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1、傲慢与偏见 剧情简介l傲慢与偏见是18世 纪末19世纪初英国 女作家简奥斯丁的 作品,发表于1813 年。小说描写了一 段发生在英国一个 小村庄的爱情故事 。故事的主人公是 伊丽莎白和达西。 (伊丽莎白小名叫 做利兹)l在初次见面的舞会 上,达西的傲慢令 利兹对其产生了偏 见;在此后数次的 接触中,达西对活 泼聪慧的利兹渐生 爱慕之情,而利兹 却因一件件的误会 不断加深了对达西 的偏见。l达西雨中表白求婚,利兹坚定拒绝;但不 快的结果不仅提醒了达西应当改变他傲慢 的态度,同时也使得利兹对他的误会开始 冰释。l利兹的小妹莉 迪亚的鲁莽私 奔虽险些使所 有班纳特家的 成员蒙羞,但 却无意间为达 西

2、表达其宽厚 、正直的品格 以及对利兹的 深切爱意的机 会;l当了解了真正的达西 是这样一位优秀的年 轻绅士之后,利兹的 心被深深地打动了 台词拾趣 classic linesI came to Rosings for the single love to say you and how to see you. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.lDo you think anything might temp me to accept the man who has ruined perhaps the ever happiness of

3、 a most beloved sister?So this is you opinion of me ? Thank you for explaining so fully . Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my honesty andlyour selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize even you were the last man in the world I could e

4、ver been prevailed upon the marry.What “pride and prejudice” left us This film “pride and prejudice” has left us a lot of thoughts ,among which the most important point I think is : we cant judge a person according to the first impression, because nobody is perfect. What we have caught at the first

5、sight may be the disadvantages of the person , and then we very probably develop a prejudice towards him . Undoubtedly , you will reject to know more about him , which might be a great loss for you . This so called “ pride and prejudice ” exists not only between lovers but also between classmates or friends . So we should view people around us with a comprehensive mind so as not to miss any potential friends .演示者 : 方 越赵晶晶



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