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1、1.The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival with longest history, the grandest occasion. - 春节是中国各族人民的最重要的传统节日, 它 的历史最悠久场面最盛大。 Basic Patterns : 2. People have more time to conduct all kinds of activities. - 人们有更多的时间进行各种活动 。 3. Two weeks before the festival, every household is bus

2、y with preparations for the festival. - 春节前两周,家家户户都忙着为春节做准 备。 4. The highlight of the activities before the New Year concentrates on the Eve of the Spring Festival. - 新年前最精彩有活动集中在春节前夕。 5. The old customs are dying off. - 旧的风俗正在消失。 6. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight, people begin to set off fir

3、ecrackers and fireworks. - 当钟声午夜敲响十二下时,人们开始燃放烟花和爆竹 。 7. Kids are excited not only by the entertainment but also by the money gifts they receive. - 孩子们不仅兴奋娱乐活动,而且兴奋于他们得到的守岁钱。 8. The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first lunar month. - 灯节适逢正月十五。 9. The Dragon Boat Festival, or Duan Wu Jie, i

4、s a traditional Chinese festival. - 龙舟节或称端午节,是一传统的中国节日 。 10. The Dragon Boat Festival is said to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet. - 据说龙舟节是为了纪念伟大的爱国诗人屈原。 11. People often use “ the bright moon” as a metaphor to express their nostaligic sentiments. - 人们经常用“明月”做比,表达一种思乡情 。 12. In the Song D

5、ynasty, enjoying the full moon while eating sweet mooncakes became very popuar. - 在宋朝,欣赏满月,吃着甜甜的月饼已经很流行了。 13. During the Lantern Festival, people hang up colourful lanterns in their courtyards, play Yangko and set off fireworks. - 灯节时,人们在庭院里悬挂彩灯,扭秧歌并燃放烟花。 14. Boat racing has become an international

6、sports event. - 赛龙舟已成为一个国际性运动项目。 15. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people sit outdoors after dinner to enjoy the full moon. It symbolizes family reunion. - 中秋节时,人们晚饭后在户外赏月,它象征着家 庭团圆。 1.The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival with longest history, the grandest occasion. - 春节是

7、中国各族人民的最重要的传统节日, 它 的历史最悠久场面最盛大。 2. People have more time to conduct all kinds of activities. - 人们有更多的时间进行各种活动 。 3. Two weeks before the festival, every household is busy with preparations for the festival. - 春节前两周,家家户户都忙着为春节做准 备。 4. The highlight of the activities before the New Year concentrates on

8、 the Eve of the Spring Festival. - 新年前最精彩有活动集中在春节前夕。 5. The old customs are dying off. - 旧的风俗正在消失。 6. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight, people begin to set off firecrackers and fireworks. - 当钟声午夜敲响十二下时,人们开始燃放烟花和爆竹 。 7. Kids are excited not only by the entertainment but also by the money gifts t

9、hey receive. - 孩子们不仅兴奋娱乐活动,而且兴奋于他们得到的守岁钱。 8. The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first lunar month. - 灯节适逢正月十五。 9. The Dragon Boat Festival, or Duan Wu Jie, is a traditional Chinese festival. - 龙舟节或称端午节,是一传统的中国节日 。 10. The Dragon Boat Festival is said to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patrio

10、tic poet. - 据说龙舟节是为了纪念伟大的爱国诗人屈原。 11. People often use “ the bright moon” as a metaphor to express their nostaligic sentiments. - 人们经常用“明月”做比,表达一种思乡情 。 12. In the Song Dynasty, enjoying the full moon while eating sweet mooncakes became very popuar. - 在宋朝,欣赏满月,吃着甜甜的月饼已经很流行了。 13. During the Lantern Fes

11、tival, people hang up colourful lanterns in their courtyards, play Yangko and set off fireworks. - 灯节时,人们在庭院里悬挂彩灯,扭秧歌并燃放烟花。 14. Boat racing has become an international sports event. - 赛龙舟已成为一个国际性运动项目。 15. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people sit outdoors after dinner to enjoy the full moon. It sym

12、bolizes family reunion. - 中秋节时,人们晚饭后在户外赏月,它象征着家 庭团圆。 Substitution Drills:1、What do they do .他们做什么? What do they do when the New Year comes? - 新年来临的时候他们做什么?What do they do when the spring Festival comes? - 春节来临的时候他们做什么?What do they do when the Duan Wu Jie comes? - 端午节来临的时候他们做什么? 2、Would you please te

13、ll us some thing about .请你告诉我们关于好吗? Would you please tell us something about the Chinese New Year ? - 请你告诉我们关于中国新年的事情好吗? Would you please tell us something about the Lantern Festival? - 请你告诉我们 关于元宵节的事情好吗 ? Would you please tell us something about the Dragon Boat Festival? - 请你告诉我们关于龙舟节的事情好吗? 3、Do yo

14、u know .你知道吗? Do you know when the Mid-Autumn Festival is? - 你知道中秋节是什么时候吗 ? Do you know when the Spring Festival is? - 你知道春节是什么时候吗 ? Do you know when the Christmas Day is? - 你知道圣诞节是什么时候吗? Practicing: 1.A: Would you please tell us something about the Chinese New Year? B:_.(很乐意,它是中国传统节日)。 A:_?(什么时候?)

15、B: The first day of the first lunar month. A:_?(春节前他们经常做什么?) B: They do shopping, thorough cleaning and cooking. A:_?(他们必须得向父母及长辈叩头吗?) B: Traditionally they do. But nowadays it depends. A: On what? B:_.(依据家庭教育状况,有些家长比较开明,有些家长更保守一些。)With pleasure. It is a traditional festival in China. When is it? What do they usually do before it comes? Do they have to kowtow to their parents and grand parents? It depends on family education. Some parents are more liberal, others 2. Translate the following sentences Into English:



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