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1、II 内 容 摘 要 随着因特网的普及与网民人数的快速增长,在线交易得到了极大的发展。然而交易中的机会主义行为导致网络欺诈层出不穷,在线信誉匮乏已成为阻碍在线交易快速、健康发展的重要因素。在线信誉系统是一种新型的信任机制,对于建立和维护在线信任关系、保障在线市场秩序具备重要的意义。 信誉模型是信誉系统的核心。信誉模型向信誉系统提供信誉评价的标度方法,对信誉系统收集的信誉评价按一定规则进行集结,并更新被评价者的信誉值。信誉模型的优劣直接影响到信誉系统作用的发挥。 本文从信誉标度方法、信誉集结方法等角度对现有主要信誉模型进行了研究,指提出了一种基于均值法的信誉模型 标准信誉模型,深入分析了该模型的

2、影响因子,并运用系统仿真的方法对其可用性进行了研究。 本文首先对现有信誉模型进行了研究,指出简单的等级信誉标度方法不能满足在线交易对于信誉系统的评价要求,信誉标度方法需要更大的信誉区别能力;信誉的集结有和值法和均值法两种,和值法得到了广泛的应用,而均值法因为其对信誉状况的区分能力不够以及对信誉评价的变化太敏感而不具备可用性。 在研究现有信誉模型的基础上,论文提出了基于均值法的标准信誉模型。该模型采用0,1上的实数进行信誉标度,理论上具有无限的区分能力,可弥补标准信誉模型对信誉状况区分能力不够的缺陷,与和值型信誉模型允许用负值标度信誉相比,标准信誉模型利用非负实值标度信誉更容易被接受;深入分析了

3、标准信誉模型下历史信誉评价重要度的变化规律,给出了该模型历史信誉评价重要度设置的公式;确定了信誉评价可信度的计算方法。 最后在 Matlab7 环境下利用仿真程序对标准信誉模型和 eBay 信誉模型进行了对比实验。仿真结果表明:与 eBay 信誉模型相比,标准信誉模型能够有效防范信誉诋毁、信誉榨取等投机行为。这个结论也说明只要影响因子设计合理,基于均值法的信誉模型同样具备可用性。 本文提出的标准信誉模型将所有用户的信誉值统一到同一个标准,使不同用户以及同一用户不同时期的信誉状况具备了可比性,使在线信誉系统能够更好地发挥作用,从而促进在线交易的发展。 关键词:在线交易 信誉模型 仿真 信誉评价

4、III Abstract With the popularity of the Internet and the rapid growth of the Internet users, online trading has been greatly developed. However, opportunistic behavior led to many frauds, the lack of credibility has become an important factor that blocks the online trading. Online reputation system

5、is a new trust mechanism, whose aim is to establish, maintain the trust relationship, and protect the online market order. The reputation model is the core of the reputation system. It provides the reputation system a mean to measure the rating, aggregates the ratings from reputation system in a cer

6、tain rules and, updates the reputation value of the target user. It s the fatal factor that impacts the effects of the online reputation system. This paper analyzes the popular reputation models, then proposes a average- aggregated- based reputation model, named Standard Reputation Model and, studie

7、s the impact factors of the Standard Reputation Model; finally simulates the availability of it. First of all, this paper analyzes the popular reputation models in three aspects: the rating measurements method, the rating aggregation method, concludes that a simple rank rating method can not meet th

8、e online trading requirement for the reputation system; the rating method requires greater ability to distinguish the reputation. The aggregation methods of reputation include the add- up- aggregated method and average- aggregated method, the former is widely used, while the later is rarely used for

9、 its lack of ability to distinguish the various reputation situation and sensitive nature to the changes of reputation. Based on the study of popular reputation models, a model, using the average- aggregated- based method, named Standard Reputation Model, is proposed. It uses a real number belong to

10、 0, 1, thus it has an unlimited ability to distinguish the various reputation situation which is the most important weakness of the average- aggregated model. Compared with the add- up- aggregated- based reputation model including negative rating, the Standard Reputation Model is more acceptable for

11、 its nonnegative rating. This paper also analyzes the law and gives a setting formula about the importance of the past ratings. The paper gives how to computing the credibility of the rating, too. Finally, I develop a simulation system with Matlab 7 to compare the proposed model IV with the eBay rep

12、utation model. The experimentations show that the Standard Reputation Model is more efficient against malicious behaviors; it also proves that average- aggregated- based reputation model is unstableness via setting the factors properly. The proposed model unifies the reputation of all users to the s

13、ame range, which makes reputations of all users are comparable, so that the online reputation system can pay its role better, so as to promote the development of online trading. Key words: Online Trading Reputation Model Simulation Reputation Rating I 三峡大学学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工

14、作所取得的成果,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明,本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日 期: 1 引 言 随着因特网的普及,在线交易得到了极大的发展。C 2 C 的在线交易因为交易双方均不是企业,更容易产生投机主义行为。通过研究构造一个合理的信誉模型进而建立在线信誉系统既是电子商务信用理论研究的重要组成部分,也是在线交易顺利进行的客观需要。 按照信誉集结的方法可将信誉模型分为基于和值法的信誉模型和基于均值法的信誉模型。 和值法模型因为其计算简单、 信誉区

15、分能力强而成为研究和应用的重点;均值法则因为对信誉的区分能力较弱及对信誉的变化太敏感而一直得不到重视。本文则从解决均值型信誉模型的缺陷入手,研究了均值型信誉模型的三个影响因子,并提出了一个基于均值法的信誉模型- 标准信誉模型。系统仿真实验结果表明,该模型不仅有效地克服了均值型信誉模型的缺陷,而且具有和值型信誉模型所不具备的优势:以非负实数的形式提交负面反馈,而这个特点使标准信誉模型比和值型信誉模型更具备实用性和可接受性。 2 1 绪论 1 . 1 论文研究的背景 作为 2 1世纪崭新的商务模式,电子商务具有无限广阔的发展前景。中国互联网络信息中心( C h i n a I n t e r n

16、e t N e t w o r k I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r ,C N N I C ) 发布的互联网络发展状况统计报告显示,截止到 2 0 0 7 年 1 2 月,中国网民总人数从 2 0 0 6 年 1 2月的 1 . 3 7 亿增加到 2 . 1 亿 1 ,2 0 0 7 年增加了 7 3 0 0 万人,年增长率达到 5 3 . 3 % ,网民购物占网民所使用网上服务的比例已经超过 2 0 % 1 - 4 。目前电子商务的运作模式主要有 B u s i n e s s t o B u s i n e s s ( B 2 B ) 、B u s i n e s s t o C o n s u m e r ( B 2 C ) 、B u s i n e s s t o G o v e r n m e n t ( B 2 G ) 、C o n s u m e r t o C o n s u m e r ( C 2



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