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1、一、汉译英扫雷v 虚拟、倒装、时态和语态v v 考点透析 1.虚拟语气 1) if 虚拟条件句2) wish后的虚拟语气 3)表示建议、主张、命令等概念的词语后的虚拟语气 4)熟悉常见的能引出虚拟语气的词语以及一些特殊的虚拟语气 句型 非真实条件句 if从句主句过去was /weredidwas /weredid与过去相反 had been /donewould ( should / could /might) have been /done现在am, is, aredo, doesam, is, aredo, does与现在相反weredidwould ( should / could /m

2、ight) be /do将来 do, does will /shall do与将来相反should be /dowere to dowould ( should / could /might) be /doe.g.v If the whole operation had not been planned beforehand,a great deal of time and money would have been lostv如果整个运作过程不是已经提前规划好了的话,就会损失掉大量的时v间和金钱了。v 需要注意的是,有时候主从句所指的时间概念会有不一致的情况, 比如条件句是表示对过去的假设,

3、而主句是表示对现在事实或将来可 能造成的影响。 e.g.:If l hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you couldnt be smiling like this nowv 如果你摔下来时我没有站在梯子下面接住你,你现在就不可能像现在 这样笑了。vIf she had returned an hour earlier, Mary_v(就不会被大雨淋了)vKey: would not have been caught by / in the heavy rainv2)wish后的虚拟语气v wish后面的宾语从句常

4、用虚拟语气,表示的是某种无法实 现的愿望,说话人常用它来表示对实际情况的不满、不情愿 、不接受、遗憾、后悔等感情。宾语从句的谓语动词主要有 三种形式:v现在的愿望 were / didv过去的愿望 had + done v wouldv should v couldmight have 十 donev表示对将来的愿望, wouldshouldcouldmight 十 do e.g.: I wish I were as tall as you. He wished he hadnt said that. I wish it would rain tomorrow. I didnt go to t

5、he party last night,but I do wish I had been there。v 昨晚我没去舞会,但是我真的很希望我去 了。 3)表示建议、主张、命令、请求等概念的词语后的虚拟语气v 这类词语由于本身隐含说话人的主观愿望,所以后面接的v主语从句、v宾语从句、v同位语从句的谓语动词往往采用 v ( should) + do /be done常见的这类词语包括:v动词动词相应的名词形容词:It is + adj. +thatv. adj. n.advise advisable adviceagree agreeable agreementdecide decided dec

6、isiondetermine determined determinationindicate indicative indicationinsist insistent insistenceprefer preferable preferencepropose proposed proposalrequire required requirementresolve resolved resolutionstipulate stipulationv. adj. n.desire desirable desiredemand demanded demandrequest requested re

7、questrecommend recommendable recommendationinstruct instructive instructionorder order direct suggest suggestedsuggestionpity pityshame shameadj. n. adj.appropriate impossibleincredible properessential imperativeimportant importance necessary necessityobligatoryurgentvitalvThe law requires that ever

8、yone should have his car checked at least once a year.vHe urges that the restrictions should be lifted.vMy proposal is that the meeting should be postponed till a later time.vHis advice that John should wait until next week is quite reasonable.vIt is important that the applicant should state his rea

9、sons for wishing to work for our company.vIt is imperative that these safety rules be obeyed by everyonev 所有人必须遵守这些安全规则4)熟悉常见的能引出虚拟语气的词语以及一些特殊的虚拟语气句型v 除了if以外,还有一些词语也经常用于引出虚拟语气,如vlest vfor fear that 唯恐、免得、为了不使 e.g.vLest the wall should collapse, they evacuated the building.vThe officer forbade the us

10、e of artillery lest the citys industry be damaged.vbut for (要不是因为) e.g.:But for your kindly help,I couldnt have done that job so wellv要不是有你的热心帮助,我不可能把工作做得那么好。vin case (以防) votherwise vwithout v v 另外,考生还要掌握一些特殊的虚拟句式,常见的包括 : 1) if only 要是就好了; 但愿,v与现在相反用过去时v与过去相反用过去完成时vWould+ do 表示愿望难以实现、遗憾或不满vIf only

11、he didnt drive so fast!vIf only he had remembered to buy some fruit.vIf only the rain would stop!vIf only I had more money, I could buy the new clothes.2) would rather /would sooner / would ( just) as soon + that 宁愿 v与现在或将来相反,动词用过去时v与过去相反,动词用过去完成时vI would rather you didnt call tomorrow afternoon. I

12、shall be entertaining visitors.vMy parents would rather we lived in the country than in the city.vMother is so upset. Id rather you hadnt told her about the matter.vI would rather you went home now.3) It is ( about /high) time + that 该是的时候 了 vthat从句中用一般过去时vIt is time we stopped.vIts about time you h

13、ad your hair cut.vIts high time he found himself a regular job.4) as if /as thoughv与现在相反用过去时v与过去相反用过去完成时vHe felt as if he alone were responsible for what had happened.vShe spoke to me as if I were deaf.vThis tool operates /operated as though it had been repaired.v2. 倒装v 倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装,全部倒装是指将 主谓完全倒装,

14、部分倒装是指将助动词提前构成 倒装。汉译英中主要考查的是部分倒装。部分倒 装主要应用于以下几种情况: 1)由否定词或短语提前引起部分倒装v常见的能引起倒装的否定词或短语有:vno,not,never,neither,nor, seldom ,hardly,scarcely,rarely,barely, little,few,vby no means vin no way vin no case von no account vunder no circumstances vhardly/ scarcely when vno soonerthan vnot onlybut also vnot until e.g.:vHardly had he arrived the railway station,When the train leftv 他刚一到车站火车就开了。 vNo



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