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1、Unit 13 英语状语从句的翻译 一、时间状语从句 (1)译成相应的表示时间的状语1. When they analyzed these rocks, they found “shocked” quartz grainsslivers with a particular arrangement of micro cracks believed to represent the relic left by an extraterrestrial impact.在分析这些岩芯时,他们发现“冲击” 石英颗粒带有特殊排列的微裂缝 的薄片,科学家认为他们是外层空间来 的物体与地球碰撞留下来的遗迹。2.

2、 As land developed,rain water and rivers dissolved salts and other substances from rocks and carried them to the oceans,making the ocean salty.在陆地形成时,雨水和河水溶解了 岩石中的盐和其他物质并把它们带 入海洋,使海水变咸。 (2)根据语境确立译法3. The story dated back to one night in March,1993,when Mr. and Mrs. Shoemakers went to an observatory

3、near San Diego, California to observe heavenly bodies till dawn.故事发生在1993年3月的一个夜晚。苏梅 克夫妇到加利福尼亚圣迭戈附近的一座 天文台去观测天体,直到黎明。4. Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna.对于放大了的信号,必须作进一步的处 理后,才能把它们馈送到发射天线上去 。二、条件状语从句可相应译成表示条件或表示假设的分句 ,例如翻译成:“如

4、果,要是”等引导的 分句。5. Sometimes this fall,if all goes well,a revolutionary new undersea vessel will be lowered gently into the waters of Monterey Bay for its maiden voyage.今年秋天,如果一切顺利的话,一只革 命性新潜艇将轻轻在蒙特利海湾下水, 进行它的第一次航行。6. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are ri

5、ch.自由社会要是不能帮助众多的穷人,也 就无法挽救少数富人。7. The amount of deformation is directly proportional to the applied stress provided the force does not exceed a certain limit.如果外力不超过某一限度的话,那么形 变量与外力成正比。 三、原因状语从句 (1)译成表示原因的分句 8. It doesnt boil,despite temperatures reaching up to400degrees C,because it is under terrif

6、ic pressure.尽管温度可高达摄氏400度,水却因为处 于高压之下而不会沸腾。(2)译成表示结果的分句9. You “jump on the bandwagon” when you decide to support a candidate because public opinion studies show he is likely to win.如果民意调查显示某个侯选人很可能会取胜 ,因此你决定支持他,你就“跳上了宣传车 ”。10. He says computer manufacturers used to be more worried about electromagne

7、tic interference,so they often put blocks of material inside to absorb stray signals.他说过去的计算机生产商往往更担心 电磁干扰,所以他们常常内置一层材 料来吸收杂散信号。 四、让步状语从句 (1)译成表示“让步”的分句。如“虽 然但是,尽管”等。11. Although humans are the most intelligent creature on earth, anything humans can do,Nature has already done better and in far,far l

8、ess space.虽然人类是地球上最聪明的生物,人能 创造一切,但大自然更富于创造性,早 已创造出比人类创造的更好更小巧的东 西。12. While industrial lasers today are most often used for cutting, welding,drilling and measuring, the lasers light can be put to a much different use: separating isotopes(同位素)to produce nuclear fuel.虽然今天的工业激光器最经常用于切割 、焊接、钻孔和测量,但激光可以用

9、于 与此迥异的用途:分离同位素以生产核燃 料。(2)译成条件句由no matter引导的从句可以译为以“不 论,不管,无论”等做关联词的条件分 句。例如:13. No matter how carefully you move your hand toward a fly,the insect will dart off almost every time.不管你多么小心翼翼地把手伸向一只苍 蝇,差不多每次它都飞走。 五、目的状语从句 (1)将表示目的的从句前置14. For example,a film can slow down the formation of crystals so t

10、hat students can study the process.例如,为了能让学生研究这一过程,电 影可以放慢演示晶体的形成过程。15. There must be device non- linearity in order that such a phenomenon could be possible.为了使这一现象有可能发生,就必须存 在器件的非线性。 (2) 表示目的的从句后置16. In addition,the cameraman must have a knowledge of composition so that the arrangement of the peop

11、le and objects in each shot will produce the desired effect.另外,摄影师必须具备合成的知识,以 便安排好每个镜头中的人和物来达到预 期的效果。经典例题 17. Since most TV “action- adventure” dramas occurs in urban settings,the fear they inspire may contribute to the current flight of the middle class from our cities.由于电视播放的大多数“动作片”、“冒 险片”以城市为背景,

12、由此引起的恐惧感 正促使中产阶级逃离城市。18. Although at first sight the legislation appears to obstruct what might otherwise be a simple process,it actually exists to facilitate the purchase,while protecting the creditors(so far as company law is concerned.)虽然乍一看,这个法律似乎妨碍本来可 能很简单的程序,但实际上这个法律的 存在却使购买变得便利,同时(就公司 法而言)也保护

13、债权人。19. While there can be no question of considering education in isolation from science,technology ,culture and information,as a social practice that may involve all the members of society in one way or another,education has its own characteristics.毫无疑问,我们可以脱离科学、技术、 文化和信息,把教育作为以某种方式涉 及社会全体成员的一种社会实践来加以 考查,但教育毕竟还有自己的特点。20. Lifts stopped working,so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs.电梯停了,因此即使你幸而没有被困在 两个楼层中间,你也得去完成一项不愉 快的任务,即摸黑往下走百级楼梯。


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