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1、厦 门 诚 毅 科 技 馆 诚 毅 科 技 探 索 乐 园核心项目 第 二 版展示项目设计方案活 力 之 源 Source of Vitality创创意设计设计 : Creative Design 技术术方案:Technical Solution效 果 图图:Art Design文字组织组织 :CopywriterCORE PROJECT DESIGNDesign Idea翁冬冬、莫燕、李冬等李冬、翁冬冬 等宋鑫楠等莫燕、李玉茜等CORE PROJECT DESIGN设计理念 Design Idea活力之源的设计目的是在中心垂拔区打造一个标志性建筑,具有日场夜场两 种呈现形态,能实现立体空间的

2、充分运用,满足1到4层的观赏需求。本项目在设计中以“凌空”,“海洋”,“信息”三个基本元素为基础, 以“活力”,“无限可能”两个关键词为指导思想。Goal: To create a landmark building in the central area; Display differently in day and at night; Making full use of dimensional space; Meeting viewing requirements from 1st to 4th floor.Based on three basic elements:“Volley“,

3、“Ocean“ and “Information“. Combining two ideas of “Vitality“ and “Endless possibilities“. 本项目的设计始终围绕的五个核心理念: 娱乐性,参与性, 安全性,易于维护性,空间适应性Abide by five key ideas: Entertainment, Participatory, Security, Ease of maintenance, Space suitability.设计理念图 Design IdeaCORE PROJECT DESIGN效果图 1 Design Sketch 1CORE P

4、ROJECT DESIGN效果图 2 Design Sketch 2 CORE PROJECT DESIGN总体空间布局分析 Space Analysis 本项目位于建筑物的垂拔区内,偏向自动扶梯方向。垂拔区占地面积为24mx36m。顶部视角 Top View底部视角 Bottom View本案 位置This project will be located at the atrium and is next to the escalators. It covers an area of 24m * 36m.CORE PROJECT DESIGN结构及功能设计 Structure Floatin

5、g bubbles with artistic effects will appear by the interactive facility for customers逆流跳泉一方面旨在说明人生是生命之逆流,要乘风破浪,有逆流而上的精神,才能不断前 进。另一方面,跳动的泉水也代表了信息流的流动,逆流跳泉呈现了水往高处流的奇异景观 。Reverse-flow jump springs: On the one side, it means life is the life of countercurrent , and only with the spirit of upstream , can

6、 we keep moving forward . On the other side, the beating springs represent information flow.CORE PROJECT DESIGN结构及功能设计 Structure Using the technique of multi-machine fusion splicing and multi-machine overlay brightening; Greater visual effect than any other outdoor display devices.CORE PROJECT DESIG

7、N结构及功能设计 Structure Easy for workers to do routine cleaning and maintenance through the staff path.万花筒不仅是美轮美奂的艺术作品,而且能够培养思维和观察能力,带来无穷无尽的探索乐趣,安 装在中心的巨型万花筒能带给你全新的体验。Kaleidoscope is the beautiful works of art installed in the centre, improving thinking and observing ability of tourists. It can bring end

8、less fun and new experience.CORE PROJECT DESIGN结构及功能设计 Structure The water flows from the inside to the outside, and then is pushed from the bottom to the top, which displays a special scene of the “climbing-up water“.活力跳泉被触发后,水流在棚子中依次传递,当传递到特定位置时,会有一 束激光直接射向万花筒,并启动万花筒中的机械装置,机械装置开始运转, 呈现美轮美奂的奇妙景象。同时

9、多束激光在万花筒中反射,并射向天空,呈 现闪电效果。When the water passes through some certain positions, there will be a laser line shooting to the triggers of the kaleidoscope; Marvelous scenes will be showed by the kaleidoscope, and several laser lines will reflect inside the kaleidoscope and display a picture of lighteni

10、ng at the same time.参观者可以通过交互装置触发海洋气泡,对应的泡泡球上升,并与活力跳泉相 呼应,漂浮的泡泡球具有梦幻的艺术效果。Visitors can use the interactive device to trigger sea bubble. The corresponding bubble ball will rise, according with vigor jump spring. The floating bubbles are very beautiful. 交互设计interaction design CORE PROJECT DESIGN动线及观赏

11、位置设计 Moving Line And Viewing Position Design一层路线图The Moving Lines of the First Floor二层三层四层本项目动线采用单一回环式设计,2-4层沿垂拔区外部形成环线,底层动线位于垂拔区内部The Single-Loop Moving lines of the second, third and fourth floor will surround the atrium, while one of the first floor is inside.动线贯穿所有交互设备及最佳观赏点,在最大程度满足游客观赏需求的同时避免的人

12、流局 部拥堵。Moving lines are set throughout all the interactive devices and the best view points, so as to meet the needs of visitors as far as possible, and to avoid congestion at the same time.Second FloorThird FloorForth Floor步行线路最佳观赏点入口Perfect Viewing PointWalking LineEntranceCORE PROJECT DESIGN项目运行分

13、析 Project Operation Analysis和谐的入口导流:为保证入口大厅几千名游客同时疏散,该层并未设置任何交互装置。游 客进入大厅,即可被其他楼层丰富的交互设施所吸引,从而迅速离开入口处人流密集区域 ,并通过多条支路通往其他楼层。Harmonious Entrance Guide: There is no interactive equipment in the entrance hall in case of the evacuation of thousands of tourists. Visitors will be attracted by the interacti

14、ve facilities on other floors when they enter the hall. It will lead them from densely populated areas to other floors through side roads.立体的设备分布:各层交互设备将以主体建筑为轴心射线式展开,多台设备环绕分布,避 免人流因使用交互设备而造成局部的阻塞。3-Dimensional Equipment Distribution: The interactive equipment spreads radically around the main build

15、ing so as to avoid the blocking in some areas.多元的交互手段:本展项不同楼层之间交互方式不尽相同,游客可根据自己的喜好前往相 应楼层体验,形成动态人流。Multiple Interaction Approach: The interaction approaches varies from different floors. A dynamic human flow will achieve because the tourists人流疏导设计Management of Human FlowCORE PROJECT DESIGN项目运行分析 Pro

16、ject Operation Analysis活力之源的总体设计方案秉承“科技解放生产力”的原则,充分发挥整个团队的技术优势 ,通过前期缜密的统筹规划,尽可能的减少了实际运营过程中人力资源的使用。Taking advantage of the advanced technology in design team, Source Of Vitality is designed to liberate the productive forces by science and technology as much as possible. 活力之源所使用的交互设备均经过科学的设计论证和严格的检测测试,确保后期运行的稳 定性。Stereo Equipment Distribution:The interactive equipment will


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