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1、I like music that I can dance to.Unit 6Self CheckMade by Mr HuaSelf checkFill in the blanks with the words givenremind cant stand look for prefer love 1.I classical music to pop music. 2.That man me of my English teacher.They wear the same clothes. 3.We are a quiet place to go on vacation. Do you kn

2、ow a good place? 4.I eating ice cream on a hot day. Theres nothing better. 5.I hamburgers. They make me feel sick. prefer remindslooking forlovecant stand1 which city does Lingling prefer ,Shanghai or Hong Kong ?2 Does Lingling go to Hong Kong just for fun ?3 What kinds of music do her friends like

3、?4 Where is her host family taking her to ?She prefers Shanghai .No, she goes there for her six-month English course .Her friends like loud music that they can dance to . Her host family is taking her to an Indian film festival .Read the e-mail and write a replyDear pan pal,Im having a great time in

4、 Hong Kong,although I have to be honest and say that I prefer to Shanghai. Still,its a great place to visit and I am lucky to be here for my six-month English course. Some other students are learning French . I might like to learn some too. What languages would you like to learn?Theres just so much

5、to see and do here. Last night I went to a Chinese music concert. Most of my friends like loud music so the concert suited me just fine. What kinds of music do you like?玩得 开心老实说看不完的景、做不完的事正适合我Before the concert we went for Italian food. Do you like it? There are lots of different kinds of food here.

6、 I dont know what to try next. What kinds of food do you prefer?My host family is taking me to an Indian film festival next weekend. Im not sure what to expect because Ive never seen an Indian film. Have you? Some people say theyre boring, but others say they are great. What kinds of films do you pr

7、efer?Yours,Lingling 我不知道到时侯会怎样expect 期望,希望。 expect sth expect to do sth expect sb to do sth一.完成下列词组 1. 玩得开心 2. 一个游览的好地方3. 老实说 4. 适合某人5. 许多可看的、可做的 6. 有幸做某事二.完成句子 1. 北京是一个可参观的好地方。 Beijing is _ _ _ _ _. 2. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的音乐。 She likes music _ _ _ 3. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的学校。 This building _ me _ my school. 4. 你对这部新影片

8、有什么看法? What do you _ _ the new film? 5. 这顶帽子非常适合您,女士! This hat _ _ _, madam!have a great timea great place to visitto be honestsuit sb fineso much to see and dobe lucky to do stha great place to visitthats she can dance to.remindsofthink ofsuits you fine三.填入合适的关系代词1. John is the man _ owns the book. 2. This is the pen _I bought on Sunday. 3. Whos the girl_ Bill is dancing with? 4. Are these all the letters _came in this mornings post? 5. The people _used to live in that house have moved. 6. The bus _goes to the hospital is No. 33.who/that/whomwho/thatwhich/thatthatwho/thatwhich/that


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