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1、句 子句子的成分可分为:主语 subject谓语 predicate宾语 object定语 attributive同位语 appositive状语 adverbial表语 predicatives+v (主语+谓语动词-不及物动词 ) 1.The price of cars _ between August and September. 八月和九月期间汽车价格波动。2. _ people suffer greatly _ . 肥胖的人身心都受到伤害。fluctuatesOverweight/ Obese Psychologically and physicallyS+V+O(主语+谓语动词-及

2、物动词+宾语 )1._ in watching TV _. 沉迷于看电视扼杀创造力。 2. _ breaks the study momentum. 义务兵役制度破坏学习的连贯性。 3.Before presenting my view, I will _ _. 在表明观点之前,我将探讨一下这个具有争议 的事件的正反方。Indulgencekills creativityCompulsory military serviceexplore both sides of the controversial issue不及物动词可以通过跟介词或副词 结合构成及物用法1._ should _ this

3、 unpleasant matter in two days. 有关部门应在两天内处理这一不愉快的事件。 2._ may_ _. 过量使用肥料和杀虫剂可能导致环境的恶化。 3. I will _by inviting you to have a drink tonight. 今晚我将邀请你去喝一杯以示将功赎过。The department concerneddeal withOveruse of fertilizers and pesticidesgive rise to the deteriorationmake up for my faultS+V+O2+O1(主语+动词+间宾/人+直宾/

4、物) The touch on a thick volumn gives one _. 手握厚重的一卷书,我们感受到难以言状的快乐 。 2. I wish you _. 我祝你一路顺风。 3.The table shows us the results of a survey _ _. 该表格向我们展示了关于性别和爱好之间关系的 调查结果。Inexpressible pleasurea good journeyon the relationship between gender and hobbiesS+V+O+OC(主语+动词+宾语+宾补) The cloning technology ca

5、n make humans _. 克隆技术可能使人变得多余、可替代甚至是处 于灭绝的境地。 2.The internet enables us to _ the latest information worldwide. 互联网使我们很容易接触到全世界最新的咨询 。redundant, replaceable and even extincthave easy access to3. Our museums, gallerries and built and natural _ are _. 博物馆、展览馆以及人造和自然的遗产是非 常好的教育资源。 4.Some information on

6、the internet is _. 网上一些信息是误导人的和带有欺骗性的。 5.Jogging proves _. 慢跑证明是有益健康的。heritage excellent educational resourcesmisguiding and cheatingphysically beneficial简 单 句1.Few people can _. 很少人能抵挡住毒品的诱惑。 2.The number of TV audience _ of 20 000 at 9pm. 电视观众的人数在9点达到最高点,为2万人。 3.Traveling abroad _ _. 出国旅游开阔视野、丰富知识

7、和培养独立性。resist the temptation of drugsreaches a peakbroadens ones vision, enriches ones mind and cultivates independence并 列 句主要连词有and, but, or, neithernor, for, so, yet 等 1._and _ of the internet is _, but we must protect people from_ _that can be acessed through it. 虽然言论自由和政府对互联网的介入是个具 有争议性的话题,但是我们必

8、须保护人们 避免在网上接触到一些淫秽和有害的材料 。Freedom of speechinvolvement of government a controversial issue some obscene and harmful material2.Smoking may _ for smokers are careless about the _. 吸烟可能构成潜在的火险隐患,因为吸烟者往往 随意丢弃烟头。 3.Tourism can _ _and keep the customs and beauty of the local place. 旅游业改善当地居民的福利,同时保护了当地的 风

9、俗和美景。pose a potentical fire hazardcigarette buttsimprove the well-being of local inhabitants常用连接性的副词有however, therefore, nevertheless, as a result, thus, in contrast, similarly, for example, at the same time, on the other hand, consequently, instead in addition, furthermore 等 The zoos _; _, they kee

10、p city people in closer contact with the more natural world. 动物园保护许多野生动物,此外,它们还使城市居民有 机会接触到自然状态下 的动物世界。 2.Some people are using bicycles for transportation; _, others are _, or taking _ to get to their destination. 有些人使用单车作为交通工具,还有些人合伙使用汽车 或搭乘公共交通工具去他们的目的地。conserve many forms of wildlife furthermore

11、moreoverjoining carpools public vehicles复 合 句1.When everyone _ and _, I am sure that we can lead a healthier life.(时间状语从 句) 当每个人都充分意识到肥胖的危害性并采取 有效措施,我肯定我们一定能过得更健康 。 2. All that the _ say is _. 支持者所说的一切都是站不住脚的(定语从 句)is fully aware of obesity obesitytakes effective measuresadvocatesunfounded/untenalbe

12、3.The trouble we are facing is that many teenagers _. 我们面临的问题是许多青少年在尝试毒品。 (表语从句) 4.Some people hold that the development of tourism _ traditional culture. (宾语从句) 5._space exploration can promote the cause of science.(主语从句) 人们普遍认为太空探索能促进科学事业的发 展。experiment with drugsexerts some adverse impacts onIt i

13、s commonly believed that并列复合句1.It is true that the Olympic Games can _ and _ _, but this is not to say that they are without disadvantages. 奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国经济的发展,但这并非意 味着奥运会是完美无缺的。 2.Since tourism helps _ _, it will finally _ _,and make the world a more peaceful one. 因为旅游业有助于增进人们之间的了解,它将最终消除 对其他国家的偏见,从而使世界变得更加和平。promote friendshipboost the economy of the host countrypromote mutual understanding between peoplerem



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