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1、PEP Book6Unit6 A Field TripPart(C) Story time教教 学学 目目 标标 与与 要要 求求1. 复习 Unit 6 基础词汇、句型。读懂故事,逐步理解,能表演故事,并能灵活运用 句型 Is/Are he/she/they ?Yes, he/she/they is/are. No, he/she/they isnt/arent.进行问答。 能够准确读出 Is it biting? Its a frog. They are catching mosquitoes with their tongues. Thats amazing! 2. 培养学生养成良好的“

2、听”的习惯,培养学生自主学习、合作的学习能力。培养 学生运用英语的交际、交流能力。根据学生情况分层次教学,鼓励优秀学生表演故 事,要求一般学生能朗读故事,大部分学生能听懂故事。 3. 培养学生乐于参与游戏、活动,乐于探究,热爱大自然,热爱小动物的情感。重点重点通过对单元知识的巩固,读懂故事,理解故事并能表演故事。难点难点句子 Is it biting? Its a frog. They are catching mosquitoes with their tongues. Thats amazing!的理解、朗读教具教具录音机及录音带,单词卡片,远教资源课件教学教学 环节环节师生活动师生活动P

3、 r e p a r a t i o n 准准 备备 活活 动动1.Sing the song: Field Trips2.Report 【设计意图设计意图】通过学生的汇报,复习本单元的内容,训练学生的口语表达能力及合 理地组织语言的能力。教学教学 环节环节师生活动师生活动P r e - r e a d i n g 阅阅 读读 前前 活活 动动1.Lets play教师准备三个纸盒,把学生准备的名字卡片、动词 ing 卡片、地点卡片分别放在三 个纸盒里,找两名学生上台抽卡片,由抽到的卡片说句子。 Eg:John is playing chess in the forest. Is John p

4、laying chess in the forest? 【设计意图设计意图】在游戏中复习旧知识,为 Story time 做铺垫,激发学生的学习兴趣, 活跃课堂气氛。 2.Free talkAre they eating the honey?Yes, they are. No, they arent.Is he/she playing chess?Yes, he/she is ./ No, he/she isnt.3.Learn T:Today there are two new friends. Look they are fish and frog. They lives in the r

5、iver. Do you like fishing? Do you know how to fish? Fist put the bait in the water. Wait for the fish bites the bait. (板书 frog,bite biting)The frog likes catching mosquitoes with their tongues. Is that amazing?(板书 mosquito,tongue, amazing) 【设计意图设计意图】由教师介绍新朋友引出学生不认识的单词,由图卡、词卡解决词义, 让学生理解新词。Johnplaying

6、 chessin the forest名字做什么地点教学教学 环节环节师生活动师生活动I n - r e a d i n g 阅阅 读读 中中 活活 动动1. General reading: Show them four questions, and then let them read the leaning material and find the answers quickly! 新课标第一网: Zoom is reading a story book. ( ) : The frogs are playing in the river. ( )(When the students f

7、ind the answers, as a teacher, he should go into with them and help them to find the answers quickly.) 【设计意图设计意图】教师先出示问题,指导学生带着问题阅读并通过快速默读理解语篇大 意。主要采用个人阅读的方式。设置的问题是较简单的判断,以便给予学生阅读的 自信。 2.Detailed reading: Show them two questions, and then let them read the leaning material carefully, circle the answ

8、ers with pens.: Is Zoom reading a book?( ) A:Yes,he is B: No, he isnt.: Are the frogs playing in the river? A: Yes, they are. B: No, they arent. 3.Read and write: Pay attention to the students writing and let them finish this task.:.What is Zoom doing?:What are the frogs doing?4.Listen to the tape:

9、(twice) 看录像,听出主句型。 模仿。 Watch the video and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and then encourage them to imitate.5.Read aloud: 个人自由朗读 小组合作朗读 全体学生齐读 Now boys and girls, your time is coming! I will give you two minutes to practice it! And I hope you can believe it and do it! OK! GO!教学教

10、学 环节环节师生活动师生活动P o s t - r e d i n g 阅阅 读读 后后 活活 动动1.Act(3 minutes) 小组内合作学习故事后,以小组为单位进行汇报表演,选出优秀的一组进行表扬, 计分。 2.Lets check.【设计意图设计意图】由听力检测学生对本单元的掌握情况,并训练学生的听力,让学生掌 握做题技巧。X板板 书书 设设 计计Unit6 A Field Trip Part(C) Story time Are they eating the honey? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Is he/she playing chess?

11、 Yes, he/she is ./ No, he/she isnt. frog Its a frog. bite biting Is it biting? mosquito,tongue, They are catching mosquitoes with their tongues. amazing Thats amazing. 教教 学学 反反 思思Unit Five B Read and write一、一、Can you write?(写出下列词的写出下列词的 ing 形式形式) take pictures watch insects pick up leaves do an expe

12、riment catch butterflies count insects collect leaves write a report play chess have a picnic二、试读单词,并尝试着读本课短语和句子,二、试读单词,并尝试着读本课短语和句子, 将不明白的语句写在下面空白处。将不明白的语句写在下面空白处。 freedog-frog 青蛙 Its a frog. bike-bite 咬住 Is it biting? mosquito mski:tu 蚊子,tongue t 舌头, They are catching mosquitoes with their tongues

13、. amazing meizi 令人惊异Thats amazing.三、三、Can you repeat the story?(你能复述这篇(你能复述这篇 故事吗?)故事吗?) 四、四、Listen and write down what they are doing.(听一听听一听,写下他们正在做什么写下他们正在做什么) (1)Look at them,what are they doing? They are . (2)I see my some friends ?They are climbing. (3)What do you see? I see two _? . (4) Look

14、at ZhangPeng. . 五五. Read and judge.(读一读读一读,判断正误判断正误) Man: Hello. John: Hello. Can I speak to Chen Jie , please? Man: Sure. Hold on ,please? She is doing homework.John: Hi. This is John. Chen: Hi, John. What are you doing? John: My family is having a field trip. Chen: Really? That is fun. What is you

15、r father doing? John: Guess. Chen: Is he taking pictures? John: Yes, he is. Chen: Is your mother listening to music? John: No, she isnt. Shes playing chess. Chen: What is your brother doing? John: Hes having a picnic.1.Johns family is having a picnic. ( ) 2.Chen Jie is taking pictures. ( ) 3.Johns mother is playing chess. ( ) 4.Johns father is listening to music. ( ) 新课标第一网六六. Look and write (写一写写一写) 短文选词填空短文选词填空 having playing student reading Sa


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