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1、120182018 学年度第二学期高一年级第二学段教学质量检测英语试卷学年度第二学期高一年级第二学段教学质量检测英语试卷注意:本试卷共注意:本试卷共 8 8 页,满分页,满分 100100 分,时间分,时间 9090 分钟分钟第第 I I 卷卷 (共(共 5050 分)分)第一部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (共 20 小题,满分 40 分)A AOn Saturday morning, every boy in town was happy, except Tom sawyer

2、. Toms aunt said he had to paint the fence. It was thirty yards long and three yards high! Tom painted a small corner, and then he sat down under a tree to have a rest.Soon the boy who were free would come along and make fun of him. Just then, he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went

3、 back to work.Ben Rogers came along the road. He sang happily, with an apple in one hand.“Im going swimming,” said Ben. “Do you want to come? Oh, but you have to work, dont you?” “Work?” he said. “I dont think that this is work. Its fun. Does a boy get a chance like this every day?”Ben thought about

4、 this. Tom went on painting. Ben was watching Toms every move. He was getting more and more interested.After awhile, he said, “Tom, will you let me do some painting?”Tom said, “No, Ben, I cant. You see, Aunt Polly wants itit to be done properly. Im the only one that can do it right.”“Oh, please, Tom

5、,” begged Ben. “Ill be really careful. Ill give you half of my apple. Ill give you all of it!”“Well, all right, Ben,” said Tom. “But you must be careful.”He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat 2down again under the tree, and started to eat Bens apple.All day, boys

6、passed by and wanted to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy Fisher began to paint. He gave Tom a kite which he liked. Then Johnny Miller gave him twelve marbles, and so on.That afternoon, Tom got many toys, and the fence gained three coats of paint. Aunt Polly was so pleased when she saw the painted fe

7、nce that she gave him a large cake!1. How did Tom feel when he began to paint the fence?A. He felt funny.B. He felt curious.C. He felt unhappy.D. He felt energetic.2. Toms wonderful idea was to _.A. Prevent other boys from doing his workB. fool other boys into doing his workC. persuade other boys to

8、 work with himD. offer apples to get help from other boys3. Tom got a kite from _.A. Ben Rogers B. Billy Fisher C. Johnny Miller D. Aunt Polly4. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. the apple B. Toms every move C. Bens request D. the fenceB BMrs. Williams has been in a small street in Lond

9、on for ten years, and now she had a new neighbour from Manchester. Her name was Mrs. Briggs, and she talked a lot about her expensive Italian furniture, her beautiful Persian carpets and her new kitchen.“Do you know,” she said to Mrs. Williams one day, “Ive got a new dishwasher. It washes the plates

10、 and glasses and knives and forks beautifully.”“Oh?” Mrs. Williams answered. “And does it dry them and put them in the 3cupboard, too?”Mrs. Briggs was surprised. “Well,” she answered, “the things in the machine are dry after an hour, but it doesnt put them away, of course.”“Ive had a dishwasher for

11、twelve years,” Mrs. Williams said.“Oh?” Mrs. Briggs answered, “And does yours put the things in the cupboard when it has washed them?”She burst into laughter. “Yes, he does,” Mrs. Williams answered. “He dries the dishes and puts them away.”5. We can know that _.A. Mrs. Williams wants to buy somethin

12、g from Mrs. BriggsB. Mrs. Williams works together with Mrs. BriggsC. Mrs. Williams is the mother of Mrs. Briggs D. Mrs. Williams lives next to Mrs. Briggs 6. Why was Mrs. Briggs surprised?A. Because her dishwasher can do its work so beautifully.B. Because her dishwasher cant put dishes in the cupboa

13、rd.C. Because she has never heard of such a dishwasher before.D. Because she has the same dishwasher as one of Mrs. Williams.7. Mrs. Briggs used to live _.A. London B. Manchester C. Italy D. Persia8. Mrs. Williams dishwasher is _ in fact.A. herself B. a new-designed machine C. Mr. Williams D. an old

14、- style dishwasherC COnce upon a time, there was a beautiful bird, which had always wondering what Hell(地狱) was. When she was little, her mother always told her that if she didnt get the hang of the flying skills, she would go to Hell. She was so puzzled that she always asked others what Hell looked

15、 like, but no one was sure, because none of them had ever been there. Some said Hell was a place full of water, and others told her that Hell was full of burning fire. However, the 4bird knew they were lying. She wanted to find out what Hell was.When other birds were learning flying skills, she alwa

16、ys hid herself and watched them. She thought in this way she could go to Hell and see what Hell looked like. However, she spent so little time learning flying skills that one day she was caught by a little boy. The little boy gave her to his grandpa in the countryside as a gift. The old man liked her very much. He made a beautiful cage(笼子) and put her in it. The bird was very worried because she thought she couldnt find out what Hell was lik



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