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1、 掌握同级、比较级、最高级基本知识掌握比较级中各出题方式掌握比较级、同级中的经典题目同级比较基本知识: asas not as/soas考点: asas中的 形容词与副词的判断、比什么 基础知识: adj/ adv的判断易混点 as soon as/ as soon as possible 补充点: 倍数比较级的基础知识单音词+er; more+多音词原形双音节词-分两种不规则比较级的考点多音节的比较级构成比较级与最高级的转换比较级和汉语中的“比较”的区别比较级的修饰More的用法与词组 例:这个音乐听起来很好 The music sounds good/nice. 例:这个音乐听起来和那个一

2、样好asas The music sounds as good/nice as that 否定句中: not asas/ not soas The music doesnt sound as/so good as that 步骤: 一:写最简单的句子 二:找好所比的内容 三: 用asas前后夹击,+比较对象同级比较-和一样: 比什么; 和谁比 例:他长得衰 He is ugly 他和王彤长得一样衰 He is as ugly as Wangtong. 例: 他做得好 He does well . 他和他做得一样好 He does as well as him. 例: 他和她一样常来玩 He p

3、lays as frequently as her.同级比较例句 (Once) asas Twice asas 3 times asas 10 times asas 这个大厦比这个屋子高十倍 The building is 10 times as high as the poor house.同级比较的扩展倍数 一: 判断其中的哪种词性, 必须熟练掌握good, well 的区别 二: 倍数的问题 三: asas/ as soon as一就/ as soon as possible 尽可能快的 的意思区别 四: as well- as well as 的区别 As well= too He d

4、oes as well as his brother, as well. 他也像他的兄弟那样做得一样好 五: as as的否定形式 中国登月不像美国那么早 China doesnt land on the moon as/so early as U.S.AAsas结构的总结他比她更酷 He is cooler than her 比: than 更: 在英语中有三个写法 She is smarter than him 她比他更聪明 She is more beautiful than him.她比他更漂亮 She does better than him. 她做得比她更好 汉语中的一个”更”,

5、在英语中, 根据形容词和副 词本身的原型,产生三大类的变形 1.Red-redder(单元音+er) 2.Beautiful-more beautiful (多元音: more+原型) 3.特殊词比较级: 所有单元音, 其后都配 er smart-smarter 辅元辅,双写 redredder; hothotter 这四类 ble; ple; ow; er 双元音, 还是 er Clevercleverer; narrownarrower; 狭窄的able abler有能力的; simplesimpler简单的; heavy heavier更重的 所有的多元音,双元音: more+原型 qu

6、iet more quiet ; beautiful more beautiful 特殊变形: good/well betterbest; bad/badly/ill worseworst; many/muchmoremost; little/a little lessleast; few/ a few fewerfewest Old olderoldest; oldeldereldest Farfartherfarthest; farfurther-furthest 结构: It sounds good 它比那个更好听 It sounds better than that 他比她更强壮 He

7、 is strong He is stronger than her. 他喝得比他高比较级的基本知识: 1. 构成比较级,本身无意义 She is more beautiful than her. 2. many, much 的比较, 本身有意义 She has many books. 例:她的书比他的书多 She has more books than his比较级的难点1. more 3. no more= not any more不再 4. more or less 或多或少 5. more and more 越来越多; less and less越来越少; redder and red

8、der 越来越红 6.the 比较级, the 比较级(the 必须放于句首) 你越瘦,冬天你觉得越冷 The thinner you are, the cooler you feel in winter. 7. one more= another one 再来一个 I need _ candle. 我还得需要一只蜡烛 他比班里其他的人都高 他在班里最高 He is taller than any other student in the class. He is the tallest in the class. 解题思路: 一:分清比较和最高 二:在比较中, than 后只接any oth

9、er4.最高级和比较级中意思相同的转化 Much/ a little/ too/ far/still/even对比较级修饰 He is stronger than him他比他壮 He is much/ too/ far stronger than him他比他壮得多 His handwriting is _ than her Far good; far best; much better; more better5.比较级的修饰问题 Hangzhou is a _ beautiful city More; very; much more; much 解题思路: 比较级必须有比较的对象, 例:

10、今天比昨天热 今天比较热 经典汉语:小腿肚子上挂水平-比较高的水平(比脚 高的水瓶) The book he bought in the book store was _ than that he brought from his brother better; best; far; far good6.到底什么是比较级 She is my elder sister. She is my older sister. 2误 析 elder 和eldest是用来指家庭中兄弟姐妹的长幼关系 ,而older, oldest 则是指岁数大多少,如:She is three years older tha

11、n I. Im tired. I cant go further. Im tired. I cant go farther. 1误 析 far有两个比较级 farther 较远的,further 进一步的 ,如:Do you need any further explanation? 你需要进一步 的解释吗?当然它也有两个最高级。farthest和furthest. He is very higher than I am. He is much higher than I am. 1误 析 much可以用来修饰比较级,而very则用来修饰形容 词原级,如:Im very tired. She

12、is not half as clever as her brother. She is not as half clever as her brother. 2误 析 在asas结构中要将修饰形容词的数量词倍数及 nearly, almost, exactly 等置于第一个as之前。 Who is taller of the two? Who is the taller of the two? 1误 析 两者的比较级之前要加定冠词。 I have less books than Tom. I have fewer books than Tom. 1误 析 less 是 little的比较级,

13、而fewer是few的比较级。 less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。 There are three girls in my group. The cleverest is Mary. There are three girls in my group. The cleverer is Mary. 2误 析 在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的 范围内应用最高级。 The boy sat there as quiet as his sister. The boy sat there as quietly as his sister 1误 析 asas的用法要注意的是: 在

14、其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而不可加比较级, 也有的语法书中称为同级比较。 要根据句意决定是加形容词还是副词,这要看它具体是 修饰动词还是名词而定,如:He is as good as his friend. The harder you study, and you can learn more The harder you study, the more you can learn. 1误 析 英文中如果要表达越来越怎样,在初中范 围有两种表达法: 比较级+and+比较级。 定冠词+比较级,如:The nights are getting longer and longer。 要注意的是

15、多音节形容词的比 较级前要加more,这样的用法是:more and more 加形容词,如:The girl is growing more and more beautiful.as Studying physics is not so interesting as to learn English. Studying physics is not so interesting as learning English. 1误 析 在作比较时,英语一般要求对比的两部分 结构应一致。如用动名词,应都用动名词,用不 定式时则都用不定式。但有时在后一个不定式前 的符号to可以省略。如:To repair the old one is as much expensive as (to) buy a new one.



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