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1、21st Century Teens深圳市宝安中学 袁小林for Senior 112-13学年第27期总第507 期How to slice a pie (P2)21st Century TeensI. Pre-reading1.Do you often go shopping on the weekend?2.How much pocket money do you spend in a month?3. Is there anyone you know who doesnt go shopping?21st Century TeensI. Pre-reading4. What kind

2、of life do rich people live?5. What kind of life do poor people live?6. Is there a big gap between the rich and the poor now?21st Century TeensII. Reading1.Why didnt Zhang Jiayi go shopping during the winter vacation? Because he was staying with his grandparents in a small, poor county, where there

3、are no shopping malls. 2. What did Zhang Jiayi sense ? He sensed the growing rich-poor gap in China .Answer questions after reading21st Century TeensII. Answering questions 3. What is a Gini coefficient ? A Gini coefficient is a measure of wealth inequality used internationally, which measures incom

4、e distribution on a scale of 0 to 1. 4. What was the Gini coefficient in China during 2003 -2012? 0.47-0.49 was found by the NBS, and 0.61 was found by the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.21st Century TeensII. Answering questions 5. What does it mean if the Gini coefficient reaches

5、between 0.4 and 0.5? It means there is a large income gap in the country. 6. What does Chinas index mean? It means that China has a larger income gap than most developing countries and most developed countries.21st Century TeensIII. Language study1.Hanging out in retail stores selling sports brands

6、is the favorite hobby of Zhang Jiayi. 逛卖体育品牌的零售店是张佳逸最大的爱好。 Hang out 意味 闲逛; 此处-ing形式作主语 如:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Selling sports brands 为-ing 形式作定语 相当于 which sell sports brands. 又如这就是那个昨天帮助我的人。 This is the man who was helping me yesterday.21st Century Teens 2. Almost everyone, including Zhang Jiay

7、i, can sense the growing rich-poor gap (差距 ) in China. 几乎每个人,包括张佳逸在内,都能感觉到中国 正在增加的贫富差距。 including:此处是分词介词。如 In包括一个小孩,车里有五个人。 There are five people in the car, including a child. = There are five people in the car, one child included.21st Century Teens 3. 下面句中动词-ed 分词作什么成分? the NBS released Chinas 20

8、03-2012 Gini coefficient , based on the income index of 400,000 households in both urban and rural areas. 2) The Gini coefficient is a measure of wealth inequality used internationally. It measures income distribution on a scale of 0 to 1. 3) The official figure is close to the 0.47 given by the Wor

9、ld Bank. -ed 分词作定语,相当 which is based on -ed 分词作定语,相当which is used -ed 分词作定语,相当 which is given21st Century Teens 4. He stayed with his grandparents in a small, poor county about 78 kilometers from Xian, where there are no shopping malls. 他在离西安78公里一个贫困小县和祖父母住在一 起,那里没有购物中心。 Where引导表地点的非限制性定语从句 又如: He w

10、ent back to the small town, where he was born and raised. 比较:He went back to the small town, which he liked very much. 21st Century TeensIV. Difficult sentence 1.Only 29 countries Gini coefficient is higher than Chinas, among which 27 are from Latin America and Africa and two are from Asia 只有29个国家的基

11、尼系数比中国高,其中有27 个国家来自拉丁美洲和非洲,两个来自亚洲 。 among which 非限制性定语从句;介词提前 那里坐着几个老人,其中有一个80多岁了。 There sat some old people, one of whom was over 80 years old. 他住在一个小房子里,它的窗子朝大海开。 He lives in a small room, of which the window faces the sea.21st Century TeensIV. Appreciating sentence 2. We will not only make the pi

12、e of social wealth bigger, but also distribute it well 我们不仅要把财富的蛋糕做大,而且要分配好 。21st Century Teens Further discussion What should we do to distribute the “pie” of social wealth better?21st Century Teens深圳市宝安中学 袁小林for Senior 112-13学年第27期总第507 期Animal savior (P3)21st Century TeensI. Pre-reading1.Do you l

13、ike dogs?2.Do you like to keep a dog as a pet?3.Where do you adopt a dog?4.Have you ever helped a street dog?21st Century TeensII. Skimming 1.Who is Halie Weber?Halie Weber is a student in Florida.2. What is Halie Weber trying to do?She is trying to helping homeless animals.3. Why did she decide to

14、help homeless animals?Because she found they were being killed.21st Century TeensIII. Reading1. What did Halie learn when she went to adopt a dog? She learned that any dogs left behind would be euthanized. 2. What did Halie mean when she said “We are somebody”? She meant “we are the people that need

15、 to do something”. 3.What does “to do something” mean? It means “to do something to save the animals”.Answer these questions after reading the article.21st Century Teens 4. What has Halie actually done? She has sent letters to seven local governments, She has formed a nonprofit organization, She has

16、 helped rescue and find new homes for some 60 dogs and dozens of cats. 5. What does her nonprofit organization refer to? Misfit Animal Rescue. 6.What else has Halie succeeded in doing? The city commission has agreed with several of her points and passed a resolution supporting her proposal. 21st Century Teens What is Halies primary goal? Her primary goal is to end the ongoing euthanasia of pets. Wh



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