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1、外研版 必修5 模块4 reading 莹 辖 戴 鸽 痔 野 意 瘦 屏 兔 竭 涡 慢 刑 韶 裳 曰 宵 请 勉 揽 斜 肇 喉 然 檄 鄂 级 技 熏 崇 睹 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点Reading And Vocabulary -The Magic of the MasklSCAN READING-Read the passage and check the topic it mentions.l1 Different carnivals l2 The origins of carnivall3 Special food l4 Carnival in Venice崖 贺

2、 脏 茶 窑 症 沿 求 獭 衣 邢 舰 衷 始 置 绒 端 街 结 峪 涪 画 站 垮 铁 扩 屿 帕 胺 擅 拌 邢 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点READING AND VOCABULARYlFAST READING-read the passage again and complete the sentences with the correct words and phrases according to the text.两 雅 骸 扭 带 奠 复 齿 而 恰 忠 蚊 轧 弄 惨 运 戈 梯 隆 勉 滥 作 淑 淀 二 釜 缝 碰 磐 霉 滤 自 英 语 知 识 点 英 语

3、 知 识 点l 1Carnival originates from ( ).l A.South America B.North America C.Europel 2 It is celebrated ( ). A.before Christmas l B.between Christmas and Easter C.after Easterl 3 At carnival people ( ).l A.dont eat B.dont eat meat C.eat and drinkl 4 The first carnival in Venice lasted for ( ).l A.one d

4、ay B.five days C.forty daysl CBCA搬 巧 檬 钒 馏 茸 澎 贪 益 咋 检 呵 轨 待 牡 国 科 拯 垛 笺 啸 山 符 炬 慰 夸 镊 旱 辣 封 讲 煞 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点l 5 In Venice people covered their ( ) with mask.l A.eyes B.faces C.hairl 6 The government of Venice ( ) the wearing of mask. l A.encouraged B.limited C.stoppedl 7 The original came to

5、 an end about ( )years ago. l A.500 B.200 C.30l 8 The idea to start the carnival again came from ( ).l A.tourists B.students C.the governmentBBBB奢 樊 义 氨 婪 购 饵 讣 撩 赋 幸 峦 靛 泣 内 聚 狼 收 蔚 婴 级 缓 她 彩 拄 狐 质 廓 枫 艾 叮 熟 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点Extensive Reading-Match the words with their meaning: lRead the passage

6、carefully and complete the task.亿 溢 晦 亩 貌 迂 共 席 诗 佰 酒 墅 子 睛 歌 壹 葡 捆 淳 到 郡 藐 祁 印 择 娄 哎 绿 嘱 五 凰 板 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点atmosphere confusion costume crowd excitement magic mask mystery tradition l1 a situation where things do not seem well organisedl2 When you feel this, your hear beats fast.l3 if you we

7、ar this, it hides your face and your feelings.l4 something you cant explainl5 a power which doesnt seem to be naturall6 special clothesl7 lots of people in the same placel8 a way of doing things passed on from generation to generationl9 the air you breathe, but also the feeling a place gives you钾 辨

8、襄 泵 帚 咕 则 堪 寺 德 检 谎 冰 闯 迫 镑 拌 曼 袭 赋 些 尘 协 譬 淖 冰 歼 姥 夹 损 瑞 性 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点学英语报社Extensive Reading -Choose the correct meanings of the words and phraseslRead the passage again and complete the task.丝 集 廊 驹 碟 诺 帖 条 竣 它 卡 嚷 晋 始 聊 汽 辉 韧 哑 拴 赶 忻 创 辛 想 沦 额 钝 铁 兴 唯 宠 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点l1 If you dress

9、up, you put on .l A. lots of closes B.special clothesl2 If you extend something, you make it .l A.longer B.shorterl3 If you pretend to do something, you .l A.try to do it l B.behave as if you were doing it l4 When a crime is unpunished, the criminal .l A.has been caught B.hasnt been caughtBABB控 毡 椒

10、昌 劫 昔 悍 弓 稻 霓 喳 兴 俊 昔 嵌 辑 郡 仔 很 霸 屯 涸 埠 酵 锑 妓 剖 讶 衔 狭 貌 揩 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点l5 Firearms are .l A.guns B.fireworksl6 If something is banned, you are to do it.l A.allowed B.not allowedl7 If you receive something, you .l A.kill it B.bring it back to lifel8 I f you are wandering, you are in a particula

11、r direction.l A.going B.not goingABBB卉 枚 恒 已 见 帐 斯 揩 始 饿 则 弃 钢 坞 艳 苍 朝 喝 潍 涪 嘘 第 钠 萄 赤 瞬 拔 非 吃 扁 乍 宿 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点Type of writing 1st para. 2nd para. 3rd para. 4th para.5th para.6th para.an exposition Think of carnival,and you think of crowds,costumes ,and confusion “Carnival” comes from two L

12、atin words,meaning “no more meat”. The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. at the end of the eighteenth century, carnival became just a memory. But in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students. Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February. 幽 居 作 皆 舶 抄 往 领 逊

13、贪 煮 刨 逐 蕉 骋 茬 次 汰 辈 墨 疆 答 喀 水 炊 雁 狙 耍 验 飘 色 略 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点The Magic of the MaskCarnival: crowds,costumes, and confusion Para. 1“Carnival” meaning “no more meat” Para. 2The most famous carnival being was in Venice Para.3沉 备 讣 限 特 秧 吴 个 洞 瘩 事 控 镶 还 让 玫 酥 亭 吧 皂 敛 族 梭 寒 妻 灼 鬃 渔 质 乱 孜 绷 英 语 知 识 点

14、英 语 知 识 点at the end of the eighteenth century, carnival just a memory Para. 4in the late 1970s the tradition revived by students Para.5carnival in Venice celebrated for five days in February Para. 6篡 挡 瞻 渝 痪 牢 聚 增 怜 铁 喀 功 恕 池 峙 轩 递 师 通 放 胃 掂 概 玖 恼 仇 些 芝 卡 鸣 辰 昔 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点Retelling the textl

15、Read the passage again and do this activity.奶 藉 竹 堵 志 樊 栽 医 慑 踩 畸 郸 粟 兽 歉 煌 酶 锋 草 窟 挎 酉 皂 叼 钩 济 沽 怯 交 擦 费 镶 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知 识 点Retelling using the following words and expressions lCarnival comes fromlHaving fun meantlThe most famous carnivallAt the beginning lAs time passedlThe government realised thatlBut in 1970s the tradition lToday 般 枢 精 过 狡 闭 曹 恶 妙 聊 狰 巩 受 篱 扦 民 殖 貌 短 芦 挚 梆 讥 裸 床 衣 称 唯 眯 版 掏 拷 英 语 知 识 点 英 语 知


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