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1、American Writer of Naturalism and Modernism Stephen crane斯蒂芬.克莱恩vStephen Crane (1871-1900) , an American novelist, poet and short-story writer.vHis first novel Maggie: A Girl of Streets. and The Red Badge of Courage is his finest book.vvThe The Red Badge of Courage(Red Badge of Courage(红色英勇勋章红色英勇勋章)

2、 )The The Red Badge of Courage Red Badge of Courage is considered one of the most influential works in American literature. The novel, a depiction on the cruelty of the American Civil War, features a young recruit who overcomes initial fears to become a hero on the battlefield. The book made Crane a

3、n international success. Although he was born after the war and had not at the time experienced battle firsthand, the novel is considered an example of American Naturalism(美国自然主义 ).小说说以美国南北战战争为历为历 史背景。主 人公亨利是一个农妇农妇 的独子。他怀怀着对战对战 争的奇妙幻想,不顾顾母亲亲的劝劝阻,参加了 北方军军(即联联盟军军)。经过经过 几个月平静的 军营军营 生活,部队队奉命开往前线线去作战战。激

4、烈的战战斗场场面虽虽然对对他有刺激性的引诱诱, 但死亡的威胁胁在他心里发发生着强烈的动摇动摇 作用。战场战场 上的炮声解除了他的矛盾心理 ,勇敢地投入了战战斗,但当遭到敌敌人突然 袭击时袭击时 ,他惊恐万状,扔下枪枪枝,从阵阵地 上逃跑了。当他听到北方军军重又获胜获胜 的消 息时时,他悔恨不已为为了弥补这补这 一过错过错 ,他 冒着危险险打听前方部队队的消息,但不幸被 从火线线上溃溃退下来的一个士兵用枪枪托打伤伤 了脑脑袋。一个过过路的战战士见见他可怜,就把 他送回到原来的兵团团。伙伴们见们见 障利负负了伤伤,以为为他在战战斗中挂了彩,不仅仅不怀怀疑他是 逃兵,反而敬佩他那种负伤负伤 不下火线

5、线的勇敢精神。可是亨利并未因 此在良心上得到宽宽慰。他万分羞愧,暗暗下决心寻寻找立功机会。接着,部队转队转 移阵阵地。当冲锋锋被击击 溃溃,战战士们们都停止射击击的时时候,亨 利还还在一个劲劲地射击击。他那种近似于 疯疯狂的勇敢,立即使他成为为英雄。亨 利克服了对战对战 争的恐惧心理,忘却羞 愧的往事,恢复了自信心。以后,亨 利又立了大功。一次在与敌敌人短兵相 接的混战战中,他突然看到炮火中的战战 旗,一种对战对战 旗狂热热的爱爱突然在他 心中油然升起。他奋奋不顾顾身地冲上去 ,从死者手中接过战过战 旗,领领着部队队 冲上去。亨利以他无畏的英雄气概受 到了上级级的赞赏赞赏 。此后,亨利还还常

6、被内疚的心理困扰扰。他虽虽然立了功, 但始终终未能摆摆脱那临阵临阵 逃跑的回忆忆 。但他终终于领领悟到,自己的灵魂经经 过过炮火的洗礼。已发发生根本变变化;他 的精神得以解放,希望和憧憬又在心 中复活了。 vConclusion 1.It was widely heralded for its realistic portrayal of war and unique writing style.2.As a war novel, it focuses less on battle and more on the main characters psyche and his reactions

7、 and responses in a wartime situation.3.It has a heavily ironic tone.4.There is a strong connection in the novel between humankind and nature.A Girl of Streets.v2 街头女郎梅季在作者的红色英雄勋章轰动文坛之 后才引起人们重视。故事发生的背景是纽约的贫民窟。梅季 的双亲都是酒鬼,对孩子们很粗暴,不是打便是骂,梅季在 家里得不到一点温暖。当她“在泥潭里长成了一朵鲜花,出 落成一位美丽出众的少女,在那个公寓区成了惊人的奇迹” 之后,她在衬衫

8、厂里当了女工。她的美貌使得她哥哥的朋友 彼特垂涎三尺。身为酒店伙计的彼特是个油头滑脑的流氓, 他利用梅季的年轻幼稚,以金钱衣着为诱饵勾引她,使贫穷 不幸而又涉世不深的梅季上当受骗,与他同居。不久彼特抛 弃梅季另觅新欢。随之,梅季失掉了衬衫厂的工作,宗教思 想很重的母亲,不准她回家,她只得流落街头,做了几个月 的妓女,最后在悲愤失望中投河自尽。她的母亲在伤心之余 “宽恕”了这个“坏孩子”。Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)西奥多.德莱赛 lifevBorn in Indiana,1871vIndiana University, reporter on the Chicago

9、 Globe,1894vMarriage : married Sara White in 1898. Separated in 1909 Dreisers infatuation with his work colleagues teenage daughter, but were never formally divorced.Got married with his cousin Helen Richardson in 1944.vDied in Hollywood,1945WorksvSister Carrie (1900) 嘉莉妹妹vJennie Gerhardt (1911) 珍妮姑

10、娘 vTrilogy of Desire 欲望三部曲The Financier (1912) 金融家 The Titan (1914) 巨人The Stoic (posthumously ) (1945)斯多葛 vThe Genius (1915) 天才vAn American Tragedy (1925)美国的悲剧 Sister CarrieFirst novel, the story is about a country girls rich life after she became a mistress of a salesman, and later she became an ac

11、tress. Jennie GerhardtIt described a poor girl Jenny fell in love with Senator George Brander, but the Senator died, leaving her and their daughter. When she worked as a maid, she met Lester Kane, a manufacturers son. Jennie falls in love with him and became his mistress, however because of his fami

12、lys disapproval, they separated. At last, Jennie lost her daughter to typhoid(伤寒 )An American TragedyvIt is a detailed portrayal of the dark side of the American Dreamthe story of what can happen when an ordinary mans desire for wealth and status overwhelms his moral sense. v“ Fortune hunting became

13、 a disease“ “ murder for money“An American TragedyvThe peak of his literary career and his first commercial success. vTime magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005 list The modernism writer of AmericaThree writers: Ernest Hemingway F.Scott Fitzgerald

14、 Ezra PoundF.Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940)菲茨杰拉德.1.He is an American author of novels and short stories 2.He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century 3. He is considered a member of the “LostGeneration“ of the 1920s.Lost GenerationvGroup of U.S. writers who came of

15、 age during World War I and established their reputations in the 1920s; more broadly, the entire post World War I American generation. The term was coined by Gertrude Stein in a remark to Ernest Hemingway. The writers considered themselves “lost“ because their inherited values could not operate in the postwar world and they felt spiritually alienated from a country they considered hopelessly provincial and emotionally barren. The term embraces Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Dos Passos, E.E. Cummings, Archibald MacLeish,


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