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1、掌握 NE5000E/80E/40E 产品的体系结构 掌握 NE5000E/80E/40E 的单板构成 掌握 NE5000E/80E/40E 换板操作 了解 NE5000E/80E/40E 升级操作高二英语下复习高二英语下复习 unit20一一. 单选单选 1._money were quite rich, but not _ happiness. A. In terms of; in terms ofB. In turn; in turn C. In the eyes of; in the eyes ofD. In terms of; in the eyes of 2.-Why have y

2、ou returned from Spain? Dont you get used to the life there? -Yes, I found it hard to _my ideas and feelings in Spanish. A. send B. report C. convey D. convoy 3.-What a beautiful pair of shoes they are! -But they are not _, havent you found it?. A. of a size B. same size C. as the same size D. a siz

3、e 4. We are striving to _the golden mine in this field and if successful, the whole area will become rich over a night. A. discover B. create C. unearth D. uncover 5.You _ pay too much attention to your reading skill. Its so important. A. cannot B. should C. must D. neednt 6.Every lorry should have

4、a(n) _ wheel, especially one that runs a long distance. A. free B. spareC. extraD. useful 7.Angkor Wat is a famous temple which _ the eleventh century. A. dates back toB. dated back toC. dates inD. dated in 8.The boy is lying in bed _ his left side, listening to the music. A. inB.toC.onD.at 9.China

5、is a very large country, so its _ is different depending on the area. A. skyB. weatherC. climateD. space 10.The famous actress came onto the stage with her boyfriend _ her. A. accompanying withB. accompanying C. accompanied withD. accompanied 11.The police are searching everywhere for Mr James, who

6、they think is _ to the crime. A. linkedB. concernedC. unitedD. mixed 12. 15. I know he still has some money _. So I bet he couldnt _ the robbery. A. in hand; have hands inB. in hand; have a hand in C. at hand; have the hand inD. at hand; have a hand in 13.He could make metal, and that would have bee

7、n of _ high status in _ eyes of local people. A. a; theB. the; theC./;/D./;the 14.This sofa used to _ a bed when a relative came to stay with us. A. serve asB. use forC. make intoD. stand for 15.One reason that we havent had his letter is that he _ it to our old address by mistake. A. might sendB. m

8、ay have sentC. should sendD. should have sent 16.Jack tends _ angry when people oppose to his plans.A. gettingB. to gettingC. getD. to get 17.Can you _ me a few minutes on the planning of the English speech contest?A. share B. spend C. save D. spare 18. Just after putting the baby onto bed, Mrs. Whi

9、te suddenly caught sight of the pet cat and didnt know how long it _ on the table _ for the family dinner.A. had been laying; lying B. had been lying; laid C. had been laid; laid D. had lain; laying 19.It was not until dark _ he found _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A. that; wh

10、atB. that; thatC. when; whatD. when; that 20.Do you like _ here?Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice.A. this B. these C. that D. it 21.We sat on the dry grass _ our backs to the wall, chatting cheerfully. A. withB. overC. againstD. upon 22.In 2002 archaeologists in E

11、ngland found a grave of a man _ from around 2 300 B.C. A. datedB. datingC. dateD. having dated 23.These stones, each _ as much as four tons, came from the Alps Mountains. A. weighedB. weighsC. to weighD. weighing 24.Just as sound travels through the air in waves, electricity travels through the air

12、in _ radio waves. A. what is calledB. which is called C. what it calledD. which it is called 25.The car was slow, and the road was icy. It was already evening _ we finally got to the village. A. thatB. whenC. untilD. in which 26.It is not yet known how these huge stones were conveyed _ a distance of

13、 380 kilometres 3 000 years ago. A. atB. forC. overD. in 27.He hung about the entrance all day,_ a chance to speak to the director. A. hopingB. hoping toC. hoping ofD. hoping for 28. The old man made _ clear that he would retire soon.A. that B. this C. it D. them 29.The house rent is expensive. Ive

14、got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here.A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much 30._ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It 31.I hate _ when people talk with their m

15、ouths full. A. it B. that C. these D. them 32. Mother sent the food on the table and told the children to_. A. dig inB. dig forC. dig outD. dig up 33. After the long-distance race, the woman athletes legs almost_.A. gave off B. gave out C. gave up D. gave in 34. Three _ boxes of eggs as well as ten pieces of _ were bought from the shop. A. dozens of, clothes B. dozen, clothing C. dozens of , clothing D. dozen, cloths35. It is time for us to get used to the fact _ a disabled


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