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1、外研 九年级 上册Unit 2We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.among speech pioneer grow corn following layprep. 在之中 n. 演说;讲演 n. 开拓者;先驱者 v. 种植,栽培(植物) n. 谷物;玉米 adj. 接着的;接下来的 v. 摆放(餐桌)Words and Expressionslay the table over dish parade ourselves摆放餐桌 adj. 完了的;结束的 n. 盘;碟 n.(庆

2、祝)游行 pron. 我们自己Words and ExpressionsLead-inLets enjoy a video. Thanksgiving Dayobjectives1. To understand how people in America celebrate the Thanksgiving Day.2. To learn some new words and expressions.3. To have a further understanding of Adverbial Clause of Time.Words: among, speech, pioneer, grow

3、, corn, following, lay, over, dish, parade, ourselvesPhrases: lay the tablePatterns: while they were crossing give thanks (to sb.) for (doing) sth. We were celebrated the festival sinceamongprep.It is a time for a special dinner among family and friends.这个时候,朋友或家人会一起吃上一顿特别 的晚餐。In the middle of 在之中(一

4、般为 三者或三者以上)Look and sayspeechn.People make short speeches and give thanks for their food. 人们作简短的致辞,为食物而感恩。A talk, especially a formal one about a particular subject, given to a group of people.演说;演讲Look and saypioneer n.We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in

5、 America. 自17世纪首批英格兰的拓荒者抵达美洲大 陆后,我们就一直庆祝这个节日。One of the first people to do something that other people will later develop or continue to do.开拓者Look and saygrow v.The local people, the Native Americans, taught the pioneers how to grow corn. 当地人,也就是美洲印第安人,教这 些拓荒者如何种植玉米。to make plants or crops grow by

6、taking care of them.种植;栽培(植物)Look and sayfollowingadj.The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food.第二年他们一起享用新收获的食物, 欢庆(丰收)。The next afternoon, month and so on.接着的;接下 来的Look and sayLay the tableWhen the supper was ready, mother told her to lay the table.To put the cl

7、oth, plates, knives, forks etc on a table, ready for a meal.摆好餐桌(准备开饭)Look and sayover adj.When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes.吃完饭后,每个人都来帮忙洗餐具。If an event or period of time is over, it has finished.结束的Look and saydishn.Ill just do the dishes before we go.我们走之前我会把餐具洗好的。盘子;碟子Look and s

8、ayparade n.We live in New York City, and we go to watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade.我们住在纽约,我们会去看梅西感恩节大游行。A parade is a procession of people or vehicles moving through a public place in order to celebrate an important day or event. 游行Look and sayTalkingWhat do your know about Thanksgiving? What

9、 is it?感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加 拿大共有的节日,由美国人民独创,原意是为 了感谢上天赐予的好收成、感谢印第安人的帮 助。在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11 月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天 。1620年,英国一批主张改革的清教徒,因 理想和抱负不能实现而退出国教,自立新教, 此举激起了英国当政者的仇恨。他们不得不乘 船远渡重洋,流亡美国。船在大海中漂泊了65天,终于到达了美国东海 岸,在罗得岛州的普罗维斯敦港登陆。当时,此 处还是一片荒凉未开垦的处女地,火鸡和其他野 生动物随处可见。时值寒冬,来到陌生的地方, 缺衣少食,恶劣的环境正在威胁着他

10、们的生命。 在这生死攸关的时刻,当地的印第安人为他们 送去了食物、生活用品和生产工具,帮助他们建 立了新家园。为感谢在危难之时帮助、支援过他 们的印第安人,同时也感谢上帝对他们的“恩赐 ”,他们将猎获的火鸡制成美味佳肴,盛情款待 印第安人。感恩节吃火鸡的习俗便流传下来了。Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.A special dinner. An American festival.The history of the festival.Things to do during the festival.1 23

11、42Read the passage and complete the table.Fact about ThanksgivingDate _Meaning _for their foodHistory 1. Have celebrated since _from England arrived in America 2. Learnt from the Native Americans how to _and celebrated together by _ of the new food.celebratio n1. Celebrate with _ 2. _ before dinner

12、3. Celebrate by watching _in New York City and _on television3Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.The first _crossed the Atlantic and arrived in America in the seventeenth century. At the beginning, they did not have enough food. The Native Americans taught them how to

13、 grow_. They soon had _ to eat. among corn dishlay pioneer plenty 4Today, people living in the US remember the Native Americans and the pioneers at Thanksgiving. This festival is celebrated with a meal _ family and friends. Everyone helps prepare the food and _ the table. After the meal ,they help w

14、ash the_.among corn dishlay pioneer plenty 4What do you think the true meaning of Thanksgiving is?Turkey?Shopping?Holiday?Having fun?To be grateful/ thankful for what we have.To express our appreciation/ gratitude to those around us.To appreciate ourselves.People make short speeches and give thanks

15、for their food. 人们作简短的致辞,为食物而感恩。give thanks (to sb.) for (doing) sth. 对某人做了某事表示感谢She expressed her thanks to her friends for coming to the party.她对朋友们来参加聚会表示感谢。Thanks for (doing) sthThanks for your support.对某人做了某事表示感谢We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century.自17世纪首批英格兰的拓荒者乘船抵达美洲 大陆后,我们就一直庆祝这个节目。“自从”可引导时间状语 从句,常与完成时连用。We have been friends since childhood.我们从小就是朋友。While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died当他们穿越大西洋的时候,很多人死了当的时候 He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。 whileWhile 引导的


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