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1、32. 情态动词完成时1must have done 表示对已经发生的事情的推测,意 为“一定,想必”。这种结构一般只用于肯定句,其否定 形式是cant (couldnt)have done ,表示“不可能, 肯定不会”。例如 He didnt hear the phone . He must have been asleep. 他没有听到电话响,他肯定是已经睡着了。 He must have been to Shanghai. 他一定去过上海。 They cant have gone out , because the light is on . 他们不可能出去,因为灯亮着。322can(c

2、ould)have done表示对过去的时间内可 能发生的事情的猜测,can have done 一般只 用于否定句和疑问句。could have done 还可 以用于肯定句,常用来表示本来可能完成而实 际未完成的动作。例如: He can”t have finished the work so soon. 这项工作他不可能完成得这样快。 We could have walked to the station , it was so near . 我们本来是可以走到车站去的,路很近。323may(might)have done 表示对已经发生的事情 的不太肯定的推测,意为“可能已经,或许已经

3、” 。例如: If we had taken the other road , we might have arrived earlier. 如果我们选择另一条路,我们可能会到得早一些。 He might have given you more help , he was very busy . 他本来是可以给你更多帮助的,尽管他很忙。324Neednt have done 指实际上做了本来不 必要做的事,意为“本来不必”。例如: There was plenty of time . She neednt have hurried. 时间很充裕,她本不必匆忙。 You neednt have

4、told him the news. 他本来不必把这个消息告诉他。325should (ought to )have done 指本该做而实际未做 的事,意为“本来应该”。其否定式shouldnt( oughtnt)have done 则表示某种行为不该发生但却 发生了。例如: You should have started earlier , but you didnt. 你本应该早一点出发,但是你没有。 You ought to have helped him (but you didnt ). 你本应该帮助他。 We shouldnt have waited for her becaus

5、e she never came. 我们本不应该等她,因为她根本不会来。35.过去几年里我们学院发 生了很大的变化。没有被动语态的词, 表示状态或特征的及物动词如contain, cost, fit, have, lack, suit等没 有被动形式,另外,诸如happen, occur, take place, break out 等不及物动词或短语以及诸 如result from(缘于),belong to, consist of 等只用主动语态,而不用被动语态wash,smell,fell, cook, sound等动词。It washes well.It smells deliciou

6、s.36. 我不知道她为什么避免就这 个话题发表意见。avoid 避免 enjoy享受 mind介意 finish结束keep保持 imagine想象 miss错失 practice 练习 risk冒险 save保存 give up放弃 put off推迟 admit承认 appreciate欣赏 consider考虑 delay 延迟 suggest建议 insist on坚持36-2有些动词后既可跟动词不定式,又可跟动 名词。它们是: begin, start, love, like, hate, continue, intend 等。 He began to learn / learni

7、ng English three years ago. He likes swimming. But he doesnt like to swim this afternoon.36-3有些动词后既可跟动名词,又可跟动 词不定式,但意义不同。 forget, remember + to do : 表 示“忘记、记得”去做某事。还没做 。 forget, remember + doing: 表示 “忘记、记得”做过某事。已做过。 37 她古铜色的脸表明她有着 非常好的健康。1. Suggest表示“建议”时后接that从句用虚拟 语气,动词形式为(should) do; 或者接动名词; He s

8、uggests that I (should) go to Beijing tomorrow. (建议) I suggest his giving up smoking.(建议) 2. 当为“ 表明着、暗示着”解时,后接that从句 用真实语气; vt.提出(意见、计划、理论等)。 The expression on his face suggested thathe was angry. (表明) I suggested to him a visit to Beijing. (建 议)3721. insist vt.“ 坚决主张、坚决要求”,接宾语从句用 虚拟语气,动词形式为(should)

9、 do; I insist that you (should) not be absent- minded in class. (主张) 2. “坚持认为、固执己见”,接宾语从句用真实语气 ;insist on(doing sth.)坚持,坚决主张。 He insisted that he was right in doing so. (坚 持认为) He insisted on his being sent to work in Beiji ng. (坚决要求)39pick up 捡起,加速,捎带某人Can you pick me up tonight? make out 分辨出,听出It

10、was difficult to make out what he said. 很难听清楚他说的话。392give off 发出/释放(气体、气味) Boiling water gives off steams.开水散发出蒸汽。 This milk must be bad, for it is giving off a nasty smell.牛奶一定变质了,因为它散发出一种令人 恶心的气味。 393put off 推迟,延迟(delay) The sports meeting was put off because the bad weather.由于天气不好,运动会被推迟了。41carry extend bring takea



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