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1、Knowledge and WisdomBy Bertrand RussellBertrand Arthur William Russell,3rd Earl Russell0942217 ChrissieBasic InformationBorn to perceive the words of understanding. 要使人晓得智慧和训诲, 分辨通达的言语。 2. Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden. (Akan Proverb) 智能不像金钱,不能捆起来藏着。3. Wisdom is more to be envied

2、 than riches. 知识可羡,胜于财富。 4. Wisdom comes from extensive observation and broad knowledge. 聪明来自于见多识广. 5. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知识,胜于手中有钱。6.Doubt is the key of knowledge. 怀疑是知识之钥。 7. If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 若要求知识,须从勤苦得。 8.A little knowledge is a da

3、ngerous thing. 浅学误人。 9. Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。 10. Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。 Pre-reading Questions 1. How do you define wisdom in your life?2. Is it necessarily true that a knowledgeable man is wise?Textual Organization Part 1 (Pa

4、ra. 1): Introduction of the topic.The text is neatly structured, with the first paragraph introducing the topic and the other paragraphs elaborating on it. Each of the four paragraphs discusses one factor that contributes to wisdom.Part 2: Para 2Main idea: the sense of proportion (be comprehensive i

5、n the vision)Part 3 (Para. 3-5): 3 factors that constitute wisdom concerning its emotional essences Ends of human life Open-mindedness impartialityTextual AnalysisPart OneQ1: What is the common view of knowledge and wisdom?Q2: What is the topic sentence of the first paragraph?Para 1 line 1Paraphrase

6、: Most people would agree that, although our times are far superior to all the former ones concerning knowledge, there has been no relevant growth when concerning wisdom.Language points Surpass Vt. be even better or greater than someone or something else e.g. As the saying goes, the latecomers surpa

7、ss the early starter.后来者居上 Surpass expectations/hopes/ dreams结果超过我们的想象。 The results have surpassed our imagination/expectation.surpass sur-super-above/upon; excessive; superiore.g. surface surcharge surrealismMore on surpasse.g. The waiter surcharged us 10% on the price of the dinner. correlativeadj

8、. having or showing a relation to something else e.g. Rights are correlative with duties.correlation n.There is a high correlation between the climate and crops.Arbitrary and differential are two correlative qualities. 任意性和差异性是两个相关的属性。There has been no correlative increase in wisdomThere has been no

9、 increase in wisdom that corresponds (relates) to the increase in knowledge.Ceasev. Come to an end; Stop doing something or stop happening e.g. The town described in many novels has long since ceased to exist . Eg: 停火! Cease Fire! n. Without cease: with no endChinese version:怪事何其多! 真是奇迹不断哦!Wonders w

10、ill never cease!More on ceasee.g. 1. He never ceased from his activities as a propagandist.2. The old German Empire ceased to exist in 1918. 对生命价值的争论是一个永不结束的过 程。?Line 2 But agreementof promoting it. But when we try to tell what “wisdom” is and how to improve it, we can hardly reach an agreement with

11、 each other.But after a thorough analysis of the factors contributing to wisdom and means of teaching it, we will come to the conclusion that is previously mentioned view entertained by most people does not hold water.3. How to use means?1. A method that enables a purpose to be fulfilled. 2. Money o

12、r incomeHe wants to go to college, but his family hasnt the means to help him.By fair means or foul ( by every means) A means to an end By all means By no means Man of means Within /beyond ones means量入为出Part Two (Para 2-5)Sense of proportionThe ends of human lifeOpen-mindednessImpartialityWhats in P

13、art 2?This part is the main body of the essay. The four paragraphs tell us what wisdom is.Paragraph 2Q1: what does a sense of proportion mean and why is it an important factor? Q2: How does the writer explain his point?Language pointsContribute (to): to help to cause or bring about e.g. 1. Poor diet

14、ary habits contributed to her illness.2. Drink contributed to his ruin. *similar expressions: lead to Some people like to contribute money to the charity every payday. The Song dynasty contributed three inventions to world civilization. Money matters mostly contribute to the increase of divorce rate

15、.Contribute V.S. Attribute由于饮食的改善, 心脏病死亡人数有所下 降。 Improvements in diet contribute to the fall in the number of deaths from heart disease.The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is attributed to improvements in diet.Para 2 line 1I think there are several factors that are necessary to lead

16、to wisdom.A sense of ProportionA sense of ProportionThe correct relation in size, degree, etc, between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole. Eg: 1. we do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue.2. we have to ask the cook for the proper proportion between oil and vinegar in the dressing.Take account ofMore? Tak


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