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1、2012年英语学科 试卷分析2012.4.20最高分:纪红霞112 纪秀超103 杨孟玥103 徐雅娟103 李景妍101 杨赛月100试题难易程度 单选,阅读,容易 听力有一定难度。任务型阅读丢分严重。听力答案 BCCBA CACBB BACBB BCCBA BBBCB 易错题:2.Are you sure this is your seat 6Bfifty? 4.No one was late yesterday except Tony. 5.Hi,Bob,its a long time since we met last time. 6.Whos that speaking? 7.sor

2、ry,I didnt quite follow you .Can you say it again? 8.May I know your name please? 9.Please dont make so much noise,will you? 10.I have never read such a good poem before. 12.Ok,my dear.I ve got what we need. I had 200 dollars with me.But now Ive only got 35 dollars with me. Question.How much have th

3、ey spent? 17.He wants to be a doctor in the future.His mother wants him to be a teacher like his sister. 19.I play football three times a day.Every morning I run to school. 21.My English teacher is ill in hospital.she has a terrible stomache.How about some fruit and flowers?Lets make it ten to ten.

4、Dear Zhang Mao:Many people face the problem of being shy. It is not so difficult to deal with (处理). Start with small steps. Smile at your classmates and teachers, and say “Hi” when you pass them. Make a goal (目标) for yourself: Every day, try to talk at least five times without being asked. 71.shy 72

5、.smile 73.five/5 74.her parents 75.believe in单选 ABCAA DBBCD CDDBC DADCC完型填空 BADAB CBDCB阅读 BCACD CACBD DBBAC任务型阅读 76.F 77.easier 78.Because in modern society,everything is changing very fast. 79.They might attend a computer course. 80.终身学习有助于人们在任何年龄都能实现自 己的抱负。 81.thirsty 82. inventions 83.twentieth 8

6、4. relaxing 85. were having a meeting/ were holding a meeting Shall we meet at two oclock? Which is the way to the station? Theses gloves will keep your hands warm. The teacher told us an interesting story in class. I dont know whether she still works in the factory. Ma li lost her right arm in an a

7、ccident,and Zhaixiaowei lost his left leg in another.They were disabled but never gave up their hope.They kept on practicing dancing and then won many prizes.They made their dream come true.When I got the news ,I was deeply moved. As a student,Ive learnt a lot from their story.We may meet any differ

8、ent kinds of difficulties in our lives.Whatever happens,We should try our best and never give up.And we are sure to make it in the end!关于复习课 复习课不是简单意义上新授课的重复,而 是有计划、有目的、有交流的师生互动过 程。在复习教学中既要把握好以复习、讲 述、检查、矫正、练习为基本环节的常规 复习模式,也要尝试以情景、问题、活动 、归纳、练习为环节的体验式学习,使学 生在合作交流中积极主动地投入复习课学 习中,把已掌握的语言知识进行梳理并内 化成语言运用能

9、力,从而有效地提高复习 效率。试题总体特点 1.突出“正面引导,弘扬关爱,积极向上, 健康乐观”的主题 . 2.试题结构科学、严谨. 3.试题充分发挥了中考对打造英语高效课 堂的正导向作用. 4.取材广泛,语言地道,语境真实 。部分题题号内容小题题数计计分总总分第一部分 听力理解听句子,选选信息5530听句子,选选最佳答语语55听对话对话 和问题问题 ,选选答案或图图画55 听语语段、对话对话 和问题问题 ,选选答案1010听短文,填空55第二部分 语语言知识识 运用第三部分 阅读阅读 理解单项选择单项选择202035完形填空1010 IX词语词语 运用55VIIA.单项选择单项选择51040

10、 B.单项选择单项选择510C.单项选择单项选择510 D.任务务型阅读阅读510 第四部分 书书面表达X XI连词连词 成句 根据所给给提示或图图画,写出一 篇60-80字的英语语作文5 15 1015各种题型回顾与预测 听力 考查方式主要包括捕捉句子中的关键 信息;理解并准确、得体应答日常交际用 语;对对话中的人物、时间、地点、原因 、事件等做出明确判断;理解、归纳、概 括语段、对话等听力材料的主旨大意;根 据所听语篇的内容进行推断以及记录相关 的信息等。试题的大部分为细节信息题, 内容多为学生所熟悉的话题。 .听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共 5小题,每小题1分,计5分)此题主要考查

11、学生捕捉句子中关键信息 的能力。要求考生根据所听到的句子,从每 小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 题号分布为1-5 直接的单词听辨题1. Please go over the lesson after class. 【2009】 A. lesson B. listC. license 【2010】 1. Her sister has a sweet voice.A. ice B. rice C. voice【2011】 1.Sally is drawing a horse on the blackboard. A. horse B. house C. mouth关于数字的细节听辨题【2009

12、】 3. My e-mail address is . A B. C. 【2010】 2. My license plate is B2CR7F. A. E2CR3F B. B2CR7F C. B2OR6F2.The train D4562 for Beijing is checking now.【2011】 A. D4562 B. D2546 C.D5624短语听辨题 【2009】 2. Mark will take a vacation pretty soon. A.go to the station B. ask a question B. C. take a vacation 【2

13、010】 3. Jane is busy talking on the phone.A. talking on the phone B. waiting for a phone C. shouting at the phone 3.You should pay for the books if you lose them.【2011】 A. wait for B. pay for C. play for【2009】 【2010】 【2011】 4. Tom, Ill go to the airport to see you off tomorrow. 4. Tony is not as old

14、 as Jim.A. Im leaving by air. B. Toms leaving by air. C. Theyre leaving together by air.A. Jim is younger. B. B. Tony is younger. C. C. They are the same age.同义句或同义短语听辨题4. Steven, I will get a cup of tea for you. A. Ill give Steven a cup. B. Steven will make tea. C. Steven will get a cup of tea. 【20

15、09】 【2010】 【2011】 5. Hi, Lily. Its a long time since we met last. 5. Always laugh when you can, because it is good medicine. A. They will meet each other soon. B. They met somewhere not long ago. C. They havent seen each other for a long time. A. Laugh is good medicine. B. Always take cheap medicine. C. Medicine can make you laugh. 5. Sorry, the phone you are calling is busy now. A. Youre buying a telephone. B. Youre making a phone call. C. Youre answering the phone.


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