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1、08高考英语复习策略与方法讲座北京第80中学 林斌苦一年不苦一辈子!不苦不累高三没味; 不拼不搏高三白活!题号2004年考过的语法项目2005年考过的语法项 目2006年考过的语法项目2007年考过的语法 项目21不定代词(neither)冠词 形容词比较级介词(for)22 时态(现在进行时) 并列连词 介词(by) 冠词23非谓语动词(encourage sb. to do)形容词顺序 数词(dozens of)非限定性定语从句 (whom)24主语从句(形式主语) 时态(过去完成时)不定代词(neither )时态(will do)25时态(现在完成进行时) 动词词组(call for)

2、情态动词(shall)时间状语从句 (when)26定语从句(whose) 情态动词(must) 冠词情态动词(must)27 时态与语态(现在将来完 成时的被动语态)时态 (现在时与过去 时)时态(将来时与现在 完成时)不定代词(few)28 主谓一致(with)非谓语动词 (动名词做主语)非谓语动词(过去分 词后置定语)非谓语动词(have sb. do)29 非谓语动词 (Having waited)宾语从句 宾语从句非谓语动词( studying)30 不定代词 (little, some)非谓语动词 (动名词做宾语)时态语态(将来时的 被动语态)副词比较级( earlier)31宾语

3、从句 (figure out why)时态和语态(过去时 的被动语态)定语从句(缺主语)并列连词(or)32 冠词(The, a)非谓语动词(过去分词 后置定语)时态(现在时与过去进 行时)时态和语态(has been ruined)33介词(伴随着with)状语从句 (目的状语从句)状语从句(条件状语从 句)条件状语从句(in case)34定语从句(非限制性定语 从句As)非谓语动词(现在分词 做宾补)并列连词(for)祈使句的反意疑问 句(will you)35动词词组 (go in for)定语从句非谓语动词 (动名词、动词不定 式做宾语)时态 (was coming)北京2004年至

4、2007年高考单项选择所涉及的语法项目一览表1.With his hands _ behind, the robber was brought into the jail. A.tied B.being tied C.to be tied D.tying2.Make a mark _ you have any questions. A.where B.at the place C.at the place which D.at which3.Ill never forget the days _ we spent in Tibet. A.when B.in which C.on which D

5、./4.He is now living in _ used to be an old temple. A.which B.where C.what D.in which测试题:Last Monday, two of my classmates ran a monitor election in our class. One of the candidates was a boy, named Liu Dong and the other was a girl, named Wang Hong. To begin with, they each gave us a special speech

6、 in which they expressed their motivations for election and showed their future work plan. Wang Hong displayed a gentle smile on her face all the time while Liu Dong took on a more serious tone. Sure enough, we listeners were all enchanted by their courage and enthusiasm. After a short delay for som

7、e more thought before making the final determination, the students had their own monitor- to-be in their mind. Then we walked towards the platform and placed our votes into the vote box with an air of expectancy. Finally came the critical point. It turned out that Wang Hong gained 28 supporters, inc

8、luding me and meanwhile there were 15 voting for Liu Dong. Needless to say, this gentle and beautiful girl met all the criteria to be monitor and we gave her a big applause to celebrate her running of the election. And she applauded back to thank for our support and trust. Our class meeting, then, e

9、nded in laughter and applause. I sincerely hope you could like the story and share the same excitement as mine.Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. (228)2007年北京卷高考满分作文高考英语复习策略与技巧1 重视读写 +坚实语法 让语法为读写服务 2 基础知识 + 实践 = 能力 3 建立错误档案 4 循序性渐进 + 超负荷训练 5 限时训练 + 非限时训练 6 实力与技巧 7 练!练!练手头准备的

10、复习资料以及参考书籍:1、词汇表(上一年的考试说明,会考考试说 明、3500词汇表.) 2、语法复习手册(“5+3”、张道珍、薄冰) 3、听力材料(听力通、四中听力、美国之音 .) 4、2007年全国各省市高考英语试题集词汇拓展 我们在高三背诵记忆单词的时候不要只是记住一个意思,要多背几个意思: 1. fine: 1) -How are you? - Im fine, thank you. 2) He was fined $50 for over-speeding on the highway. 2. fan: 1) The football fans rushed into the stad

11、ium.2) It was so hot yesterday night that Susan had the electric fans running all the time. fun: _ fun it is to take part in sports A. What a B. How C. How a D. What 3.fair: 1) Its fair/unfair! (adj.)2) fairly/rather (adv.)This is a fairly good book./This is a rather cold day./This is rather a cold

12、day.Its fairly more beautiful./Its rather more difficult 3)The country fair(展览会, 市集) is held every two weeks. 4. iron 1) Strike the iron while it is hot.2) My mother often uses the iron to iron my school uniforms. 5.flat: 1) They rented a flat.2) My car had a flat tyre yesterday.flat/apartment/appoi

13、ntment/department/ 6.book: We have booked a table near the window./reserve/reservation 7.sign: 1)When driving in a strange place, you should read the signs along the road. 2) Please sign your name there. 3) The policeman signed Richard to stop his car because he broke the rule. sign/signal/sigh/sign

14、ature 8.board: 1) Our school is a boarding school. 2) on board(到船上, 在船上) blackboard/springboard/platform/at home and abroad/go abroadA Terrifying Night It was a deep night. I had got to stay at home alone becauseboth of my parents were on business. It was my first time to stay at home by myself. So

15、I was so nervous that I couldnt be asleep. At 12:00 p.m. I heard someone knocking at the door. I kept quiet on purpose but the person still knocked. I came to the door nearer and nearer in order to see who was outside. I wanted to calm down, but I couldnt control myself entirely. Suddenly, the telephone rang. I was so frightened that my heart beat into my throat! “Its me! Im concerned about you,so I came back earlier!” Oh! It was my fathers voice! I flew to the door as quickly as possible. At that time I opened the door, and I saw my father face to face. He was smiling. But I bega


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