ive him the authority to do what he wants to do. co-operation impressReading A Task 2 Text年轻一代年轻人常常会挑剔父母,将两代人之间的大部分误解归 咎于父母,这种想法是很自然的。他们总抱怨父母脱离现代 生活方式,不放心让他们独立面对困境,在某些问题上喋喋 不休,缺少幽默感至少与子女们相处时如此。这些抱怨 多少也有些道理。Translation-1Reading A Task 2 Text的确,父母们常低估他们的孩子,也忘记了自己年轻时 的感受。Translation-2Reading A Task 2 T

12、ext举个例子说,年轻人做事总爱凭一时的冲动。其实这是 他们表现自己能迎接挑战的方式之一。长辈们则遇事三分愁 ,多数人往往提前做好计划,至少也要先想清楚,而不愿让 意外情况搅乱自己的计划。Translation-3Reading A Task 2 Text年轻人常使父母感到震惊,这让父母更难以信任他们。 他们常说: “我们认识的人开车都飙到九十英里”或是“我们都 不打算为期末考试做准备,因为那没用”。Translation-4Reading A Task 2 Text年轻人总在服装、发型、音乐的选择上惹父母生气,但 他们并非刻意如此。他们只是感到与成人的世界隔绝,还不 为成人世界所接受,所以他

13、们创造了自己的文化和社交圈。 如果他们的音乐、语言、服饰或发型让父母烦恼,他们会感 到格外开心,至少他们觉得比父母稍胜一筹,他们是时尚与 品味的弄潮儿。Translation-5Reading A Task 2 Text有时年轻人表现出反叛和傲慢,希望父母不赞同他们的 所作所为。如果父母真的赞同,他们反倒像背叛了自己的群 体。但在那种情形下,他们认为自己处于弱势,不可能取胜 ,但至少能保住自己的尊严。这其实是一种消极的态度,不 过也很自然,毕竟在漫长的孩提时代,他们完全生活在父母 的掌控之中。可是这忽略了一个事实,那就是他们开始要为 自己负责。Translation-6Reading A Ta

14、sk 2 Text年轻人如果计划主宰自己的生活,那么与人合作可作为 该计划的一部分。他可以争取别人特别是父母按他 的意愿行事,可以凭责任感和主动性去影响他们,使他们放 手让他做想做的事。Translation-7Reading A Task 2 Textcritical a. tending to find faulte.g.e.g. He has apologized for his critical remarks about the referee. be critical of:e.g.e.g. His report is highly critical of the trial ju

15、dge. e.g.e.g. Why is mum so critical of everything I do?criticalReading A Task 2 Textblameblame (for)v. to hold responsibilityblame on/for: e.g.e.g.They blamed the failure on George. e.g.e.g. They blamed George for the failure.be to blame: to be responsible e.g.e.g.She is not to blame for theacciden

16、t. e.g.e.g. The hot weather is partly to blame for the water shortage.Reading A Task 2 Textcomplaincomplain (about)v. to express dissatisfaction or unhappinesse.g.e.g. The neighbors complained to the police about the noise.e.g.e.g. The American couple complained that the jewels were too expensive.Reading A Task 2


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