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1、(人教版)中考题型二 词汇运用英语1词汇 是学习英语的基础,也是中考的高频考点之一。近几年来,许多省市的中考英语都非常重视考生在具体语境中运用词汇 能力的考查,词汇 部分在历年中考题中约占总分值的5%10%。2命题特点:主要考查一些高频词汇 (如名词、动词 、形容词等);考查各类词 形变化;考查六种时态 的正确运用。3考查题 型:根据句意及汉语 提示拼写单词 ,根据句意及首字母提示写出正确单词 ,用括号中所给单词 的适当形式填空;用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。4预计 2016年中考将会加大对各类词汇 的灵活运用及单词 拼写能力的考查。(一)根据汉语提示拼写单词1做此类题 目首先要正确写

2、出所给汉语 提示所对应 的英语词汇 。2若有两个以上的词汇 符合所给的汉语 意思,则要根据具体语境及固定搭配形式进行取舍。3然后从语法角度确定英语词汇 的适当形式。若填写的是名词,就要注意用名词的单数还是复数;若填写的是形容词、副词,就要注意是否需要用比较级 和最高级的形式;如果是动词 ,就要注意它们的时态 、语态 等。A(2015,新疆)1My father cant _(忍受) soap operas.2Mary is an _(外向的) girl.She always gets on well with others.3The cup is _(几乎) empty.4He doesnt

3、like crowded places,because the air isnt usually _(新鲜的)5Aunt Liu treats everyone with kindness and _(温暖)standoutgoingnearly/almostfreshwarmthB(2015,青岛)1My uncle has taught _(自己) French since the year before last.2We have nothing _(反对) running.3In the famous competition, _(获胜 者) always get very good

4、prize.4Town Cinema has the _(最差的) service in our city.5You will not make progress _(除非) you study hard.6When you visit a foreign country,it is important to know how to ask for help _(礼貌地)himselfagainstwinnersworstunlesspolitelyC(2015,宜昌)1When he grew up,he turned into an _(诚实 ) and helpful person.2I

5、ts said that the terrible weather in this _(季节) caused the ship accident.3A sweeping robot is _(确切地) what I want fo my house.4The fantastic world surely _(属于) to young people and the future.honestseasonexactlybelongsD(2015,烟台)1Could you please tell us about the four great _(发明) of China?2Hes already

6、 _(喂养) his pet dog.3My grandfather is interested in _(收集) old coins.4The dentist suggests that we should brush _(牙齿) three times a day.5After the sudden earthquake,most of us were _(醒着) all the night.inventionsfedcollectingteethawakeE(2015,苏州)1Helen _(点头) with a smile when she met me.2Becky _(明智地) d

7、ecided to tell us the truth.3Justin lay back and enjoyed the _(安宁) of the summer evening.4The bank is _(在对面) the supermarket,on the other side of the road.5Mr.Green often _(惩罚 ) his children by not letting them play games.noddedwiselypeaceoppositepunishesF(2015,安徽)1It is _(礼貌的) to offer seats to the

8、 old on the bus.2When swimming,you should put _(安全) first.3The newly opened museum is certainly _(值得) a visit.4Could you please _(借) me your dictionary?5Please accept our best _(祝愿) for your exams.politesafetyworthlendwishesG(2015,鄂州)1Each time I listen to the piece which is played on the erhu,Im _(

9、感动)2He lost his iPad last _(星期五)He was very sad.3She gets tons of _(关注) everywhere she goes.4To celebrate grandfathers _(八十岁) birthday,children are going to hold a big party.5Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _(成功)movedFridayattentioneightiethsuccess(二)根据首字母提示拼写单词 1读懂句意,确定单词 。所缺

10、的单词 一定是句中的关键词 ,一般多为名词或动词 等实词 。2瞻前顾后,确定形式。3检查 所填单词 的形式以及语法结构是否正确。A(2015,济宁)1_ is the first day of a week.2How often do you go to a concert?_a week.3Gina is _in class.She often answers questions.4Whats your favorite _besides maths,Sonia?History.SundayOnceactivesubjectpityB(2015,广州)1It is a _that the w

11、eather is so bad today.We cant go to a picnic.2You should always knock at the door before you _a room.3Close the window or the wind will _everything off my desk.4The young woman is very _She is not afraid of anything.5Wed better drink a glass of _every day.Its good for our health.enterblowbravemilkC

12、(2015,杭州)1Good morning,boys and _Lets begin our class.2Im _of snakes because I think they are dangerous.3Im going to Toms birthday _next Monday.4A rose is a _that has a good smell.5Mother _me up at 6 oclock yesterday morning and told me it was time to get up.girlsafraidpartyflowerwokehundred 6Fifty

13、and fifty is one _7The telephone was _by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876,that is,he was the first person to make the telephone.8All the students are studying at school _Tom,who is ill at home.9_bag is this?Its mine.10Dr.Naismith _the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play basketball.i

14、nventedexceptWhosedividedD(2015,孝感)1There are four seasons in a yearspring,_,autumn and winter.2Frank was _in 2000.He is fifteen this year.3Its 12:00 at noon.Its time for students to have _in the dining hall.4To keep _,youd better exercise every day and eat more fruit and vegetables.5In China,many children are taken _of by their grandparents in the village.summerbornlunchhealthycarenever6Ive _been to a water park before.Me neither.7What does John want to be


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