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1、英语句子加强语气的方法 一、强调句有加强句子语气的作用 强调句用It is/was+that/who(m)结构,强调句子的 多种成分,突出了被强调部分,增强了行文过 程中需要表达出来的“是此而非彼”的语气。 1. With your help, I finished my lessons easily. It was with your help that I finished my lessons easily. 2. On a cold winter night, his father left home and never came back. It was on a cold wint

2、er night that his father left home and never came back. 二、用do或者did加强句子动词的语气。 1. You borrowed my book last week. 2. Please remember to lock the back door while leaving. Do remember to lock the back door while leaving. 三、倒装句有加强句子语气的作用 1. The boys were so excited. 2. When youre grown up, you can join i

3、n this club.did borrowSo excited were the boys.Only when youre grown up, can you join in this club. 四、感叹句 1. The work was very boring. -How boring the work was! 2. It is foolish of human to pollute the environment. -How foolish human are to pollute the environment! 3. He gave us an encouraging lectu

4、re. -What an encouraging lecture he gave us! 五、部分虚拟语气有加强句子语气的作用 I wish I could fly to the USA to help you. -How I wish I could fly to the USA to help you. 六、否定问句 We can improve the condition in another way. -Cant we improve the condition in another way? 七、使用一些副词,如really, seriously, terribly, strongl

5、y等。 80% of the people are strongly against smoking in public. Several people were seriously injured in the accident. 八、排比句 1. As a Chinese, we should help them and we must help them. 2. The Great Wall winds it way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains and through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. 3. government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish(死亡、毁灭) from the earth. 民有、民治、民享的国家永世长存。


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