Module7 Unit1 He can

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《Module7 Unit1 He can》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module7 Unit1 He can(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Module7 Unit1 He cant see教材内容分析:以“Dogs”为主线,讲述了狗在日常生活中是非常有用的。以及如何用can 和 cant 表达人们能做和不能做的事情。教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)使学生能正确认读单词: blind, deaf, hear, useful, firemen(2)使学生能灵活运用句型:He/She/They can/cant 以及 Can we have a dog?- No ,we cant . / Yes ,we can .2、能力目标:使学生能正确运用 can 和 cant 表达人们能做和不能做的事情。3、情感目标:使学生认识到保护动物重要性

2、。培养学生互相关心、互相帮助良好品质。教学重难点:正确运用 can 和 cant 表达人们能做和不能做的事情。教具准备:tape-recorder, word cards, CAI教学过程:StepWarm-upJ21、Greetings.2、Look and listen.T: Dogs ,Look at the screen .Ss: (看节目:猫狗大战中的一段)【设计理念: 抓住小学生爱看动画片的心理,选择猫狗大战中的一段,使学生在轻松愉悦的环境中很快地进入了学习状态,效果不错。】StepPresentation1、Lead-inT: Today well learn module7 u

3、nit 1.Its about dogs. Open your books and lets look at the pictures one by one.2、Teach “blind”T: Look at the man , he cant see. Why ?Ss:他是盲人T: Yes ,this man is blind (教师用单词卡片展示给学生)blind ,blind ,blindSs: blind ,blind ,blindT: Blind ,blind ,blind , this man is blind .Ss: Blind ,blind ,blind , this man

4、 is blind .T: Group A read it ; group B read it ; group C read it; group D read it; Class ,which group read very well ?J3Ss: Group C . Good !(为读得好的组鼓掌)T: Who helps him ?Ss: This dog helps him .【设计理念: 学生分组读,老师让学生对他们自己读的情况作出评价。打破了传统的教师一人说了算的单一的评价。能体现学生的主动性,调动学生的积极性。】3、Teach “deaf”T:Look at the girl ,w

5、hat is she doing?Ss: She is reading a book .T: She cant hear. This girl is deaf.(教师用单词卡片展示给学生)Ss: deafT: Hear, hear. hear. she cant hear.Ss: Hear, hear. hear. she cant hear.T: Deaf ,deaf ,deaf, this girl is deaf.Ss: Deaf ,deaf ,deaf, this girl is deaf.T:Boys read the chant; girls read the chant. Gir

6、ls read better than boys. Come on , BoysT:Who helps her?Ss:This dog helps her .J4【设计理念: 节奏明快的 chant 能使枯燥的机械读法变得更加有趣,更容易吸引学生。老师及时地对学生评价能激发出学生积极向上的心态。】4、Teach “ firemen”T: Look at picture 3. What can you see in picture 3 ?S1: DogS2:ManS3:FireS4:WomanT:We can see firemen(教师用单词卡片展示给学生) .T: firemenSs: fi

7、remenT: fireSs: fireT: menSs: menT: Ask some students to read it .T: The firemen cant find the people .Who help them ?Ss: dogT: The dogs help them.J5【设计理念: 按音节教授单词,注重语音教学的渗透,学生也容易掌握。】5、Teach “useful”T: Dog can help the blind man ,the deaf girland the firemen .So we can say dogs are very useful. Usef

8、ul, useful, useful, dogs are very useful.T: Useful, useful, useful, dogs are very useful.Ss: 开火车读单词 useful【设计理念: 开火车读单词,学生的参与面广,让更多的学生参与到课堂中。】Step Listen and AnswerListen again and answer the questions:1、What dose Amy say ?2、Are hot dogs made of dogs ?【设计理念: 让学生带着问题听录音,目标明确,集中学生注意力。】Step Practice1.L

9、ook and read.Tick“ T” or “F”.a.Lingling likes dogs. ( )b.Dogs are very useful. ( )c.The blind man cant hear. ( )J6d.The deaf girl cant see. ( )e.Hot dogs are dogs. ( )2.用 can 和 cant 谈论自己的能力,并用上一下短语。play football play basketball high jumpsing dance run fast【设计理念:练习设计的都是本课的重点,学生通过练习可以提高英语的实际运用能力。】Step

10、 Homework1、Make a survey: What does your friend can/cant do?2、Use “can and cant ”to make sentences.板书设计:Unit1 He cant seeThe blind man cant see.The deaf girl canhear.The firemen cant find people.Dogs are very useful.J7Module7 Unit2 They cant walk学目的和要求:1.熟练把握 walk,sit down , eat, swim 等词汇。2.懂得运用 I c

11、an do/ I cant do. 来表达自己的能力,以及能运用help.来进行表述。3.培养学生认真倾听、仔细模拟、踊跃发言、积极合作等良好的英语学习习惯。4.培养学生学习英语的爱好;培养学生的合作能力和语言交际能力。教学重点和难点: 运用进行 I can do/ I cant do.句型。教学过程:一、 Greeting.二、 Warming-up1.Sing a song:A GOOD FRIEND.(以歌曲来稳定学生情绪并为学生创设英语学习氛围。)2.DO actions and make sentences.(TPR 教学调动学生积极性。)三、 Revision1. 播放歌曲,提出今

12、天的学习任务;J82.呈现单词卡片,学生认读单词并造句。四、New teaching(一) walk,sit down, eat, swim1.Look the picture and understand the words.(在理解的基础上进行运用。)2.Theacher say and the student do actions.(师生共同活动以促进感情。)3.Game: super driver(学生一边表演动作一边读)(二) I can do/ I cant do1.(板书)I can do/ I cant do分解句子,带读并理解。2.看图片利用句型造句。Look at the

13、picture and make sentences.(直观的图片更有利于教学。)3.四人小组读并检查。Work in pairs and check.(培养学生合作意识。)4.师说两个或三个不同的句子:让学生按顺序复述。5.Do the action. (边说句子边做动作:I can do/ I cant do ) 如:swim, eat, walk,sit down.6.Play a game.听音乐传球并说句子。(在游戏中培养竞争意识。)(三) can walkhelp her.1.提出问题:我们碰到别人有困难的时候应该怎样?(在教学中渗透情感教育。)2.出示句型并理解。Show the

14、 sentences and understand.J93.认真听并重复。Listen and repeat.(及时运用听力培养学生的语感,以及留意语音语调。)4.小组方式活动,Work in groups.(及时使用评价机制,有效控制课堂。)5.用开火车的游戏来检查结果。(游戏来调节课堂气氛并调动学生积极性)6.学生表演课本剧并造句。Act out and make sentences.(培养学生合作意识及语言运用能力。)(四) Asking and answering1.T: Now, answer my question:“Can you ?”(引导学生用他们学过的短语往返答。如:jump high, play football )2.Pair work.3.用各种方式检查答案。Theacher check out the answer.(有效监控教学的实效性。)五、sing the song and do the actions。六、practic.1.listen to the tape . 2.Filling the blank.七、Homework:1.Sing the song . 2.向父母表达自己 的能力。J


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