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1、Lecture 5 Narration and DescriptionPart I. NarrationlConcept and Basic StructurelFive Aspects of NarrationlHow to Write a NarrationlNarration in CET6. Concept and Basic Structure1. 记叙文又称记事文或叙述文,是按照时间顺序叙 述人物的经历和事情的产生、发展和变化过程的 文章。记叙文主要的叙事方式有顺叙、倒叙、插 叙和夹叙夹议。 2. 顺叙(in sequence of time)通常是按事情发生 的先后顺序进行叙述;

2、倒叙(flashback)把结局提 到前面叙述,然后再按时间的顺序进行叙述;插 叙(narration interspersed with flashbacks)是在叙 述过程中,由于某种需要,暂时把叙述的线索中 断,插入与之相关的另外一件事;夹叙夹议 (narration interspersed with comments)是一面叙 述事情,一面对这种事情加以分析或评论。a. 交代清楚与事件有关的六要素:人物、时间、地点和事情 的起因、经过、结尾(who/when/where/why/what/how) b. 选取恰当的叙事角度。在记叙某件事情时,即可采用第一 人称,也可采用第三人称。第一

3、人称可以使记叙显得逼真 ,让读者有一种身临其境的感觉,也便于表达作者的思想 感情,这种形式常用在写自传、本人经历或记叙耳闻目睹 的事件;第三人称可不受时间、空间的限制,可以更加客 观地反映内容,常用在对重大事件的客观报导以及记叙他 人的经历或事迹。 c. 合理使用文章发展的方法,将事件有逻辑地组织起来。一 般来说按开端、发展、高潮、结尾的顺序进行的。常用的 表达时间顺序的词和短语有:first, second, third, after that, next, meanwhile, while, afterward, later, whenever, finally, from then on

4、, soon after, during等。3. 一篇好的记叙文必须具备以下几点要求:We planned a surprise party for Lucy recently. She never had a birthday party and she was twenty-one years old. First, we carefully made a guest list. We included many of her friends from school, a few of her other friends from church, and all of her brothe

5、rs and sisters. Second, we planned a suitable menu. We needed some refreshing drinks and food. We were going to serve fruit punch and coffee. We also wanted chicken sandwiches, a birthday cake with twenty-one candles, and ice cream. Third, we planned entertainment. A boy did magic tricks skillfully.

6、 Another boy played the guitar well. We all liked group singing. We had a lot of records and a record player. Everyone helped. The party became a secret community project. d.在记叙文中,记和叙都离不开动词,所以动词出 现率最高,且富于变化。记叙文中用的最多的是 动词的过去式,这是英语记叙文区别于汉语记叙 文的关键之处。英语写作的优美之处就在于这些 动词时态的变化,正是这一点才使得所记、所叙 有鲜活的动态感、鲜明的层次感和立

7、体感。这一 点在准备记叙文的写作中值得注意。e.主题明确。中心思想是文章的灵魂。我们记叙任 何事件都必须有一个明确的主题,要围绕主题思 想精心设计情节,而不是罗列琐碎的小事。这个 中心思想就是指对所记叙的人、事、物究竟是持 什么态度,是赞成还是反对;是歌颂还是批评都 必须明确,并且保持主题始终如一。l科技英语学习主编,上海交大毛荣贵 教授与美国天普大学Dorine Houston教授合 作对中国大学生作文进行修改,其中一篇 写一个女孩在公交车上为老人让座,不料 在场的三位男青年耻笑女孩,女孩的母亲 也责怪了她,此时“我”实在看不下去了,就 带头为女孩的行为鼓掌,车厢里也响起了 掌声。原文的开头

8、如下:lIn this world, we should think more of other people than ourselves. By doing so, our world will be full of happiness. This, of course, in my personal view. But it is a lesson I have drawn from one of my own experience. So now, I would like to share this experience with you, my dear reader. 按照汉语的

9、写作标准,这样的开头自然而又不俗, 但Houston教授对他的评语是“This is essentially a solid essay. The writer uses an anecdote to make a pointNow we just need to give it a good, strong topic sentence using the writers own ideas to form it.” Houston教授为该短文代拟了如下主题句: A little girl and a busful of people taught me an important lesso

10、n about the importance of thinking more of other people than of ourselves. One day I took a very crowded bus to schoolA Seaside HolidayOnce we spent our holiday at the seaside. When we arrived at the seaside, the weather was fine and everything around us was beautiful. The sea was all blue with seag

11、ulls hovering to and fro. Some boats were floating on the still sea and some speed boats were rushing quickly across the water. We all enjoyed a pleasant time. Most of us swam in the sea. We played and splashed water onto one another. Having swum for a while, we went to the shore and bathed in the s

12、un on the sand ground. Some went boating. They sang as they boated. The others played games at the shore.We all spent the time happily. When it was time to go back, we were all reluctant to leave. We were freshened by the sea wind and fascinated by the scenery. The bath in the sea made us healthy an

13、d comfortable. I should say a holiday at the seaside is really enjoyable and profitable. . Five Aspects of NarrationlContext (背景)记叙文的背景包括事件发生的时间、地点 、人物等要素,这些需要在文章的开头交 代清楚,从而为事件的发展提供一个背景 环境,帮助读者更好地理解事件的进程。lSelection of Details (细节的选取)一个事件总是由大大小小的细节构成的。 细节的选取要适量,如果太少无法使读者 了解整个事件的发生及过程,如果太多又 会使情节显得杂乱从而

14、使读者失去兴趣。 细节的选取应遵循一个原则:即仅选取那 些与主题相关,能够带出中心思想的细节 。lOrganization (情节的组织)一般的记叙文可以按照时间的顺序展开, 即开端、发展、结局依次将情节展开。如 果整个故事情节已经清楚地交代完毕,则 无需另外添加结尾。但有的情况下有必要 在叙述完整个事件的经过后,对事件的意 义或后续进展做简单论述。 lPoint of View (观点)即可选用第一人称或第三人称的写法。第 三人称的选择可以比较客观地表达作者的 观点。 lPurpose (目的)记叙文不是单纯地流水账式的记叙,必须 有一定的写作目的。可以是证明某种理论 ,例举某种概念,赞扬某

15、种美德或是批评 某种恶行。所以,在细节的选取和情节的 设计上都必须紧紧围绕这一写作目的。 . How to Write a NarrationPrewritingDraw an outline:(1) The time and place of occurrence of the instance and the people who were involved(2) The major phases in the process in which the instance developed(3) Your comments on the instance.Work on the three

16、 points listed in your outline one by one by trying to collect all the details relevant respectively to each of the three points, so as to make yourself comprehensively familiar with the whole process, within the frame of which the instance developedDraftingAt this stage you are expected to be ready to put what is in your mind concerning the instance into written words.Make feasible plan for composing your narrative piece.Topic:_


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