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1、学习目标1、 95%的学生能够在PPT、实物、录音 的帮助下, 听、说、认读句型Is it in your bag? 及其回答Yes, it is./No, it isnt,做到发音准确,语调自然。(主 目标)2、 90%的学生能够借助提示词和教师 创设的情景同桌合作创编新对话,做 到发音清晰准确,语调达意。点此播放教学视频Unit 4 Where is my car?B Lets talk点此播放视频点此播放音视频toy box(玩具箱)Whats in it?(里面有什么?)Guessing game点此播放教学视频Say it quickly!点此播放听力视频火眼金睛小侦探Where i

2、s my cap?老师的帽子丢了,聪明的你能像小侦探一样帮老师找到吗?Its in/ on/ under the一般疑问句:Is it in your bag? 肯定回答:Yes, it is. (是的)否定回答:No, it isnt.(不是)你的onunder(它在你的包里吗? )deskGame: Hide and seek(捉迷藏)Rules(规则):找一个孩子上台,闭上眼睛,老师把玩具藏起来,台上 的孩子睁开眼睛,问台下学生:Is it in/ on/ under/ the? 大家回 答Yes, it is.或者No, it isnt.帮助台上孩子找到玩具!Where is Mike

3、s cap?A Its in the bag.B Its in the toy box.C Its under the chair.我们的好朋友 的cap也丢了,他最终找到了吗?看卡通并回答下面的问题吧!(Watch and answer)Learning tips 看卡通时注意带着问题去看 ,并抓住问题的关键词。点此播放讲课视频Self-read time!自读对话Learning tips .自读课本41页对话一遍,划出你 不会的单词或句子,你可以问老 师,也可以问问你的小伙伴Have a good time!玩的开心!点此播放讲课视频Mum, where is my cap?No, it

4、 isnt.Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye!Is it in your bag?Is it in your toy box?Bye! Have a good time!Learning tips :在跟读时,一定要注意 模仿语音语调。注:Read through连读Rising tone 升调Falling tone 降调Learning tips :请把这些符号标注在 课本41页的对话里吧!Read it again!再读对话!Learning tips :自己大声读对话, 多读几遍,读的时 候注意语音语调。Role-play Time!角色扮演Show Time!展

5、示时间Mum, where is my _?No, it isnt.Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye!Is it _ your _?Is it _ your _?Bye! Have a good time!Complete the dialogue.(补全对话) capinbagintoy boxA: XXX, where is my_?A: No, it isnt.A: Yes, it is. Thanks, XXX.Bye!B: Is it _ your _?B: Is it _ your _?B: Bye! Have a good time!Make a new dialogue.bag, cap, desk, chair, toy box, ball, car, map, boat.In, on, underLearning tips 同桌二人合作,大胆创编新对话,做到发音清晰准确,语调自 然。Homework:自读对话两遍创编一个新对话,并和小伙伴 们说一说点此播放教学视频


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