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1、细胞间的黏连在发炎和细胞间的黏连在发炎和癌细胞转移中的作用癌细胞转移中的作用What is cancerWhat is cancer ?Cancer is a disease in which cells escape from the bodys normal growth control mechanisms and proliferate in an unregulated manner.癌症:一种细胞 不受正常的生理 调节机制控制而 无限制增生的疾 病。Cancer cellCancer cellMetastasis and Metastasis and metastaticmetas

2、tatic cells cellsThe spread of a tumor within the body is called metastasis and is the reason why cancer is such a devastating disease.Metastatic cells,cancer cells that are able to initiate the formation of secondary tumors肿瘤细胞在体内的传播 叫做转移,正因为它癌 症才成为了厉害的疾病 。转移细胞,癌 细胞开始第二 次形成肿瘤。DifferenceDifferences

3、s between between metastaticmetastatic cells and normal cellscells and normal cellsMetastatic cells must be less adhesive than other cells to break free of the tumor mass.They must be able to penetrate numerous barriers, such as the extracellular matrices of surrounding connective tissue and the bas

4、ement membranes that line the blood vessels that carry them to distant sites 转移细胞比其他细 胞黏着力弱,以便 从肿瘤组织中脱离 。转移细胞能穿过多 重防护(如组织间 的细胞外基质和血 管的基底膜)最终 到达致病位点。 They must able to invade normal They must able to invade normal tissues if they are to from tissues if they are to from secondary colonies.secondary co

5、lonies. 转移细胞能够侵入正常组织第转移细胞能够侵入正常组织第 二次形成肿瘤二次形成肿瘤Two keys of cancer :MMPsMMPsE-E-cadherincadherinCancer cellsMMPs-matrix metalloproteinases(基质金属蛋白)MMPs are enzymes .These enzymes degrade the proteins and proteoglycans that stand in the way of cancer cell migration. In some case, cancer cells secrete t

6、heir own MMPs ,but in most case growing tumors induce the synthesis and secretion of these enzymes by the surrounding “host” cells. MMPs also appear to stimulate the growth of cancer cells and promote the development of the blood vessels that nourish growing tumors.基质金属蛋白是一种酶, 它可使阻挡癌细胞转移的 蛋白质和蛋白聚糖降解

7、。 一些癌细胞可自己分泌 MMPs,但多数正在生长 的肿瘤可促使其“宿主” 细胞合成分泌MMPs。MMPs可刺激癌细胞生长 ,促进血管产生好进一步 滋长新的肿瘤。MMPs-matrix metalloproteinases(基质金属蛋白)Scientist synthesized MMPs inhibitors, it have shown some promise in the treatment of patient with early-stage stomach cancer, but have little promise in stopping late-stage tumor .

8、 To date ,the only FDA approved MMP inhibitor is used to treat periodontal disease . E-cadherin (上皮-钙黏素)E-E-cadherincadherin is the predominant is the predominant cell adhesion molecule of cell adhesion molecule of epithelial cells. in one survey of epithelial cells. in one survey of epithelial cell

9、 tumors , it was epithelial cell tumors , it was found that the greater the level found that the greater the level of expression of E-of expression of E-cadherincadherin, the , the less the cells less the cells metastaticmetastatic potential.potential.E-cadherin may also inhibit the signaling pathwa

10、y within the cell that lead to tissue invasion and metastasis.(入侵和转转移) 上皮-钙黏素是上皮细 胞的重要连接,在对 上皮组织细胞瘤的研 究中发现E-cadherin表 达水平越高,瘤细胞 转移潜能越低。急性肾小球肾炎的的病理改变是肾脏体积可较正常增大,病变主要累及肾小球。病理类型为毛细血管内增生性肾小球肾炎。光镜下通常为弥漫性肾小球病变,以内皮细胞及系膜细胞增生为主要表现,急性期可伴有中性粒细胞和单核细胞浸润。病变严重时,增生和浸润的细胞可压迫毛细血管袢使毛细血管腔变窄、甚至闭塞,并损害肾小球滤过膜,可出现血尿、蛋白尿及管型尿

11、等;并使肾小球滤过率下降,因而对水和各种溶质(包括含氮代谢产物、无机盐)的排泄减少,发生水钠潴留,继而引起细胞外液容量增加,因此临床上有水肿、尿少、全身循环充血状态如呼吸困难、肝大、静脉压增高等。肾小管病变多不明显,但肾间质可有水肿及灶状炎性细胞浸润。 急性肾小球肾炎治疗:本病治疗以休息及对症为主,少数急性肾功能衰竭病例应予透析,待其自然恢复。不宜用激素及细胞毒素药物。 一、一般治疗 肉眼血尿消失、水肿消退及血压恢复正常前应卧床休息。予低盐(3g/d)饮食,尤其有水肿及高血压时。肾功能正常者蛋白质入量应保持正常(每日每公斤体重1g),但氮质血症时应限制蛋白质摄入,并予高质量蛋白(富含必需氨基酸

12、的动物蛋白)。仅明显少尿的急性肾功能衰竭病例才限制液体入量。 二、治疗感染灶 首选青霉素(过敏者更换为对革兰氏阳性菌高度敏感的大环内酯类、头孢第一代抗生素)800万单位静脉滴注,1014天,但其必需性现有争议。反复发作的慢性扁桃体炎,待肾炎病情稳定后(尿蛋白小于(+),尿沉渣红细胞少于10个/高倍视野)可作扁桃体摘除,术前、后两周需注射青霉素。 三、对症治疗 利尿、消肿、降血压。常用噻嗪类利尿剂(如双氢氯噻嗪25mg,每日23次),必要时才予利尿剂如呋塞米2060mg/d, 注射或分次口服。利尿后高血压值仍不满意时,可加用钙通道阻滞剂如硝苯啶2040mg/d, 分次口服或血管扩张药如肼酞嗪25

13、mg,每日3次。但保钾利尿药(如氨苯蝶啶及安体舒通)及血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,少尿时应慎用,以防诱发高血钾。 慢性肾炎 图书四、中医药治疗 本病多属实证。根据辨证可分为风寒、风热、湿热,分别予以宣肺利尿,凉血解毒等疗法。本病恢复期脉证表现不很明确,辨证不易掌握,仍以清热利湿为主,佐以养阴,但不可温补。 五、透析治疗 少数发生急性肾功能衰竭而有透析指征时,应及时给予透析(血液透析或腹膜透析皆可)。由于本病具有自愈倾向,肾功能多可逐渐恢复,一般不需要长期维持透析。 ,它有力地推进了临床医学和预防医学。治疗和预防疾病的有效(df肺25s血液f369血小板t5172 红血球gdf55m 白血球fd2)手段在20世纪才开始出现。20世纪医学发展的主要原因是自然科学的进步。各学科专业间交叉融合,这形成现代医学的特点之一。 综合医学



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