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1、广告 (Advertisement) 广告的语言应该简单明了,句式结构应该短促 有力 。从往年的真题来看,招聘广告考试频 率最高 。 Sample (Job Vacancy Advertisement)招聘广告 Whirlpool是一家著名的生产和经营家用电器的公司, 总部设在天津,在全国有20余家分公司。我公司现 招聘销售经理一人。条件: 中国公民,年龄3540 岁 具有至少5年的销售管理经验 愿意经常出差 销 售学、经济学或相关领域的大专文凭 具有良好的英 语会话和写作能力 熟练掌握计算机技能有意者请拨 打电话24876669与约翰史密斯先生联系 Notes:1. specialize v

2、. 专门研究,专门从事 2. electrical home appliances 家用电器 3. headquarters n. 总部,总公司 4. qualifications n. 资历,资格,条件 5. college diploma 大专文凭 FOR ONE SALES MANAGERWhirlpool Co. is a famous company specialized in manufacturing and dealing with the electrical home appliances with its headquarters in Tianjin and more

3、 than 20 branch offices in China. The company now needs one sales manager. Qualifications: Nationality: Chinese Age: 3540 Education: college diploma in Marketing, Economics or related specialty Experience: at least 5 years experience in sales and management Skills: good English oral ability and writ

4、ten ability with skillful computer skills Others: willing on a business trip If you are interested in it, please call at 24876669 and contact Mr. John Smith.练习 (Practice)根据下列内容,写一条招聘 广告:李氏(Lee)化学公司是全球第三大化 学公司,年销售额达280亿美元。李氏生产化 工产品、塑料和农用产品,并为180个国家的 客户提供服务。李氏在世界各地拥有员工 56000人。现诚聘秘书1人。工作职责:准备 月报及有关文件日常

5、秘书工作条件:获得英语 或秘书专业学士学位至少两年秘书工作经验熟 练掌握英语(写和说)以及计算机技能FOR ONE SECRETARYLee Chemical Company is the third biggest chemical company of the world. Lee has revenues of 28 billion for the annual year and employs more than 56,000 people in the world. The company produces chemical products, plastics and produc

6、ts for agriculture. At the same time, the company provides service for customers from 180 countries. As the development of Lee, the company is seeking for a secretary with the responsibilities of preparing monthly reports and related documents.As a secretary, some routine secretary work would be exp

7、ected to manage, too.Qualifications: The candidate should get Bachelors degree of English or Secretary major with at least two yearsexperience of secretary. If the candidate is good at English speaking, writing and computer operating, he or she would be accepted first.说明:假定你是某房产中介公司的代理人李珊 ,请拟写一条房屋出租

8、广告。 内容: 1) 规格:三间卧房、一间客厅,配有卫生间及 厨房 2) 设施:水、电、煤气、集中供热、电视、电 话等 3) 租金:3000元/月,(不包括水、电、煤气 费用) 4) 地址:南京市广州路147号 5) 联系人:李珊电话025-83542100(办公时 间)Apartment To LetA comfortable apartment with three bedrooms, one living room, bathroom and kitchen, is to let. All the facilities such as water, electricity, gas, c

9、entral heating , TV, telephone etc. are included. The rent is 3,000 yuan a month, without including the fees of water, electricity and gas. It is located in No. 147 Guangzhou Road, Nanjing.If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Li Shan at 025- 83542100 at office time. 海报 (Poster) 是向公众介绍和发布有关电影、电

10、视、戏剧、体育比 赛、报告会、展览会等娱乐动态和消息的招贴,是 广告的一种,有很强的时间性,要求在一定的范围 内传播。海报一般张贴在公共场所,重要的海报也 可以在报刊上登载,在电台上广播或在电视上播映 。海报往往将内容作为显眼的大标题,或者在纸的 上方用大字体写“海报”或“好消息”之类的标题。海报 正文一般写活动的具体内容,举办的时间、场所、 参加的方法以及注意事项,最后写举办单位名称和 日期。海报书写形式不定,可分项写也可以按行排 列,主要以能引人注意并有吸引力为目的。一些广 告性质浓厚的海报也可以采用活泼多样的表现形式 ,可根据内容配适当的图案或图画,以增强感染力 。海报具有醒目、快速和制

11、作简易的特点,内容要 真实准确,语言要生动而富于鼓动性,以便吸引观 众。为便于阅读,篇幅要尽量短小。 二、 样例 (Samples)Sample 1Poster for Basketball Match Basketball Match All Are Warmly WelcomeUnder the auspices(主办,赞助 ) of the Students Union of our university, a friendly basketball match will be held between our team and the team of Architectural Eng

12、ineering Department on our basketball field at 500 p. m., on Thursday, May 24th, 2006.Students UnionMonday, May 21English speaking ContestAn annual English speaking Contest will be held on Saturday next week under the auspices of the students Union of English Department. Each class should have a cla

13、ss wide contest within this week to select no more than 5 contestants to take part in the Department Contest. The first five winners will be given awards as an encouragement. Eight teachers have been invited to work as judges. All are welcome to be present at the contest.The StudentsUnion ofEnglish

14、DepartmentSunday, May 20 三、 常用句型 (Basic Patterns)1.海报和启事比较 相似,都具有鲜明的目的性,注重宣传效果,文字 力求准确、简明。但一般来说,启事用于庄重场合 ,海报用于热烈场合。海报可采用文图相配合的形 式增强宣传效果,启事一般不需装饰。 2.海报用语可参看其他张贴如通知、启事,不同点在 于海报多用一些煽动性词句,如: All are warmly welcome to come. 欢迎届时参加。 You have been warned in advance. 特此预先声明。 You are welcome to make your choice. 如蒙惠顾,无比欢迎。



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