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1、 1. If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby.2. The street was blocked by a fallen tree.3. I think the scientific advances mentioned in your article are fantastic.Read the sentences and try to pay attentionto the highlighted wordsI would have a baby who is clonedThe street was blocked by a tr

2、eewhich had fallen.I think the scientific advances which arementioned in your article are fantastic.Conclusion: 1.过去分词做定语位于被修饰名词之前; 过去分词短语做定语位于被修饰名词之后.2.及物动词的过去分词作定语与被修饰名词 之间的关系为被动关系.如句1,句3.3.不及物动词的过去分词做定语表示动作的 完成如句.Fill in the blanks with proper form of each verb 1.Most of the artists _(invite) to

3、theparty were from South Africa. 2. The Olympic Games, first _(play)in 776 BC. did not include women players until 1912. 3.The _(retire) scientist shared hisexperience with us. 4. America is a _(develop) country. 5.The meeting_(hold) yesterday was about how to deal with pollution invitedplayedretire

4、ddevelopedheldRead the sentences and try to pay attentionto the highlighted words 1.The girl lay (in bed) lost in thought. 2.The boy sat (at the table) buried in hishomework.状态动词如sit, stand, remain, lie, leave 等 后接ved表两个动作同时发生且ved与主 语有动宾关系The cake was left _(untouch)on the table. She lay _(trap) und

5、er the buliding.untouchedtrappedRead the sentences and try to pay attentionto the highlighted words As he knows very little English, he finds it difficult to make himself understood. I had my hair cut yesterday. After the robbery, they found the frontwindows broken. conclusion过去分词做宾语补足语表示(1)与宾语的逻 辑动

6、宾关系.如句1, 句2 . (2)ved 作为形容词 表示宾语的状态如句1.He was very happy to see his mother_(take ) good care of at home. 2.I found the city greatly _ (change). 3.He was made _(know )all overthe country by his novel. 4.The thief was seen _(catch) bythe policeman. 5.I saw him _(seat) behind the tree, thinking.Fill in

7、the blanks with the proper form of each verbtaken changedknowncaughtseatedRead the sentences and try to pay attentionto the highlighted words 1.My grandfather was delighted to hear I passed my exams. 2. Edison became interested in science when he was very young. 3. The little boy was very excited wh

8、en he heard that he could go to the party.Excited,interested, delighted, surprised disappointed 等ed形容词位于系动词之 后做表语主要结构有:1.Be+ ved+ to do2.be+ved +at/with/by/in3.be+ved+whenI am surprised to meet you here.Dad was disappointed at my study.We are all excited when we reached the top of the mountain.Answe

9、rs to Part A(1)Disappointed (2)puzzled (3)excited (4)Thrilled (5)interested (6)boredAnswers to Part B2.The problems created by cloning will soon be clear. 3.We dont want beasts produced by scientists to replace us one day. 4.The technology used is amazing. 5.The only thing needed is a cell from your

10、old pet.Read the sentences and try to pay attentionto the highlighted words 1.She left the restaurant, disappointed.2.Given more time, I could do it better.3. Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him4.Found in the forest, the lost boy was already exhausted.If I was given more time

11、, IBecause he was lost in thought, heWhen he was found in the forest, the boy1.过去分词与句子的主语之间有逻辑动宾关 系,或表示主语的状态过去分词做状语可以位于主句之前也 可以位于主句之后过去分词作状语表示伴随状况,时间, 条件, 原因等Fill in the blanks with the proper form of eachverb 1.After a whole days heavy work, the oldworker returned home, hungry and _(exhaust). 2._(d

12、ress) in a fur coat, she entered the shop the next morning. 3._(give ) another chance, Ill doit much better. 4._ (lose)in the fog, we were forced tospend two hours in the woods.exhausted DressedGivenLostRead the sentences and try to pay attentionto the highlighted words I noticed an amazing differen

13、ce.Some people find it exciting that they could make copies of themselves in the future.I was surprised to learn that they had copied a human cell.The boy was more frightened than hurt.1. V-ing 形容词表示事物的特征V-ed 形容词表示人的情感 Multiple choice People have always been_ (interested/interesting) in finding out

14、about world records. Hugh Beave went to interview the two brothers and found their knowledge_ (amazed/amazing).interestedamazingAfter being told several times, Mr Smith stillfelt_ (puzzled/ puzzling) and didnot know what to do. The film “Pearl Harbor” is really _ (excited/exciting). His response to

15、the question was quite _ (disappointed/disappointing).puzzledexcitingdisappointingAnswers to part A 2. Encouraged by her teachers, Suzie did well at school. 3.Inspired by his grandfather, the child wrote more poems. 4.Bored by the game, the dog will not playany more.Answers to part B (1)tired (2)burnt (2)(3) bored (4)disappointing


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