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1、翻译基础理论与技巧Basic Theories and Techniques in TranslationLectured byProf. 曹立娅一、概论Essentials of Translation1、翻译的意义l Translation is of great importance in learning a foreign language. Today, it plays an increasingly important role in our countrys economy reform and opening to the world. Translation promot

2、es mutual understanding between Chinese and foreigners, contributes to the speeding up of our countrys modernization, and thus, is absolutely necessary in the development of our market economy.1)开设翻译课的目的l以教育部指定的大学英语教学课程要 求中对“翻译能力”的要求为教学目标 ,培养和提高学生的实际翻译能力。通 过课程学习,使学生掌握翻译基础理论 与技巧,通过大量的翻译练习获得感性 认识,从中悟出

3、一些道理,了解翻译的 一般规律,从而使学生能对题材熟悉的 文章进行英汉互译,并达到较高的翻译 质量。2)学习翻译理论掌握翻译技巧的必要性lThere are many translation theories and techniques. Without knowing the theories and techniques, one will most likely take a roundabout course in the translation work.That is why it is necessary for us to have a good command of bot

4、h the source language and the target language, and of the theories and techniques in translation.3)了解翻译技巧的局限性l必须指出:翻译技巧是人们从事多年翻 译工作的经验总结,应该认真学习。然 而, 翻译技巧只告诉我们在某些具体情 况下翻译应该使用的技巧,因此有其局 限性。l如:l用词不同lblack tea、black coffee、 an off seasonl词的搭配不同lmake money、wet snow、a heavy snowl语言结构不同lNo comments.lWe need

5、 talking heads.l严禁烟火l配合默契2、翻译的定义l What is translation?l Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language.l翻译是把一种语言所表达的思想用另一 种语言重新表达出来的活动。3、翻译的功能(过程)lTranslation is for interlingual communication, bridges the gulf between different-tong

6、ue speakers, and reproduces and spreads the message in the original language. Translation permits knowledge to be transmitted to different corners of the world and to succeeding generations. Translation gives information, reveals feelings, and affects peoples thought or behavior. Without translation

7、, the worldwide civilization would not be possible.1)语内交流甲乙TOTAM(S)(R)To:original thoughtM: messageTa: acquired thoughtS: sourceR: receptor(L )(L)从上述过程可以看出, 交流思想是通过 语言进行的, 因而语言是交流思想的媒 介。但必须有一个先决条件,即甲乙双 方都懂同一种语言,这个交流才可能实 现。这种在同一语言内部进行的交流叫 做:语内交流(intralingual communication)。这是最常见的一种交 流形式。2)语际交流丙M-TO -

8、MRMR: reproduced message(SL)(TL)理解过程表达过程SL:source languageTL:target language倘若乙是个英(美)国人,不懂汉语 ,甲是个中国人又不懂英语,甲乙之 间就不能交流思想。这时,就需要丙 把甲所说的或所写的信息用英语重新 表达一遍,成为再现信息( reproduced message)。这样,乙就明 白了甲的意思,交流就完成了。在这 个过程中,丙担任了翻译的角色。通 过翻译进行的思想交流,叫做:语际 交流(interlingual communication) 。M-Mr 这个过程就是翻译。4、翻译的标准(严复的信、达、雅)lB

9、y the end of 19th century, Yan Fu,the president of Yanjing University, and great translator and professor, introduced a large number of books to the Chinese people by means of translation. He also put forward the well-known criteria for translation, i.e. faithfulness, comprehensibility and elegance.

10、lMr. Lu Xun also put forward the criteria for translation: faithfulness and expressiveness.根据翻译的定义提出现行的翻译标准:l翻译是语际交流过程中沟通不同语言的桥梁。 它的任务是把原文信息的思想内容及表现手法 , 用译语原原本本地重新表达出来, 使译文 读者能得到与原文读者大致相同的感受。译文 读者和原文读者的感受大致相同或近似, 就是 好的或比较好的译文;相去甚远或完全不同, 则是质量低甚至是不合格的译文。从翻译效果 ,也就是以译文读者得到的感受如何, 来衡量 一篇译文的好坏,这就是翻译标准。5、翻译

11、的要求 Our requirements are as follows:l1)Faithful to the original-不能任意歪曲 、篡改、增删、遗漏、不能加上译者的 观点和感情。l 2)With standard language-译文通俗、 合乎行文习惯;不能生搬死译。l3)Keeping the style of the original-保持 原作的语体风格;民族风格;个人风格 。6、翻译的种类lThere are some kinds of translation:l translation from ancient language into modern languag

12、e;translation from Chinese into foreign language and vice versa, and translation from one local language into another local language within a country.lAs far as the translation form is concerned, we have oral and written translation;as far as different articles, we have translation of essays, editor

13、ials, literature and that of science and technology. As far as method is concerned, there are literal translation(直译) and free translation.(意译)7、翻译的最高标准和最低标准l最高标准是翻译的理想境界,是翻译工 作的努力方向。最低标准是指译文起码 应该达到的水平, 低于这个水平就是不 合格的翻译, 失败的翻译。l不合格的翻译l译文中若出现下列情况,译文读者得不 到与原文读者大致相同的感受,即属于 不合格的翻译。(1)、错译lThe clerk had to

14、 break off the conversation in order to wait on a customer.l原译:为了给顾客服务, 职员门得擅长 交谈。l改译:l那位职员只得中断谈话, 以便去接待一 位顾客。lRegardless of appearance, Jack is innocent.l原译:l不管迈克的相貌如何, 他都是无辜的。l改译:l不管迈克的外表如何, 实际上他是一个 头脑简单的人。(2)、漏译l学生是复杂的, 工作又很多。l原译:lThe students are complex. Especially in the present there are comp

15、lex elements.l改译:lThe situations are very complicated with the students. And we have a lot of work to do.(3)、马虎翻译lTry to be modest and prudent, guard against complacency.l原译:l要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。l改译:l要谦虚谨慎, 防止自满情绪。l可是,凭我的感觉,这个家庭好像还有 什么问题。l原译:lBut in my opinion there was a problem in this family.l改译:lBut as I

16、 saw it, there seemed to be a problem with this family.(4)、表达失误lHe is physically weak but mentally sound.l原译:l他身体虽弱,但思想健康。l改译:l他身体虽弱, 但精神尚佳。(5)、词不搭配lAnd the body lay white and still beneath the pinesl原译:l这具尸体苍白而安静地躺在松树下l改译:l这具苍白的尸体静静地躺在松树下(6)、译文费解lThe alternatives are now clear to see.l原译:l代替的办法, 现在已经清楚在望。l改译:l现在有两条路已经清楚地摆在我们面前 。(7)、“洋”化现象lIt is now thought that the more work we give our brain,



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