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1、 宾语从句的时态3引导词的选择12宾语从句的语序中考考点中考考点主要内容主要内容宾语从句的定义1宾语从句的时态32宾语从句的种类和语序定定 义义1谓语动词的指向对象 I like it. 必须符合“从句的三个必须”必须是句子;必须有连接词;必须是陈述句 1. 什么是宾语?2. 什么是从句?定定 义义13. 什么是宾语从句?用一个句子充当宾语成分,那个句子 就是宾语从句。You like. what是连接词 what do you like.错!种种 类类2陈述句 sb. said that He said : “I have finished the work.” He said that h

2、e had finished the work.His mom asked him: “Do you finish the work?” His mom asked him if he finished the work.His mom asked him: “when will you finish the work?” His mom asked when he would finish the work. 一般疑问句 sb. asked if/whether +陈述 句 特殊疑问句sb. asked 特殊疑问词+陈述句宾语从句的特殊疑问词类whoHe knew who killed th

3、e man. He knew who John killed.whomHe knew who/whom John killed.whoseHe knew whose book it was.whatI like what you like.howWould you like to tell me how I go there? how manyThe owner counted how many hens he lost.时态时态3He is saying what happened last night.He asks whether she graduated from the schoo

4、l. He knew whose book it was.I have been interested in what you liked. I have been interested in what you like.He asked whether she graduated from the school. Their teacher told them that light travels faster than sound.从句为真理则用一般时态直击中考直击中考4解题指导一:判断语义,选择连接词【2011.广州】I cant rememberI put the book, and

5、I need it for my homework now.Awhere Bhow Cwhat Dwhy【2011.江西】Ive decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering _ you could go with me.A. if B. when C. that D. where【2011.山东】 Do you know _ the Great Wall? I think its more than 5000 kilometers long.A. how deep B. how wide C. how far D. how lon

6、gADA直击中考直击中考4解题指导二:语序-接词后紧跟主语+谓语,即宾语从句 中要用陈述句语序。解题指导三: 时态呼应【2011.山东】 What did the teacher say to you just now?She asked _ . Awhere did I learn English B where I learned English Cwhere do I learn English D where I learn English 【2011.肇庆】 Do you know _ Guangzhou tomorrow. A.whether they leave for B. whether will they leave for C. whether they are leaving forBC小结小结5判断语义 语序正常 时态一致三大类陈述语序三句口诀语序时态解题技巧连接词Thank you !



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