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1、 初级语法 Basic Grammar词类 Parts of Speech1. 词类(Parts of Speech)英语可以分为以下10种词类(加粗的是词典中用的符号,后面括号 中的词是英语全名)1.名词(即人或事物的名称)- n. ( noun ) boy, dancer, flower, beauty, country 2.冠词(用在名词前,帮助说明其意义)- art. ( article ) a, an, the3.动词(表示动作或状态)- v. ( verb ) go, do, see, work, feel 4.形容词(表示人或事物的特征)ad( adjective ) good,

2、 easy, new, beautiful 5.副词(表示动作特征或性状特征)- adv. ( adverb ) beautifully, carefully, hard, up, very 6.代词(代替名词或数词)- pron. ( pronoun ) we, these, some, everybody, what 7.数词(表示数目或顺序)- num. ( numeral ) :nine, fifty, third, twentieth 8介词(用在名词、代词等前面,说明与别的词之间关系)- prep. ( preposition ) in, on, from, through, fo

3、r 9连词(连接词与词或句与句)- conj. ( conjunction )and, or, if, when, although 10感叹词(表示说话时的感情或口气)- int. ( interjection ) ah, well, wow, why 不定式前的to为小品词(particles)。yes和no 有人称为肯定词和否定词,有的词典称之为副词。练习(Exercise)Tell the part of Speech of the following words (用简写符号标出下面各词词类): 例:school ( n. ) 1. difficulty ( ) 2. have (

4、) 3. quietly ( ) 4. who ( ) 5. big ( ) 6. forty ( ) 7. take ( ) 8. careful ( ) 9. into ( ) 10. carelessness ( )答案: 1. n 2. v 3. adv 4. pron 5. adj 6. num 7. v 8. adj 9. prep 10. n2. 一个词可以分为不同的词类有些词仅属于一个词类,如quickly为副词,come为动词,beautiful 为 形容词。但绝大多数词都可以属于两种或多种词类,例如:Lets go咱们走吧。(go 用作动词) Id like to have

5、 a go at it我想试一试。(go用作名词) I havent seen him since 1998. 我1998 年以后就没见到他了。(since 作介词) We met in 1980. I have never heard from him since 1980. 我们1980 年见面以后,我再也没有接到他的音信了。 (since 作副词) 因此在学一个词时,先要知道它属于哪个词类,然后再弄清它是否还 可用作其他词类。英语中的一个词,常可用作另一词类,如:Its a bookshop.这是一家书店。where do you shop for clothes?你在哪里买衣裳?Its

6、 a good buy这是一样便宜货。where did you buy it?你是在哪里买的?Its a small park.这是一座小公园。 Let me see if I have any smalls.我看看有没有小号的。这种现象叫作词类的转换(conversion )。 练习(Exercise)Look up the words in a dictionary and see what part of speech they can be used in. (在字典中查下面的词,看能用作什么词类):1. warm. 2. silence. 3. until. 4. in 5. up

7、 6. before 7. part 8. more 3. 词类的转换一个词类常可能转换为另一词类:1. 某些动词可以转换为名词:Try the shirt on. 穿上这件衬衫试试(v. ) Let me have a try我来试一试。(n. )Look at me. 瞧着我。(v. ) Let me have a look我来瞧瞧。(n. ) 2. 某些名词也可转换为动词:Open your books.打开你的书。(n. ) Have you booked your ticket?你订票了吗?( v. )Have a seat.请坐。(n. ) The hall seats 500 (

8、 people ).大厅可以坐500 人。(v. ) 3. 某些形容词可以转换为动词:You are too slow.你太慢了。(adj. ) The train has slowed down.火车慢下来了。(v. )Its warm in spring.春天天气暖和。(adj. ) They warmed their hands over the fire.他们在炉火上烤手。(v. )4. 也有些形容词可转换为名词:He is my dear friend.他是我亲密的朋友。(adj. ) Shes a dear.她是一个招人喜欢的人。(n. ) Prices here are very

9、 low.这里的物价很低。(adj. ) Profits have reached a new low.利润降到了最低点。(n. ) 5. 有些词用作其他词类时重音会发生变化:Everybody present prezn t welcome the decision. 所有在场的人都欢迎这个决定。The National Theatre is presenting prizenti a new production of Hamlet.国家剧场正在上演新的哈姆雷特。练习(Exercise)Tell the part of speech of the boldfaced words. (说明粗

10、体词的词类)1. Can you swim?你能游泳吗?( ) We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那里停下来游了一会儿泳。( ) 2. What did he say?他说什么了?( )We have no say in this matter.这事我们没有发言权。 ( ) 3. Put it in your pocket. 把它放在你口袋里。( ) He pocketed the money.他把钱放进了自己的腰包。( ) 答案:1. v, n 2. v, n 3. n, v 4. 派生(Derivation)许多词通过加词头(或称前缀,prefixes )或词

11、尾(或称后缀 suffixes )来构成另一词类,称为派生。通过加词头或词尾构成的词称 为派生词(derivatives )。英语的词尾主要有下面这些:1. 构成名词的词尾(括号中词为例词):-er ( singer ) -or ( sailor ) -ist ( artist )-ee ( employee ) -es (hostess )-ian ( musician )-ese ( Japanese )-ant ( contestant )-ism ( heroism )-ess ( happiness )-(a ) tion ( examination )ment ( movement

12、 ) -on ( decision )-ing ( wedding )-ship ( friendship )-hood ( childhood )-age ( shortage )-ure ( failure )-dom ( freedom )-ty ( cruelty )-ity ( reality )-y ( discovery )-th ( warmth )-al ( arrival ) -ance ( reliance )-nce ( difference )-ful( mouthful )-y ( slavery )-eer ( engineer ) 2.构成形容词的词尾:-ful

13、 ( useful )-less ( homeless )-ish ( childish )- ive ( active ) -ous(famous )-able ( eatable )-ible ( responsible ) ic ( poetic )-ant ( pleasant )-ly ( lively )-al ( cultural )-y(rainy ) -ent ( dependent )-ary ( imaginary )-some ( tiresome )-like ( childlike )-en ( wooden )-ate ( fortunate )-an ( Ind

14、ian )- ed ( talented ) 3.其他词尾:- ize ( modernize )-en ( widen )-ify ( simplify ) ate ( originate ) -ly ( slowly )-ward ( backward )-wise ( likewise ) -teen ( fourteen )-ty ( forty )-th ( ninth ) 英语的词头有两类:1.构成反义词的词头:un- (un happy ) dis- ( disagree ) in- (informal ) im- ( impolite ) ir-(irregular ) il-

15、 (illegal ) non- (non-conductor ) de-( defrost ) 2.有特定的意思的词头,如:re- (retell ) mis- ( misspell ) co- ( co-exist ) anti-(anti-tank ) pro- ( pro- French ) counter-(counteract ) over-(overdo ) under-(under-paid ) ex- ( ex- wife ) pre(predict ) post- ( post-war ) fore-(foresee ) self- ( self- made ) inter

16、-(interact ) tele-(telephone ) super-(superman ) micro - (microwave ) semi-(semi-circle ) mini-(minibus ) vice-( vice-chairman ) 练习(Exercise)Underline the suffixes and tell the parts of speech the words belong to. (在词尾下划线,并说明这些词属于哪个词类): 1. fearless ( ) 2. marriage ( ) 3. activity ( ) 4. jewelry ( ) 5. normalize ( ) 6. golden ( ) 7. s



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