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1、形容词和副词n一。用法:n1.形容词修饰名词作定语,或补充主语 作表语,也可作宾语补足语nMary has a nice toy.(定语)nThat boy is tall.(表语)nEach of us must keep our classroom clean. (宾语补足语)n2.副词修饰动词、形容词或副词,作状语n他英语说得差。nHe speaks English badly.n护士精心照料婴儿。nThe nurse looks after the babies carefully.n3.常见的成对的形容词和副词ngoodwell (好) badbadly (坏)nquickquick

2、ly (迅速)npolitepolitely (礼貌)ncarefulcarefully (细心)nslowslowly (慢)nsuccessfulsuccessfully(成功)nfinalfinally(最后)nhappyhappily(快乐)neasyeasily(容易)nluckyluckily(幸运)二。比较等级1)、单音节和 部分双音节词1: 形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成A. slow fastyoung tallB. fine lateslower slowest younger youngest 一般在词尾加- er,- est以字母e 结尾的词,加- r,-stfiner

3、 finestlater latesttaller tallestfaster fastestC. thin bigD. easy lucky重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅 音字母,加- er,-est以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y” 为“i”再加-er,-esteasier easiestthinner thinnestbigger biggestluckier luckiestdelicious easilymore delicious most deliciousmore easily most easily在词前加more或most2、多音节和部分双音节词n不规则变

4、化的形容词和副词的比较等级:ngood/wellbetter best (好)nmany/muchmore most (多)nbad/badly/illworse worst (差,坏,病)nlittlelessleast(小)nfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest(远)noldolder/elderoldest/eldest(年龄大)n注:older表年龄大小,elder表长幼关系。n如:my elder brother 我的哥哥n his eldest sister 他的大姐姐n4.比较等级的用法n1)。原级的用法nA。as+原级+as 与一样(表示程度相

5、同)n这件上衣与那件上衣一样旧。nThis coat is as old as that one.n他跑得像狗一样快。nHe runs as fast as a dog.nB .not as (so)+as 与不一样(表示程度不 同)n北京的天气没有上海热。nThe weather in Beijing isnt as (so) hot as nthat in Shanghai.n我的英语说的不如李小姐好。nI dont speak English as (so) well as Miss Li.nC. times+as +原级+as 表示“是的几倍”n这套房子是那套房子的三倍大。nThis

6、house is three times as big as that one.n我的尺子是你的两倍长。nMy ruler is twice as long as yours.n注:as as possible 尽可能n我们应该尽可能早赶到衡阳。nWe should arrive in Hengyang as early as possible(=we can).n2).比较级的用法nA。用于两者比较,表示“更”。n第二课比第一课难些。nLesson 2 is more difficult than Lesson 1.nJim 比Tim大两岁。nJim is two years older t

7、han Tim.n这棵树比那棵树高三倍。nThis tree is three times taller than that one.n修饰比较级的词语有:much(得多). even(更加).far( 得多).a lot(许多). a bit(一点儿).a little(一点儿)表示 程度。n我们的城市比你们的城市美得多。nOur city is much more beautiful than yours.n法国比日本大一点。nFrance is a little larger than Japan.n注:比较级前不加the,但后面有of the two,要加the.n他是两人中较矮的那个

8、。nHe is the shorter of the two.nB.比较级+and+比较级 表示“越来越”n地球变得越来越暖。nThe earth is getting warmer and warmer.n我们的生活越来越美好。nOur life is becoming more and more beautiful.nC.the+比较级,the+比较级 表示“越,越”n这位老人越忙碌,感到越开心。nThe busier the old man is,the happier he feels.n你越多练习使用英语,就会学的越好。nThe more you practice using Eng

9、lish,the better you will learn it.n越多越好。nThe more,the better.n3).最高级的用法n用于三者或三者以上比较,其中一者“最”n形容词最高级前要加-the,副词最高级前的the可 省略n春天是一年中最好的季节。nSpring is the best season of the year.n那是我一生中最重要的日子。nIt was the most important day in my life.nLinda 在班里画画最细心。nLinda draws (the)most carefully in her class.一. 选择选择( )

10、1 Who gets home usually _ in your ( )1 Who gets home usually _ in your family?family?A. the latest B. later A. the latest B. later C. early D. as late C. early D. as late ( )2 The more we looked at the picture, _.( )2 The more we looked at the picture, _.A. we like it less B. the less we liked it A.

11、 we like it less B. the less we liked it C. better we liked it D. it looked better C. better we liked it D. it looked better ( )3 What a pity. Lucy ran _ than Lily.( )3 What a pity. Lucy ran _ than Lily.A. a few more slowly B. a little more slowly A. a few more slowly B. a little more slowly C. much

12、 more slowly D. little C. much more slowly D. little slowlierslowlierA AB BB B( )4 Dont worry. Your baby is looked after ( )4 Dont worry. Your baby is looked after _ here, the nurse are very _._ here, the nurse are very _.A. careful, carefully B. carefully, careful A. careful, carefully B. carefully

13、, careful C. care, careless D. careless, care C. care, careless D. careless, care ( ) 5.whose picture is ( ) 5.whose picture is better,Jacksbetter,Jacks or Toms? or Toms?- Both of them are - Both of them are good.Igood.I think Jack draws think Jack draws _Tom _Tom A. as good as B. as well as A. as g

14、ood as B. as well as C. better than D. worse than C. better than D. worse than ( )6 Beijing is _ biggest city in China.( )6 Beijing is _ biggest city in China.A. the first B. one of C. the second D. second A. the first B. one of C. the second D. secondB BB BC Cn句型转换:n1.I jumped the highest in my class.nI jumped than . in my class.n2.This story isnt as interesting as that one.nThis story is than that one.nThat story is than thi



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