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1、Unit Five合理拆分 生熟联想 形成脑图 长久不忘说一千道一万,记住单词是关键!操千曲而后晓声;观千剑而后识器。bar/column chart 【近义词】 chart n.图,图表;航图,海图 vt.绘制的地图 graph n.图表,坐标图,曲线图 table n.表格;桌子 plot n.情节;阴谋 v.密谋,策划;绘图 map n.地图,图 graph 曲线图diagram示意图tablemapplot绘图 1. diagram n.图解,图表,示意图 pie chart form1.diagram (n.) 图解;示意图chart (n.) 指一些含有数字,曲线的图表,如条形图,

2、 饼形图.form (n.) 指提供信息或回答问题的表格,如申请表.table (n.) 指印有或填上数字,说明事实或资料等的 表或目录.1) The results are shown in_. 2) According to the weather_, it will be fine in the following days. 3) I was interested in the job and sent off for an application_. 4) Did you see the time _? diagram chartform tableIts like volcano

3、ready to erupt. 名词十大典型错误例析注 意 !volcano n. ulken 火山 ( volcanoes/volcanos ) 【改错】a2. volcano n. c 火山 2. volcano n.pl. volcanoes an active volcano an extinct volcano a dormant volcano-logy: “ 学/论。”volcanology-ist “学家 ”volcanologist 活火山 死火山 休眠火山火山学pianist physicist火山学家oceanology climatology3. erupt vi. (

4、火山)爆发,突然发生_n. 火山爆发 _ 突然发展成 _ 从喷出 _正在喷发、爆发 _战争,灾难的爆发 eruptionerupt into sth. erupt from in eruption break out词根记忆:-rupt 破abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁erupt v.喷出,爆发 interrupt v. 打扰,打断 corrupt a. / v. 贪污的,腐败的,使腐化,堕落 erupt into laughter/shouting/crying突然大笑/叫喊/大哭4. ash (un.灰 ) -ashes(灰烬,废墟 ruins )burn to ashes

5、烧成灰,化为乌有 cigarette ash 烟灰 1.The house was burnt down to ash. 【改错】ashes _2.Her ash were spread over the sea. ashes骨灰 _The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting.5. hurricane n. 飓风;风暴 【巧记】hurri-cane. hurry vi. 赶快; 急忙;cane 手杖, 甘蔗。 口诀:匆忙拄着手杖在 “飓风”中行走。A hurricane is a tropical storm in which winds att

6、ain speeds greater than 75 miles per hour (120 km). The term is often restricted to those storms occurring over the North Atlantic Ocean. Typhoon/cyclone:Similar storms occurring over the West Pacific Ocean and China Seas are called typhoons.Those over the Indian Ocean are called tropical cyclones (

7、旋风).Tornado: a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground 一般只指开阔”陆地上“形成的”龙卷风“,规模 一般比hurricane 小。 A storm is named when it reaches tropical storm strength with winds of 39 mph, and becomes a hurricane or typhoon

8、 when its wind speed reaches 75 mph. 75 m.p.h.storm39 m.p.hHurrican e/typhoo n6. questionnaire n. 问卷;调查表【巧记】question-naire.可联想成 :question问题,naire耐热。口诀:你耐着天气 的热去问问题 ,叫人填“问卷调查表”。 millionaire百万富翁 运用:请指出下列句中alongside的词性和意义。 The car parked alongside. Its a pleasure to work alongside such men. Alongside m

9、e was a woman in a black dress.adv在旁边 (close to the side of sth.)prep和一起(together with)prep在的旁边(beside,by the side of)7. alongside 1) prep. with “和” ; beside “在.旁边 ”沿着的边2) adv. 在旁边;沿着;靠拢着;并排地拓展: alongside of 在旁边,与并排,与相比 alongside with 与一起, 除.以外alongside prep.在.的旁边,沿着 along(动态)alongside(静态) I took a

10、walk _ the river. 我沿着 那条河散步。 She parked her car _ the road. alongalongsideWe are in need of some electrical equipments.名词十大典型错误例析注 意 !equipment作“设备”讲时,是不可数名词 。【改错】equipment_8. equipment n.U装备,设备,器材 a piece of equipment一件设备 Your education will equip you with your future life. 介词十大典型错误例析注 意 !equip sb/

11、oneself/sth with sth用装备 equip sb/sth for sth 1.为装备; 使为进行训练或做好准备 provide sb/sth with necessary things for 2.具备 have the necessary ability 【改错】for_9. equipment n.U装备,设备,器材 equip sb. for/ to do sth.使某人为做好准备 9. equipment n.U装备,设备,器材 _用装备起来./使具备 _装备着;具备 _装备精良_使某人具备做某事的条件equip sb./sth. with sth. be equipp

12、ed with be well equipped_ adj.配备好的,有装备的(过去式和过去分词)_vt. 装备; 使具备条件 equipequippedequip sb. for/ to do sth._一件设备 。a piece of equipment()根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)Your training will _ .(使你能够胜任将来的工作) (2)Please _ a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.(为自己准备)equip you for your future jobequip yourself with【单项填空】

13、 Our school library is equipped_a lot of new computers. Awith Bfor Con DaboutBefore the test all the students were asked to_ themselves with a sharp pencil and a rubber. Aequip Bfill Coccupy Dsurround解析 句意:我们学校的图书馆装备了许多新电脑。 答案 A解析 句意:考试之前学生们被要求带好削好的铅笔及橡皮。equip意为“装备, 使具备”,其他三个选项意思不符,故答案为A。 答案 A _hims

14、elf with necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence. AEquipped BEquipping CHaving equipped DBeing equipped解析 句意:具备了必要的知识和技能,那位年轻人满怀信心地去了求职市场 。equip sb with sth 给某人配备某物,句子主语the young man发出 equip这一动作,其宾语为himself,故用现在分词,排除A、D两项;另外, 此处强调equip这一动作,故选C项。 答案 CThey appointed me the president of the association. 冠词十大典型错误例析注 意 !S+appoint+n./pron.+(to be/as) n./pron. 独一无二的职位不用冠词。 appoint sb head of 任命某人当主任 【改错】 零冠词10appoint vt.任命;委派He was appointed as this job. 介词十大典型错误例析注 意 !appoint sb to the committee 委托某人为委员会成员 appoi



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