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1、第三部分 写作技能培优优第五课时课时 如何写好表语语第三部分 写作技能培优优一、单单个词词作表语语They are shining pearls that make the city fascinating.(名词词作表语语)它们们像闪闪耀的珍珠,使这这座城市魅力无穷穷。【温馨提示】 形容词词化的现现在分词词或过过去分词词作表语语是写作中常常犯错误错误 的地方。来源作用例词词表示事物具有的性 质质或特征;意为为 “令人”surprising, puzzling, interesting.指人所处处的状态态;意 为为“感到的”excited,surprised, tired,puzzled.现现

2、在分词转变词转变 成的形容词词过过去分词转变词转变 成的形容词词第三部分 写作技能培优优练练一练练他对发对发 生的一切感到迷惑。_He was puzzled about what had happened.第三部分 写作技能培优优二、短语语作表语语Located in West China,the newlybuilt city is carefully designed by high standards with broad streets and roads.(过过去分词词短语语作表语语)这这个坐落在中国西部、用高标标准精心打造的新建城市,有着宽宽广的道路。It is beyond o

3、ur wildest imagination that she has been addicted to books since she was 4 years old,which paves the way for her future writing.(介词词短语语作表语语)很难难想象,她在四岁时岁时 就迷上了书书籍,这为这为 她未来的写作打下了基础础。第三部分 写作技能培优优【温馨提示】 英语语中系动词动词 必不可少,注意英汉汉表达的差异.Many of the students against the plan.(无谓语谓语 )Many of the students are stro

4、ngly against the plan.结结构完整,具有修辞意识识(strongly)第三部分 写作技能培优优三、从句作表语语表语语从句(2013高考重庆庆卷写作二)My suggestion is that you should finance some programmes to make people aware of the serious situation of the finless porpoise and protect them.我的建议议是你们应该资们应该资 助一些节节目使人们们知道长长江江豚的严严重处处境并保护护他们们。My idea is that we shou

5、ld start making preparations right now.我的意见见是我们马们马 上开始做准备备工作。常用句型一:The fact/The trouble/My suggestion/My idea/The advantage is that.“的事实实/麻烦烦/建议议/主意/ 优势优势 是第三部分 写作技能培优优常用句型二:The question is whether/who/how.“问题问题 是” The question is whether the film is worth seeing.问题问题 是这这部电电影是否值值得看。常用句型三:That/It/Thi

6、s is why/because/where/what.“那是为为什么/因为为/在哪里/什么Maybe its because we have seldom sat down and exchanged our feelings and thoughts.那可能是因为为我们们很少坐下来交流思想感情。第三部分 写作技能培优优常用句型四:It is/was/seemed/seems as if/as though.“看起来好像”It seemed as though she had known Millie for many years.看起来好像她认识认识 米莉已有好多年了似的。第三部分 写作技

7、能培优优.基础础巩固(写出下列句子的表语语)1China is no longer what she used to be._2(2013高考重庆庆卷写作一)On reading the mothers complaint,I felt a little worried about the sons behaviour._3My plan was to start tomorrow._4The teachers words remain fresh in my mind._5She is so occupied with her work that she finds little time

8、to talk to me._what she used to beworriedto startfreshoccupied第三部分 写作技能培优优.能力提升1按要求翻译译句子(1)史蒂夫乔乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是美国苹果公司的创创始人之一,前(former)CEO。(数词词作表语语)_(2)21岁时岁时 ,乔乔布斯成立了苹果电脑电脑 公司。(名词词作表语语)_(3)乔乔布斯是2007年度最伟伟大的商人。(名词词作表语语)_Steve Jobs was one of the founders and former CEO of Apple.When he was 21 years ol

9、d,Jobs formed Apple Computer.Jobs was the greatest businessman in the year of 2007.第三部分 写作技能培优优(4)乔乔布斯是一个将艺术艺术 和科技完美结结合的IT领领袖。(名词词作表语语)_(5)乔乔布斯的座右铭铭(motto)是我们应该们应该 求知若渴(stay hungry)、处处事若愚(stay foolish)。(从句作表语语)_Jobs was an IT leader who combined art and technology perfectly.Jobs motto is that we sho

10、uld stay hungry and stay foolish.第三部分 写作技能培优优2选选用以上句子组组建短文介绍绍史蒂夫乔乔布斯_One possible version:When he was 21 years old,Steve Jobs,one of the founders and former CEO of Apple,formed Apple Computer.As the greatest businessman in the year of 2007,he was an IT leader who combined art and technology perfectly.Jobs motto is that we should stay hungry and stay foolish.第三部分 写作技能培优优本部分内容讲解结束按ESC键键退出全屏播放


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