SSAT阅读 mid 2(OG)

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1、SECTION240 QuestionsRead each passage carefully and then answer the questions about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question.In the late 1970s, the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approved the firstvaccine to prevent pneumococcal.

2、 Initial distribution was being aimed at persons over 65.“Despite the wide use of antibiotics, pneumonia today is the fifth leading causeLine 5 of death in the United Stated ,” an FDA representative said. “The type of pneumonia” against which the vaccine protects accounts for a major portion of thes

3、e deaths. The vaccine is effective in at least 80 percent of the people who receive it.” Still, all theseyears later, the vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent pneumonia.1. The passage is primarily about(A)a preventive for pneumonia(B) the Food and Drug Administration(C) illness in the Unit

4、ed States(D)leading causes of death(E) the first vaccine invented2. From the passage, it can be concluded that the vaccine probably(A)increased the authority of the FDA(B) made the number of deaths from pneumonia(C) reduced the number of deaths from pneumonia(D)provided protection against illnesses

5、other than pneumonia(E) raised health expenses for people in the United States3. The style of the passage is most like that found in(A)an encyclopedia (B) a newspaper(C) a textbook(D)an advertisement(E) an almanac Meg burst into the laboratoryHer mother was sitting on a tall lab school, not looking

6、into the microscopein front of her, not writing on the clipboard which rested on her knee, just sitting thoughtfully. “What is it, Meg?”Line 5 “Whats wrong with Charles?”Mrs.Murry put the clipboard down on the lab counter beside the microscope“He had some trouble with the bigger boys again in school

7、 today.”“Thats not what I mean.”“What do you mean, Meg?”10 “He said you had Dr. Colubra here to look at him.”“Louise was here for lunch, so I thought she might as well have a look at him.”“And?”“And what, Meg?”“Whats the matter with him?”15 “We dont know, Meg. Not yet, at any rate.”“Charles says you

8、re worried about him.”“I am. Arent you?”“Yes, but I thought it was all school. And now I dont think it is. He got out ofbreath just walking across the orchard. And hes too pale. And he imagines things. And20 he looks- I dont like the way he looks.”“Neither do I. ”“What is it? Whats wrong? Is it a vi

9、rus or something?”Mrs.Murry hesitated. “Im not sure.”“Mother,please,if theres anything really wrong with Charles, Im old enough to25 know.”“I dont know whether there is or not. Neither does Louise. When we know anything definite, Ill tell you. I promise you that.”“Youre not hiding anything?”“Meg, th

10、eres no use talking about something Im not sure of I should know in a30 few days.”Meg twisted her hands together nervously. “You really are worried.”Mrs.Murry smiled. “We tend to worry about people we love.”4. In this passage, Meg is trying to discover(A)what her mother is doing(B) what is happening

11、 at Charles school(C) why Dr. Colubra did not visit her(D)what is wrong with Charles(E) why her mother will not talk to her anymore5. Meg does not receive complete explanations because Mrs. Murry (A)is trying not to let Charles hear(B) is not really interested in Megs problems(C) is preoccupied with

12、 her work(D)does not have definite answers(E) thinks Meg imagines things6. Louise is most probably(A)a lab assistant(B) a doctor(C) Charles sister(D)Charles teacher(E) A neighbor7. Meg is worried that Charles is (A)picking fights at school(B) angry at everyone(C) physically ill(D)making the wrong fr

13、iends(E) taking things from the laboratoryAfrica has changed greatly in the years since the Second World War. One afteranother; the African peoples have demanded the freedom or right to govern themselves.Sometimes peacefully and sometimes through a bitter struggle for power, as in the Congo, many Af

14、rican countries gained their independence. Today, most of the colonialLine 5 empire that once existed in Africa has disappeared. However, many problems still existas a result of Africas geography and past history.African leaders are aware of these problems and are trying to find solutions tothe uniq

15、ue situations facing them. Knowing that many of the African countries containgreat resources for agriculture, mining, and manufacturing, African leaders are working10 to find out how these natural resources can best be used to develop prosperous, modernnations. Other leaders are seeking ways to brin

16、g the various peoples of Africa closertogether so that all may share a peaceful and comfortable existence. Still others are focusing their attention on improving the health and education of Africans. The futureof Africa lies to a great extent in the hands of these leaders.8. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing(A)colonial empires in Africa(B) the personalities of modern African leaders(C) t



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