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1、1. Medical treatment failed and the old man went off last night. 那位老人因医治无效于昨晚去世了。 2. Mr. Zhou breathed his last early this morning. 周老先生今天早晨去世了。3. After three months medical treatment, he was called to God in his bed last Sunday. 治疗三个月后,他于上周日病逝了。 4. The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102. 那

2、位老人去世了,终年102岁。 5. I still dont get it. Susan committing suicide. I mean, I know it sounds callous, but I dont care how bad things are. Once you have a kid, you dont get to just. check out. 我还是不明白苏珊自杀了。虽然这听起来很冷血,但是我想说的是,一旦你有了 孩子,那不管情况有多糟,你都不能就这么就死了。 6. My poor old aunt was in bed with cancer for six

3、months before she finally gave up the ghost. 我那可怜的姑姑得了癌症,在床上躺了半年后去世了。 7. Their cat snuffed it last Friday. 他家的猫上周五死了。 8. It grieved him to learn that three more of his comrades had gone for a burton. 知道又有三位战友阵亡了,他感到很难过。 9. He lived to a great age before he finally went the way of all flesh. 他离世时已到高龄。 10. Many soldiers made the supreme sacrifice during the war. 许多士兵在战争中牺牲。 11. He is numbered among the dead. 他已名列鬼籍。12. I hope to see my grandchildren in Australia before I turn up my toes. 我希望在我翘辫子之前去澳大利亚看看我的孙子。 13. He went to his last home this morning. 他今天早上去世了。


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