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1、第三部分 写作技能培优优第四讲讲 如何写出精彩高级级句第一课时课时 如何写好并列句第三部分 写作技能培优优并列句就是由并列连词连词 或分号连连接两个分句而组组成的句子。一、并列句的分类类1联联合关系由并列连词连词 and或not only.but also.连连接的两个分句。Work hard and you will succeed sooner or later.努力工作,迟迟早你会成功的。第三部分 写作技能培优优2转转折关系多用连词连词 but,yet,while等连连接两个分句。Some people waste food while others dont have enough f

2、ood to eat.一些人浪费费食物然而其他人没有足够够食物吃。(2012高考陕陕西卷书书面表达)Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us,but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.李老师师和我们们度过过了一段快乐乐的时时光,但我们们知道对对她所有的付出和指导导再怎么感谢谢也不为过为过 。第三部分 写作技能培优优3选择选择 关系主要由连词连词 or(或者;否则则),either.or.(要么要么),otherwise(要不然)等连词连连词连 接

3、。Either you didnt understand this problem,or you were not careful enough.要么你不懂这这个问题问题 ,要么你不够细够细 心。4因果关系多用连词连词 for和so连连接。He told me to do it,so I did it.他让让我这样这样 做,于是我就这样这样 做了。第三部分 写作技能培优优5时间时间 关系由并列连词连词 when连连接两个分句,表示“就在这时这时 突然”。We were having a meeting when there was power failure.我们们正在开会,这时这时 突然停电

4、电了。第三部分 写作技能培优优二、并列句的高级级表达形式1并列句的省略当并列句的结结构前后相同时时,可以根据句意省掉后面或前面相同的部分。Reading makes a full man;conference(makes) a ready man;writing an exact man.读书读书 使人充实实;讨论讨论 使人机智;写作使人准确。2祈使句and/or(else)/otherwiseStudy hard or(she)/otherwise you will not pass the exam.努力学习习,否则则你不会通过过考试试。第三部分 写作技能培优优.基础础巩固(在下面的句子中

5、填入适当的连词连词 )1_ did he speak correctly,_ he _ spoke easily.2He tried hard _ he didnt succeed.3He must have been in a hurry,_ it was getting dark.4He was walking on the street _ he found an old man fall over.5Come early _ youll miss the first bus.6Use your head _ youll find a way.Not onlybutalsobutforw

6、henor(else)/otherwiseand第三部分 写作技能培优优.能力提升1用并列句翻译译下面的句子(1)前门门大街是一条步行街,但是你可以乘当当车车去看电电影。_(2)这这条著名大街的历历史可以上溯到600年前,共约约800米长长。_Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but you can enjoy the trolley cars to go to see a movie in the theatres.The famous street dates back to six hundred years ago and has a leng

7、th of about 800 meters.第三部分 写作技能培优优(3)另外,它也是一条商业业街,街道两边边分布着300多家商店。_It is also a commercial street,and lined with more than 300 shops.第三部分 写作技能培优优2选选用以上句子组组建一篇介绍绍前门门大街的小短文(适当加入连词连词 、调调整句式结结构)_One possible version:Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but you can enjoy the trolley cars to go to see a movie in the theatres.First of all,the famous street dates back to six hundred years ago and has a length of about 800 meters.It is also a commercial street,which is lined with more than 300 shops.第三部分 写作技能培优优本部分内容讲解结束按ESC键键退出全屏播放


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