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1、英汉语言对比知识在英语学习中的作用英汉语言对比知识在英语学习中的作用报告人:蔡激浪一些语言现象o如何翻译以下句子?Do you have a family?*你有家庭吗?*你成家了吗?你有孩子吗?oHis mother died of difficult labor.o*他妈妈做苦工累死了。o*他母亲劳累而死。o他母亲死于难产。I know the philosophy but in reality things do not always work that way.*我知道哲学,可是实际上事情being非总是如此运行 。道理我懂,可是现实中情况并非总是如此。oTime and tide w

2、ait for no man.o*时光和潮流不等人。o时光如同潮流一样不等人/时光如流水,岁月不待人。uThey didnt praise him slightly.u*他们一点儿也没有表扬他。u他们对他大加赞赏。oNo one can be in China more than a few hours without sensing an enormous optimism.o在中国几个小时以上的人,没有任何人不感觉 到一种巨大的乐观主义。o任何人只要在中国呆上几个小时,无不察觉到 一股巨大的乐观情绪。/ 任何人只要在中国呆 上几个小时,都会察觉到一股乐观的情绪。英汉对比研究的重要性o“Th

3、e most effective materials are those that are based upon a scientific description of the language to be learned, carefully compared with a parallel description of the native language of the learner.” Charles C. Frieso“我相信,对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识英 语和汉语的差别,在每一个具体问题词形、词义、 语法范畴、句子结构上,都尽可能用汉语的情况跟英 语做比较,让他通过这种比

4、较得到更深刻的体会。” 吕叔湘,中国人学英语o有利于交际o有利于英汉/汉英翻译o有利与英语写作能力的提升o有利于语言研究1 1、综合语(、综合语(SyntheticSynthetic)vs.vs.分析语(分析语(AnalyticAnalytic)oHe moved astonishingly fast.oHe moved with astonishing rapidity.oHis movements were astonishingly rapid.oHis rapid movements astonished us.oHis movements astonished us by their

5、 rapidity.oHe astonished us by moving rapidlyoHe astonished us by his rapid movements.o他的行动,快得惊人。o他行动的速度快得令人惊讶。o他行动速度之快,令人惊讶。o他的快速行动使我们感到惊讶。o我们对他的快速行动感到惊讶。o综合语的特征是经常性、系统性的运用曲折 形式来表现语法关系为特征的语言。o分析语的特征是相对频繁地使用功能词、助 词和改变词序来表达句法关系,而不用曲折 形式来表达。oHe had to quit the position and went in exile, having been d

6、eprived of his power.o他被剥夺了权力之后,只好离职,流落他乡。No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house.刚刚几位可敬的先生都发言了。对于这几位先生的 爱国精神及才干,我个人比任何人都更钦佩。oA very important questionoA question of great importanceo一个很重要的问题A debatab

7、le subjectA subject which can be debated一个可以辩论的题目At an unprecedented speedAt a speed unprecedented以空前的速度oThere is no inconsistency in what he said.oThere is nothing inconsistent in what he said.o他说的话并没有前后矛盾之处。o总结:汉语有严格的语序,英语的语序更加 灵活。oAn element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler

8、substance by ordinary chemical means.o元素是一种物质,这种物质不能用一般的化学 方法再分解成更简单的物质。英汉思维习惯不同oThe tendency of a body to continue in motion is clear to one who observes that an automobile or a train moves for some distance even when brakes are used to check this motion.o先讲结论再讲事实。汉语刚好相反。o汽车或火车在已经刹车的情况下还是会向前移动 一定的距

9、离。 看到这种情况的人就会明白, 运动着的物体具有继续运动的倾向。英语常用介词,汉语常用动词来取代oWhat is he at?o他在干什么?John voted with Tories.约翰投票支持保守党。oPeter drew his knife on the robber.o彼得拔刀向那个强盗砍去。He is a man above vulgar interests.他是一个脱离了低级趣味的人。2、刚性(rigid)vs. 柔性(supple )o英语有综合语的特征,受形态的约束,因此语法是 硬的,没有弹性。汉语是分析语,不受形态的约束 ,因而语法是软的,富有弹性。The article

10、 has been translated.文章翻译完了。oNew factories are being built all over the city.o全市到处在兴建工厂。uIt is drizzling at the moment.u现在正下着毛毛雨。oIm so exhausted that I cant stand up.o累得我站不起来。oHe has a daugher, who works in Beijing. Someone has phoned her and it is said that she will be back tomorrow.o他有个女儿,在北京工作,

11、已经打电话过去了,听说 明天就能回来。oThe sky is high and the clouds are pale.o天高云淡。oHe has gone abroad for further studies.o他出国留学去了。oThis contract should be signed by the manager.o这个项目合同经理要签名。3 3、HypotacticHypotactic(形合)(形合)vs. Paratacticvs. Paratactic(意合)(意合)oBecause she is not honest, I cant trust her.o她不老实,我不能信任她

12、。oWe will not attack unless we are attacked.o人不犯我,我不犯人。oHe who does not advance falls back ward.o不进则退oOnce a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.o物极必反。o形合:以连接词构筑的附属或从属结构小句之间的关系 ;意合:小句之间依顺序而排列而不采用连接词表明小 句之间的关系4 4、Complex vs. Simplex Complex vs. Simplex 繁复与简短繁复与简

13、短oThe time has long passed when they sought comfort in the thought that our economic plans were unrealistic and unworkable.o以前他们认为我们的经济计划是不现实的、 行不通的,并以此聊以自慰。这样的岁月, 早一去不复返了。oo英语常用从属结构,层次复杂,整句中很少英语常用从属结构,层次复杂,整句中很少 有逗号。长度一般比汉语句子长。有逗号。长度一般比汉语句子长。oo汉语常用松句、散句、流水句、省略句、紧汉语常用松句、散句、流水句、省略句、紧 缩句、流水句。缩句、流水句。Re

14、asons for English Sentence Length英语使用关联词,可以清楚表明彼此关系;英语使用关联词,可以清楚表明彼此关系;英语语序灵活,可以自由选择句子成分;英语语序灵活,可以自由选择句子成分;英语让最长部分放在句子后面,形成英语让最长部分放在句子后面,形成“尾重尾重” 结构;结构;英语尾开放,让修饰词在中心词后面,不影响英语尾开放,让修饰词在中心词后面,不影响 中心词理解。中心词理解。The use of connective words, formal change, The use of connective words, formal change, and gra

15、mmatical rules, which define clearly and grammatical rules, which define clearly relations between the parts . relations between the parts . ooThe many colors of a rainbow range The many colors of a rainbow range fromfrom red red onon the outside the outside to to violet violet on on the inside.the

16、inside.oo彩虹有很多种颜色,内圈红,外圈紫。彩虹有很多种颜色,内圈红,外圈紫。ooThe formal pronouns of “it” and The formal pronouns of “it” and “there” usually make it possible to put “there” usually make it possible to put the longest part at the end of the the longest part at the end of the sentence, thus realizing end-weight.sentence, thus realizing end-weight.ooItIt is a great honor for me is a great honor for me toto have such have su



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