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1、Module 1 My First Day atSenior High.重点单词思忆1.Before taking the medicine,youd better read the (说明) carefully on the bottle.2.Reading aloud can be used to improve tone,rhythmand (流利).3.Can you give a (描述) of what you saw just now?instructionsfluencydescription4.I felt very (尴尬) when I was made to speak

2、 in public.5.I was unable to attend because of a (以前的;在先的)engagement.6.She was (惊异)at the change in his appearance.7.You need a (毕业证) if you want to go to college.8.The (失望的)news disappointed all the people present.embarrassedpreviousamazeddiplomadisappointing.考纲词汇拓展1.instruction n. v.传授,指导 adj.有益的

3、adv.2.bored adj. v.感到厌烦 adj.令人厌烦的3.embarrassed adj. v.使某人觉得不自然,尴尬 adj.令人难堪的 n.局促不安4.description n. v.描述 adj.描述的,描写的5.amazed adj. v.使惊奇 adj.令人吃惊的 instructinstructiveinstructivelyboreboringembarrassembarrassingembarrassmentdescribedescriptiveamazeamazing6.encouragement n. v.鼓励adj.受鼓舞的 adj.令人鼓舞的 n.勇气7.

4、misunderstanding n. v.n.(反义词)理解8.disappointed adj. v.使失望n.失望;沮丧 adj.令人失望的9.disappear vi. n.消灭;丢失 vi.(反义词)出现10.enthusiastic adj. n.热情,热忱encourageencouragedencouragingcouragemisunderstandunderstandingdisappointdisappointmentdisappointingdisappearanceappeareuthusiasm.重要短语识记1.be similar to 和 在某方面相似2.far

5、 away from 最据我所知3. 完全不像;毫不相似nothing buthave nothing to do with.4. 换言之have a word with sb. in a word5. 取得进步 in progress6. 把分成 使分离与相似be similar in离很远by farfar as I knownothing like 只不与无关in other words 说句话总之,简言之make progress 在进展中divide.into separate.fromas过和7. 对感到兴奋 8.take part 参加join 参加(正在进行的活动) 9. 自由

6、地去做某事 10. 独自of oneself .经典句式再现1.Every room has a computer ,almost a cinema screen.每一个教室里都有一台带有一个几乎和电影银幕一样大的特殊银幕的电脑。 2.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman Ms.Shen.沈老师是一位很热情的女士。be excited about. inin be free to do sth.by oneself 自动地with a special screen as big ascalled3.Ms. Shens method of teachi

7、ng is the teachers at my Junior High school.沈老师的教学方法和我初中老师的教学方法一点也不一样。4.Ms. Shen and then we worked.沈老师给我们指导之后,我们就独自学习。5.In other words,there are boys.换言之,女生人数是男生的三倍。gave us instructionsby ourselvesthree times as many girlsnothing like thatofasinstructionas soon asinstructioninstructions1.instructio

8、n n.U讲授;教育;指导;C(pl.)命令,指示;说明(书)完成句子 (1)As a soldier,you should carry out the .作为一名士兵,你应该执行命令。 (2)He gave us to finish this .他指示我们尽早完成这件事。 (3)She gives in English.她讲授英语。归纳拓展 give sb. instructions向某人下达指示(命令)possiblegive instructions to do sth.命令做某事under ones instruction在某人的指导下follow ones instruction听从

9、/遵从某人的命令/指示instruct sb. to do sth.命令某人干某事单项填空(4)When you go abroad for further study,you should learn to adapt to the of the destination country.A.customs B.habits C.practice D.instruction解析 词义辨析题。custom指国家的风俗、习惯; habit指个人习惯; practice指实践;instruction指说明,指令。句意为:当你到国外深造时, 你应该学会适应所到国家的风俗。A2.impress vt.使

10、印象深刻,使人铭记,使某人深感;盖(印等)于,印Li Kang the teachers and the technology in his new school. (回归课本P4)李康新学校的老师和技术使他留下了深刻印象。完成句子(1)The people present his speech.他的演讲给到场的人们留下了深刻的印象。(2)The manager of their work on/upon them.经理让他们铭记工作的重要性。(3)The girl her friends her sense of humour.were all impressed by/at/withimp

11、ressed the importanceis very impressed withimpressedwith这姑娘的幽默感给她的朋友们留下了深刻的印象。 (4)The student his seal his new book.那个学生在他的新书上盖上了图章。 归纳拓展 impress sb.with/at/by sth.给人留下深刻的印象 be impressed with/at/by.对有深刻的印象 impress. on/upon sb.使某人深感/铭记 impress sth.on/upon sth.盖(印等)于,印 make/leave a strong impression o

12、n sb.给某人留下深 刻印象单项填空 (5)His father on him his mothers words.A.learned B.studied C.knew D.impressed解析 impress on sb.sth.=impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人铭记某事; 牢记某事。句意为:父亲让他铭记母亲的话。impressedonD(6)How was Roberts cooking?Oh,pretty good.I was quite .A.admiredB.interestedC.impressedD.inspired解析 be impressed 被留下(深刻)印象。句意为:相当好。我印象很深3.attitude n.态度;意见;想法Describe your attitude English.(回归课本P2)描述一下你对学英语的态度。完成句子(1)Do you know his the question?你知道他对这个问题的看法吗?Cto studyingattitude to/towards(2)The villagers all


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