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1、 RulesRules1._ the baby could speak made his parents very happy. A.That B. What C. Why D. If 2. I wonder _ you will go shopping or not. That B. if C. whether D. what 3. This is _ he was often late for school. A. what B. that C. why D. whether 4. We all know the truth _ the earth _ around the sun. if

2、; moved B. that; moves C. why; more D. whether; moveConjunctions(连接词)一般连连接词词连连接代词词连连接副词词what, who, whom, which, whosethat, whether, if,when, where, how, why. 充当从句的_充当从句的_._._.定语_充当从句的任何成分主语 宾语 表语状语不1. Can you tell me how many students are therein your class?2. I dont know where has he gone.Can you t

3、ell me how many students there are in your class?I dont know where he has gone.考点考点1 1语序问题语序问题名词性从句在句中要用_语序,从 句的引导词必须始终置于_总结归 纳:陈述 句首3. Our physics teacher once told us that light _ ( travel ) faster than sound.travels总结 归纳 :1)主句的动词用一般现在时,从句谓语可根据需要选用 各种时态2. He said that he will go to the station.1.

4、Tom says that Mary _ (go) abroad last year and_ (be) there for nearly 5 months. 2)主句的动词用过去时,从句谓语动词用过去相应时态 3)主句的动词用过去时,从句表示客观事实 ,格言,谚语等 ,从句谓语动词用一般现在 时went has beenwould考点考点2 2 时态问题时态问题找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律: 1. If we will have a picnic hasnt been decided yet.2. It depends on if the weather is suitable for

5、 us to do it.3. He asked me if I could go with him or not.Whether we will have a picnic hasnt been decided yet.It depends on whether the weather is .He asked me whether I could go with him or not.6种情况只能用whether : (1)主语从句位于句子开头(2)介词后的宾语从句; (3)引导表语从句; (4)与or not连用; (5)引导同位语从句; (6) 与to do 连用考点考点3 3易混连词

6、用法比较 whether与if总结 归纳 :找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律: 1. Whoever will speak at the meeting has not been decided yet. 2. Who breaks the law shall be punished.Who Whoever (1) what 类词(who/ which/ whom/ when/ where/ how): 有疑问意义,表示特指概念, 充当成分。(2) whatever类词 (whoever/ whichever/ whomever): 有意义,“凡是 的,无论的,任何的 ”),无疑问意义,表示

7、泛指概念;充当成分。相当于 anything that, anyone who, any one that/ who.考点考点3 3易混连词用法比较 (2) what类词与whatever类词总结归纳 :找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. We suggested that we would go to the cinema.2. My suggestion is that we must do our homework first.We suggested that we (should) go to the cinema.My suggestion is that we (shoul

8、d) do our homework first.考点考点4 4语气(mood)动词: 一个坚持( insist); 两个命令( order, command); 三项要求/请求(demand, require, request);四条建议(suggest, propose, advise, recommend) 后接that宾语从句中,如:suggest that sb. (should) do It+be+v.ed(suggested/required/)+that 的主语从句中, 如:It is suggested that sb. (should) do sth.以上动词的名词 (or

9、der, command, demand, requirement, request, suggestion, proposal, advice,) 所接的同位语从句及表语从句中,如: My suggestion is that we (should) do our homework first. His suggestion that we (should) go there on foot is acceptable.找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律: 1. That is hard to decide when and where we will hold our sports mee

10、ting. 2. I think that worthwhile that we spent so much money on these books. 3. Everybody considers it impossible which he wants to finish the job in such a short time. Ititthat考点考点5 it5 it作形式主语和形式宾语作形式主语和形式宾语总结归 纳:当主语从句较长,而谓语较短时,常常将从 句_,而用it作为形式主语置于句首。 it 也可作形式宾语宾语 。 后置it作形式宾语句型: 主语 + vt.(find/ fee

11、l/ think/ consider/ make/ believe ) + it + 宾补+ that/ wh- ;考点6 同位语从句与定语从句的区别1. that 有没有充当成分;2. when ,where , why等前面对应的是表时间 ,地点,原因等名词时,常是定语从句,否则 则为同位语从句。1. The suggestion _he raised at the meeting is very good.A. which B. that C. / D. what 2. The suggestion _ the students (should) have plenty of exerc

12、ise is very good.A. which B. that C. what D. /总结 :Play a gameThe survey _ _ while 48% of the boys favor sports stars.调查表明一半的女孩选择电影或者电视明星 作为他们的偶像(idols),而48%的男孩支持 喜欢体育明星。shows that half of the girls choose film or TV stars as their idols,6 pointsObject clauseObject clause他也指出导致近视( short-sightedness)

13、的原因是如此的复杂,到目前为止没有哪一 种药物能治愈近视What he also pointed out is _ _and that up till now no medicine can cure short-sightedness. that the causes of short-sightedness are so complicated7 pointsPredicative clausePredicative clause_ _ and that we should take part in more outdoor activities. 建议: 我们学生不要过度 ( overu

14、se) 用眼; 多参加户外活动。It is suggested that we students should not overuse our eyes6 pointsSubject clauseSubject clause_, but if they are paid to study, they will be misled to think _ _.9 pointsStudy is what students should do that theyre studying for money instead of knowledge 学习是学生应该做的事,但是如果给钱他们,他 们会误认为他们是为钱而不是知识而学。Predicative clause & Predicative clause & Object clauseObject clause写作 你是校报报的小记记者,最近进进行了一次采访访。 以下是采访访情况: 时间时间 :上周末 对对象:眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授 主题题:我国中小学生近视问题视问题 (short-sightedness) 基本信息:发发生率:略高于50%专专家解读读:(1)原因:很复杂杂(2)治疗疗:没有哪一种药药物能治愈近视视(3)建议议:


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