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1、 英语书面表达的解题要求1. 切中题意、覆盖所有的语言要点 2. 语言准确、得当 3 条理清楚、行文连贯 4. 高分(21-25分)要求: 较多地使用较复杂的结构或较高级词汇具备较强的语言运用能力英语书面表达题六十字解题要诀 书面表达题 审题要仔细 格式应正确 把握时和体 条理弄清楚 要点不漏遗 全文要连贯 不可中式译 结构多文采 优作准无疑英语书面表达的解题要领(一 ) 1. 认真审题 切中题意书面表达题提供情景的方法不外乎四 种: 图画、图表、提纲、短文。不论那种 方法,我们在审题时,一定要全面、准 确地把握所提供的信息。首先要弄清所 写的内容、体裁、格式以及具体要求, 只有理解题意,才能

2、抓住写作要点。英语书面表达的解题要领(二 ) 2、把握时态 语言得当 正确使用动词的时态、语态是书面表达的重点 。 在高考阅卷中,对时态、语态的错误扣分是很 重的! 尽量多用习语 忌用中式英语常见错误举例分析 一、动词错误 There were hundreds of students couldnt go to school because they were poor. He wouldnt able to work out the problem. He managed to swim across the river, but failed. Wei Fang fell from th

3、e tree and her leg hurt. He was put into prison for three years in his thirties though he hasnt done anything wrong. Ive delayed to return you the book English Usage,which you borrowed me two days before.常见错误举例分析(续) 二、中式英语 He cost five yuan to buy a new dictionary. Recently our village has taken pla

4、ce great changes. The factory broke out a big fire last Sunday. Chinese population is many, I was very difficult to refuse and had to receive her invitation. 常见错误举例分析(续) 三、结构错误 He wrote about 300 stories, some of them had been translated into Chinese. Each year many people die and are hurt on road a

5、ccidents. We should teach children dont play and ride bikes on the road.英语书面表达的解题要领(三)3、紧扣要点 条理清楚可先在认真审题的基础上尽量用英语列 出提纲。这样就不容易遗漏要点。叙述时,一般可按照提示语的先 后,参照时间、事件、图画逐一叙述 (如句 式需要,也可适当调整语序) ,就比较容易 地达到“条理清楚”的要求。英语书面表达的解题要领(四 )4、连贯流畅 书写规范确当地使用关联词语,使句子间的逻 辑关系更加明确,使整篇文章条理清楚 ,连贯流畅,例如:句子连贯的相互关系举例 He was interested

6、in English and in maths as well.( 递进) Hurry up, or else youll miss the last bus for the school. (转折) Wed like a single small house, whereas they would rather live in a flat.(对比) Either you must improve your work, or Ill fire you.(选择) It must have been raining all night, for all the roads are wet. (解

7、释) There seemed to be no chances of success, therefore, all of them went away. (结果) To sum up, all your efforts will be highly paid. ( 总结)常用关联词语举例1.表示并列或递进: and, as well, as well as, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor; 2.表示选择: or, eitheror; 3.表示转折: but, however, nevertheless(然而), although, though

8、, or else, otherwise, after all, by the way, incidentally(换言 之); 4.表示因果: because, as, since, for, for this reason, so, as a result, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly(因此); 5.表示条件: if so, unless, provided that(假如) on condition that(如若); 6.表示对比: while, whereas, instead, notbut, on the contrary, on th

9、e one handon the other hand; 7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as, e.g., that is, that is to say, namely, viz, ie, in other words; 8.表示顺序:to begin with, for one thing, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next, later, soon afterwards, since then, from then on, lastly, finally, in the end; 9.表示

10、强调: also, besides, furthermore, moreover, whats more, certainly, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact; 10.表示结论: to sum up, in all, altogether, in a word, in short, generally speaking, as is known to all.英语书面表达的解题要领(五) 5、注意文采 妙用结构一、变化开头 A group of children with beautiful flowers in their hands were

11、 marching in front of the parade . Marching in front of the parade were a group of children with beautiful flowers in their hands. 二、巧用构词法 He drove the car back out of the garage, then drove away with great speed. He backed the car out of the garage and sped away.(转化法) Just like a bird in the sky, h

12、e could over look the whole city from the TV tower, which was 218 metres tall. From the 218-metre-tall tower, he could have a birds-eye view of the whole city.(合成法)英语书面表达的解题要领(五续) 三、运用分词或介词结构 When she heard the news, she began to cry.Hearing the news, she burst out cryingAt the news, she burst into

13、tears. The woman carried a baby in her arms and got on the bus. With / Carrying a baby in her arms, the woman stepped onto the bus. Mr Smith was invited by Nanjing University, Mr Smith went to make a speech on DNA. Invited by Nanjing University, Mr Smith went to give a lecture on DNA.英语书面表达的解题要领(五续)

14、四、运用倒装、强调手法 The boy was so brave that he led the enemy into our ring of encirclement (包围).So brave was the boy that he led the enemy into our ring of encirclement (包围). I did not realize the importance of learning English well until then.Not until then did I realize the importance of learning Englis

15、h well.It was not until then that I realized the importance of learning English well.技 巧1. 使用较高级的词汇3. 使用恰当的连接词词汇反映你知识贮存量的 多少,也是衡量英语水平 的一个重要标志。运用得当的句子结构可以 给文章增色不少,从而使 整篇文章因此而生辉 。使用恰当连接词,对写一 篇有“英语味”的文章很重 要,能使文章上下衔接自 然、紧凑。增强书面表达效果的技巧增强书面表达效果的技巧2. 使用较丰富的句式1. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.2.We all think he is a great man.3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea.4.The students there neednt pay for their books.5. As a result the plan was a failure.The plan turned out to be a failure.Thanks to the good weather, our journey was com


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